Four Seasons/PP-CS 900822PACHECO KOCH
Consulting Engineers
AUgUSt: 22, 1990
PKNo: 1030-90.039
Mr. Gary Sieb
City of Coppell
255Parkway Blvd
CC~pell, Texas 75019
Re: Four Seasons Site, CC~pell, Texas
Dear Mr. Sieb:
We are sending you attached, via hand delivery, the following prints:
15 b~ag, 90
6 A~g, 90
15 Aug, 90
15 Aug, 90
4 Aug, 90
6 Aug, 90
1 -
1 -
Site Plan
Landscape Plan
Topographic Survey
Preliminary Plat
Grading and Drainage Plan
Water and Sewer Plan
Preliminary Plat Application
Check in the amount of $104.00 for Plat fee
These items are transmitted for review and c~m~nt.
If the enclosures are not as noted, or if you have any questicr~ regarding this
matter, please do not hesitate to call me.
Mr. ~3__h~mh Gaitonde, Bradford C~es, w/eric.
Mr. Jeff Kelley, WSI Architect, Inc., w/eric.
1012 Park Central VII / 12750 Merit Drive / Dallas, Texas 75251 / (214) 450-4141