Fountain Pk P2/FP-AG 980512 AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 12, 1998 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Fountain Park, Phase Two Addition, Lots 1-8, Block D, Final Plat (Secondary Plat), to allow the development of 8 residential lots on approximately 3 acres of property located along the west side of Cascade Way. APPROVED BY CoLINCIL -----'"-' DATE. TITLE: Dire(~tor~ or' l~lanning and Community Services STAFF RECOMMENDS: APPROVAL STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: April 16, 1998 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, Stewart, Kittrell, Lowry, McCaffrey, Turner and DeFilippo voting in favor. None opposed. Approval subject to the following recommended conditions: 1) The Homeowners Association Agreement be approved by the City Attorney prior to the plat being filed with Dallas County. 2) A Right-of-Way use agreement be furnished for City Attorney review and receive City Council approval. 3) Preserve thc following trees: a) Lot 1, Block D: 36" Oak tree; b) Lot ~, Block D: 30" Pecan trcc; c) Lot $, Block D: 30" Sycamore tree; d) Common Arca: 15" Pecan tree, and 36" Hackbcrry trcc (CONDITION MET) 4) The proposed rock retaining wall across the front of the lots needs to be located outside of the Right-of-V~'ay, or a Right-of-Way Use Agreement must be approved by City Council. The ownership and maintenance of the wall would be the responsibility of the Homeowner's Agreement. 5) Park Development fees of $1,285 per dwelling unit are required. 6) Thc Mexican Plum tree sho~vn on thc Landscape Plan must bca 3" caliper tree at thc time of planting. (CONDITION MET) DIR. INITIALS: ~~ FIN. REVIE~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: /~ Agenda Request Form J/Revised 3198 Document Name: ~'fntpk2.fp CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: FOUNTAIN PARK, PHASE TWO ADDITION, LOTS 1-8, BLOCK D, FINAL PLAT (SECONDARY PLAT) P & Z HEARING DATE: April 16, 1998 C.C. HEARING DATE: May 12, 1998 LOCATION: Along the north side of Sandy Lake Road and along the west side of Cascade Way. SIZE OF AREA: Approximately 3 acres (8 residential lots). CURRENT ZONING: SF-9 (Single Family-9). REQUEST: Final (Secondary) Plat approval. APPLICANT: Developer: Engineer: Tim House Kadleck & Associates c/o Matthews Southwest 5336 Alpha Road, Suite 5 1660 Stemmons Freeway, Ste. 280 Dallas, TX 75240 Lewisville, TX 75067 (972) 702-0771 (972) 221-1199 HISTORY: No platting history. TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake Road is a two-lane asphalt road within a variable-width right-of-way, shown on the thoroughfare plan as a C4D four-lane divided collector street to be built within a ll0'-wide right-of-way. Cascade Way is a residential street contained in 60 feet of right-of- way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Waterside Estates, No. 1 residential subdivision; "SF-9" Single Family-9 South - Woodridge Section Five residential subdivision; "PD-145" Planned Development, Residential East - Fountain Park residential subdivision; "PD-SF-7" Planned Development, Single Family-7 West - Meadows, Section Two residential subdivision, "SF-9" Single Family-9 Item # 10 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for residential medium density use. DISCUSSION: As this is a secondary plat, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may consider this plat after it takes action on the preliminary plat. To be considered as a secondary plat, the plat had to meet the following criteria: a) A plat of an area of 5 acres or less; b) A plat containing 10 or fewer lots; c) Will not cause major relocation or alteration of existing utilities d) Does not require engineering plans or studies; e) Is bounded on all sides by legally dedicated streets, alleys or other dedicated land or railroad right-of-way; f) Does not involve re-subdividing of a portion of a residential subdivision where lots have been sold; g) Meets unanimous Development Review Committee support; h) Does not require dedication of significant easements. Staff requests that the Homeowners Association agreement be approved by the City Attorney prior to the plat being filed with Dallas County. Also, a right-of-way use agreement be furnished for City Attorney review and receive City Council approval. Staff requests that the following trees be preserved: Lot 1, Block D: 36" Oak tree; Lot 4, Block D: 30" Pecan tree; Lot 8, Block D: 30" Sycamore tree; Common Area: 15" Pecan tree and 36" Hackberry tree. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends approval of the final plat subject to the following conditions being met: 1) The Homeowners Association Agreement be approved by the City Attorney prior to the plat being filed with Dallas County. 2) A right-of-way use agreement be furnished for City Attorney review and receive City Council approval. 3) Preserve the following trees: a) Lot 1, Block D: 36" Oak tree; b) Lot 4, Block D: 30" Pecan tree; c) Lot 8, Block D: 30" Sycamore tree; d) Common Area: 15" Pecan tree, and 36" Hackberry tree 4) The proposed rock retaining wall across the front of the lots needs to be located outside of the right-of-way, or a Right-of-Way Use Agreement must be approved by City Council. The ownership and maintenance of the wall would be the responsibility of the Homeowner's Agreement. (see Engineering comments) Item # 10 5) Park Development fees of $1,285 per dwelling unit are required. (See Leisure Services comments) 6) The Mexican Plum tree shown on the Landscape Plan must be a 3" caliper tree at the time of planting. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final Plat 2) Departmental Comments Item # 10 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Fountain Park. Phase Two addition. Lots 1-7. Block D. Final Plat (Secondary Plat.), to allow the development of 7 residential lots on approximately 3 acres of property, located along the west side of Cascade l/Fay, at the request of Kadleck and Associates. DRCDATE: March 26, 1998 andApril 2. 1998 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (304-3679) REVISED AFTER P&Z 1. The proposed rock retaining wall across the front of the lots needs to be located outside of the right- of-way, or a Right-of-Way Use Agreement must be approved by City Council. The ownership and maintenance of the wall would be the responsibility of the Homeowner's Association. 972 304 3547 DEVT~LOPMENT REVIEW COMMFITEE LEIS[IRE SF. R VICE$ COMMENTS ITEM: Fountain Park final plat DRC DAT~: March 26, 1998 and Apr~! 2, 1998 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Land~ca~ Manag~ ~ P~L~~ Y ~~ ~~Z Park Development fees of $1,285 per dwelling unit are required. Should there be any questions by commit~e memb~ or representatives of the proposed development regarding these comments, please feel free to contact Brad Reid at 304 -3561. DRC398g