Fountain Pk P1/FP-CS 930519 DATE: Ma,), 19, ,1993 1. Subdivision Name ~ounta.~n Park. Add%~ion 2. Pr~liminary Plat FINAL PLAT XX REPLAT 3, Applic~t ~atthew. a_ Southwest .cio M~. Tim..House Addre~ 5220_Spring Valley Roa~.,. Suit. e. 500 DallaS, Tx.~"75240 Street City State Zip Phone g~.2.14).. 934-01~3 Kadleck & Associates 4. Firm Preparing Plat 53t6 A1;h~ Rog.~. Su~_te 5~_.Dallas, Tx. 75240 Street City State Zip Phone ~. (?1~) 302-07~1 5. Property ~ner ~e~ ~d~e.. Join~ Venture ~o Tim i Street City ~tate Zip Phone ~. .(.914) 9_34-0123 6. Developer_ ~8m~ as Own.sr Address Phone ~ 7, All Corr~Sp0nO~nce r~lative to this application mhould be directed to ~hom: Name.. L..Lynn ~adleq~ Addr~s~36 A~p.ha Rd,, .~utte 5 City, ~ate, Zip ~]]as, T~xa.~ 752~0 Phone ~ .... (2{~) 7G2-0771 8. 0enerul Locfltion of Property Ho.r~h side o~ Sandy Lake Road,. be~veen Ha~..Ar~~.~d.. and H~ado~g~eu 9, Nhet iS ~he present Zo~in~ District? ~~~ Ar~ you r~qu~sting " any zoning chan~e? N~ Ii ye~, what is t~e Case File ~_ Zoning district 'R,quested~ i0, Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use No. of nots or Units Acres (for ea. use) Single F~ily .... ~0 8.3074 aG. . Duplez .. Industrial .. Public Street R/W TOTAL;