Fountain Pk P2/PP-CS 981020 MEMORANDUM TO: Larry Davis FROM: Pert Virtanen J~ SUBJECT: Trees at Fountain Park Phase Two DATE: October 20, 1998 Tim House asked me what the consequence would be of taking down the txvo trees at the front property lines of Lots 5 and 6. This was my answer: "The current zoning ordinance requires replacement of trees removed from the yard area of a lot. The tree on Lot 5 is a 15" oak, while the tree on Lot 6 is a 24" hackberry. Therefore, they would have to be replaced with 13 trees 3" in caliper." As far as I am concerned, these 13 trees can be in the front yards of any of the 8 lots of the subdivision. If there is a mechanism for escrowing funds so that planting the trees can be delayed until after the houses are built, that might be the most practical thing to do. I am not sure what will happen if the tree ordinance is changed. The proposal before Council will remove hackberry trees from protection. Therefore, if that provision passes, I should think that the number of replacement trees required for Fountain Park Phase II may be reduced to 5. cc: Greg Jones