Four Seasons/FP-AG 910611 ST FORM ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of an extension of a final plat f~ the Four Seasons Addition, located at the southeast cromer of Thweatt Road and Royal Lane, at the request of Pacheco Koch Engin- eers f~r a period of six months. SUBMITTED BY: ~ EVALUATION OF ITEM: OTHER'REP.: DATE: Date of Planning & Zoning Meeting: November 8, 1990 Decision of Planning & Zoning Commission: Approved (6-0-1) Date of City Council Meeting: December 11, 1990 Decision of City Council: Approval (4-Z) Consent Agenda The applicant is seeking approval of a six month extension of their final plat, because the owner is unable to execute the plat. If approved, the extension will allow the owner to file the plat prior to December 11, 1991. BUDGET AMT. AMT +/- BUDGET COMMENTS: N/A DATE c/./'~, .... .,~ / ,", FINANCIAL REVIEW BY '~ LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQUEST FORM R~VISF-D 1/91 REVIEWED BY CM: FROM PRCHECO KOCH coIqSLILT ENGS PACHECO KOCH Consulting Engineers, Inc. TO P. 02 / Ma), 31, PK No: 1.030-90.039~ Ms. Taryon Bowen city of copper 255 Parkway Blvd Coppcll, Tcxa~ 75019 Re: Four Seasons Site, CoppeU, Texas Dear Ms. Bowen: At the request of the owner of the referenced project, we re~pectfidly request that the City grant a request to extend 'the approval of the Final Plat of the site for a period of six months. As we discussed, the approval of the Final Plat for the site, which was approved by Council on Dcc~mber 12, 1991, is scheduled to expir~ on June 12, 1991. In addition, we request that this item be placed on the June 11, 1991 City Council agenda for consideration. If you have any questions regarding this matter, plea.se do not h~itate to call me. (~//~Jr.,P.. am~ A. Koch, ' ~E.~'' JAK/~ cc: Mr. Tom Cook, Bradford Companies ~441.)I LBJ l~r~way · Sail~ 250 · Dallas, Tex~ 75243 TI'-IT~I P. K) PARK Councilman Robertson reported that the Park Board had not met for lack of a quorum. L) RECYCLING COMMITTEE There was no report at this time. M) SCHOOL There was no report at this time. N) YMCA Councilman Robertson reported that the YMCA is still looking for potential property to open up a center. He reported that the YMCA has $36,700 in hand. 0) TASK FORCE FOR LANDOWNERS Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon reported that the task force with the land owners and the Coppell Chamber of Commerce has been meeting. Another meeting is scheduled for June 12, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. at 1st Coppell Bank. P) MOTOR ASSIST COMMITTEE Councilman Morton reported that the Motor Assist Committee of the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition had met during the course of the past week. It is expected that they will be seeking interlocal agreements between the cities for funding of an instant management program to help clear accidents and have safety patrols on selected freeways in the Dallas area. It is expected that this will come forward during the latter part of July. CONSENT AGENDA Item 21 A To consider an ordinance for Case #S-1052, to change the zoning designation from (SF-12) Single Family-12, to (SF-12-SUP) Single- Family-12 Special Use Permit, for the operation of a day care facility, on a parcel of land located at 420 S. Heartz Road and authorizing the Mayor to sign. B Consider approval of an ordinance formally adopting the Mid-Year-Budget and authorizing the Mayor to sign. C Consideration and approval of an extension of a final plat for the Four Seasons Addition, located at the southeast comer of Thweatt Road and Royal Lane, at the request of Pacheco Koch Engineers for a period of six months. Council requested that item 21 B be considered separately. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to approve Items 21 A (Ordinance 297-A-91) and 21 C. Councilman Weaver seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 21 B Consider approval of an ordinance formally adopting the Mid-Year-Budget and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilman Weaver asked if the $125,000 budgeted for the Fire Department overtime is in the approved budget and if this figure is for the second half of the year or the full year. It was stated that this amount is for the full year. He asked for clarification of the memo from Deputy