Fountain Pk P2/PP-DR 980326 (5)05×2?×98 11:53 CITY OF COPPELL a CITY OF COPPELL N0.190 Q06 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Cc~M~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LEISLIRE SER VICES CO-~~~ ~i~,:, '-"' ITEM: Foun~inParkprel,m,na~plat ( ~27~ i~?~ i DRC DA~: Ma~h 26, 1998 and A~I 2, 1~8 ~ CO~A~: Brad Reid, Park Plannin~ and Landscape ManaS~ COMMENT STATUS: _~PRELIMINARY FINAL REVI~ED AFTER P~Z No Comments Should there be any questions by committee members or representatives of the proposed development regarding these comments, please feel free to contact Brad Reid at 304 -3561.