Four Seasons/PP-AG 900918~c~~.~_ AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18. 1990 ITEM.NUMBER _~ ~ ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of a preliminary plat f~ Foer Seasons Addition, looted at the southeast co~ner of Thweatt Road (Sa~d~e) and~~e~ ~t the request of Mr. J~mes Koch. SuBMI'I'FED BY: ~,. ~ c~,,.,,,.,~ '~' STAFF REP.: Gary L. Sieb, Pl~,,,,,i,,E Dir~ctca- OTHER REP.: __ V U ' DATE: Date of Plnnn!ng & ZoninE Commission Meeting: September 13, 1990 Decision of PlnnninE & ZcminE Commission: Please see attached staff report fc~ further details. APP, OVED .? ¢O CIL BUDGET AMT. AMT +/- BUDGET COMMENTS: AMT. ESTIMATED FINANCIAL REVIEW BY LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA I~QUEST FORM 5/90 REVIEWED BY CM: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FOUR SEASONS ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: September 13, 1990 C. C. HEARING DATE: September 18, 1990 LOCATION: Southeast corner of Thweatt Road (Sandy Lake) and Royal Lane. SIZE OF AREA: 13.701 Acres REQUEST: Approval of a preliminary plat for Four Seasons Addition. APPLICANT: Mr. James Koch, P.E. Pacheco Koch Engineers 1012 Park Central VII 12750 Merit Drive Dallas, Texas 75152 (214) 450-4141 HISTORY: No recent subdivision activity on the subject tract. TRANSPORTATION: Both Thweatt (Sandy Lake) Road and Royal Lane are projected to be major six-lane divided thoroughfares contained within a 100 to 110 foot right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: The area surrounding this parcel on all sides vacant. The surrounding zoning is (LI). is currently COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan indicates that this property should be utilized for commercial/industrial uses. ANALYSIS: This 13.7 acre parcel is proposed to be developed for industrial useage (the user is an automobile air conditioner builder/rebuilder) in two phases. The first phase is planned to contain approximately 152,000 square feet of manufacturing area and will be located on the southern portion of the tract. Phase 2 will consist of an ITEM 12 additional 138,000 square feet of space, and will be added to the northern end of the building when expansion is required. At initial construction and build-out, this facility will comply with all (LI) zoning and platting requirements. Staff would recommend approval of this plat subject to a 50' turn radius cul-de-sac replacing the hammerhead turn at the end of the southern driveway, inclusion of utility signature block, signature space for the endorsement of the floodplain administrator, utility easements as required by TU Electric, and all other municipal requirements. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the preliminary plat 2) Deny the preliminary plat ATTAC}{MENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat 2) Site Plan (2) 3) Bradford Companies Memo 4SEASSTF N 00' 10' 34° W ROYAL LANE 15.701 ACRES (5~6.s2o so F'T) PRELIMINARY PLAT FOUR .~ASO~S ADDIII08 ROYAL LAN E f. oe~:o~o~~o ~ .... .~. I~]~_,_,_,_l] ~,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,.,,.~,,, t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ ~ I,,,,,,,,,,.~_...t.__ .................................... -..  1-Fl-I-lTil I1-1~'[I I-l~f3 1 [1111111 lJ.l I I I I 1 [_[ I'.i I l-I 1-tll . ................. ~.r) o~ uc~ I IIlllllll-I'l"l ....... :':'_::.__,'ii' r- PHASE 1 PHASE 2 ii SITE PLAN ' I r'"~arch/fecf~'--"--~J REVISIONS AREA ANALYSIS 15.7 ACRES (DROSS) 15.29ACRES (NET) 579.082 S.F, BUILDING AREA PHASE 2 157.578 S.Ir, TOTAL 289,478 S.F. F,A.R. PHASE 2 = .4999 BRADFORD~'' COMPANIES FOUR SEASONS DIVISION ~ANI}AI~ M(YfOR PRODUL~S. INC. SITE PLAN I:" J!101 ROYAL LAN E l~l[lllltllJIIIIlllllllllltllllltt)Illil, lltl[ll]llIlllllllllllliu t---~----T- ..... ..x~._._.~_ ................ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ sHauE Tree apProve~ var~et~ :: ::~[ [~ NOTE: z,,' "-~ 1 ,~o,~.~,o~,~,o-~ ~_-:.-_-_-_-.-_-_-::_-:_::-:-_-_-~w_-:_-~ ..... " 'xl "'~"~' -'~--~ - ' ~. ......................................................... L_7.~'. SITE PLAN 10'20' 4(3' 80' 120' I-'--Tarc/~ifecfs~ REVISIONS AREA ANALYSIS LAND 13.7 ACRES (GROSS) 15.2gACRES (NET) 579,082 S.F. BUILDING AREA PHASE I 151.900 PHASE 2 157,578 S.F. TOTAL 289.478 F.A.R. PHASE 2 = BRADFORD® COMPANIES iJERRY BROOKS FOUR SEASONS DIVISION ~"rAI~DARD MOTOR pRODUCTS, INC. LANDSCAPE PLAN I:'qlL-:o l INTEROFFICE MEMO BRADFORD COMPANIES Date: AUGUST 1T, 1990 From: SUBASH l~L GA.ITO~E Subject: MEETING WITH COPPELL CITY OFFICIALS STANDARD MOTOR PRODUCTS, INC. - FOUl{ SEASONS DMSION PRESENT AT THE MEETING WERE: City of Coppell: Alan Ratliff - City Manager Steve Goram - Director of Public Works Gary Sieb - Director of Planning Dale Jackson - Chief Building Official Jerry Smith - Horn Enterprises Gordon Foster - Foster & Rudd Jim Koch - Pacheco Koch Subash Gattonde - Bradford Companies The meeting was held at the City offices to discuss this project and the platting process in particular. It was confirmed that the preliminary plat will be submitted by Pacheco Koch on 8/22/90, and with all due process the final plat will be approved on or before 12/11/90. The plat will be signed by the existing owner. Bradford will submit the plat through the civil engineer along with the filing fee of $105. J Steve Goram mentioned that the City of Coppell has implemented new impact fees for water and sewer for this new development. These fees will be calculated and given to us for payment prior to the final plat approval Ail other fees are to be paid as per my previous correspondence. The City confirmed that the Sandy Lake Road improvement assessment will be charged at the rate of $210/1.f. (approxfmately) for the full length of 591 linear feet, which amounts to approximately $125,000. We discussed the possibility of ~ssu~ng a Letter of Credit for this amount in lieu of cash. However, we were told that according to current practice, the owner will have to pay cash in the form of an escrow. Gordon Foster is going to pursue this matter with the City Manager to confirm it. Memo to Files August 17, 1990 Page Two (2) Open Ditch Along North Property Line at Sandy Lake Road: We discussed the possibility of leaving the open ditch in it's present condition until Sandy Lake Road is improved. In the final discussion, Steve Goram indicated that since the ditch is situated partially in the City R.O.W., and partially on private property, he would be receptive to recommending to the City Council for only half of the expenditure for the underground pipe. In other words, the land seller may have to escrow only about $100,000 in lieu of $200,000 as previously thought. Steve Goram will confirm this in writing by 8/28/90, after he has a chance to review the preliminary plat. Gary Steb confirmed that we will have to dedicate only 30' R.O.W. from' our property for future Sandy Lake Road improvements, although there is a high voltage power line immediately north of existing Sandy Lake Road. Gary Steb confirmed that we cannot build or construct in the 30' building set back line. Dale Jackson will review the site plan and call Jim Koch to discuss the fire lane and the fire hydrant locations. We left two sets of site plans and two surveys with the City for their review. SMS:kes CC: All those present Stanley Davidow - Standard Motor Products, Inc. Gary D. Pickens - Bradford Companies Tom Cook - Bradford Companies