Fountain Pk P2/FP-CS 980316Std~divisi,n Application ;: ' .... City of Coppell l'mliminary Plat Planniug Depamnent ~:~.1~':/~' ~~/ Final Plat .. _~..~.._ 255 P~kway Blvd. , :~~at (4 io~ or less on existing sffeet) Coppell, TX 75'219 ~ Rcplat Phone: (972)3~.3678 ....... A~-.~nding Plat Fax: (972) 3~-3570 M~or A~nding Plat (4 lois or less) Note: Applicaffons are ~ttpted for submittal pHor to the filing ~t. ~he fding ~e sh~! be ~a~ly 29 days p~or to the ~e of the Pi~ning ~d ~ttlng Co~sion ~ffeting at which thc applit~ion~ will b~ cottsideretf. Filing Date: ~arch ~ 6. ~998 Name of Applicant: Matthews southwest Address:_~.~.~O S~emmQns F=eeway.,~O ~. 2~0 ....... Lewisvi~e~ Texas 75067 Tclci)honc Number: ..9 72- 22 ~ - ~ 1 99 1:~ Number: 9~.2- Firm Preparing Plat: Kadl ~ck_~..A~.~ a~o~ ......... Address: 5336 A~pha ~ad( Suite 5 ........ Da~as, Texas 75240 Telephone Number: 972-702-077~ Fax Number:~72-702-9B32 .... All Correspo~ence rel~ive to this application shouM be directed to: Name: Mr ~im g~e~ ~]O ~fl~F~P~g ~Oll~h~~g~ ............ ~660 SEemmons Freeway, Suite 280 Address: ......... Telephone Number: 972-22~ -~ ~ 99 Fax Numbet:~gv ~-~.~ Nmne o[Su~ivision: Founkain Park ~[~wo ............. General Location of Property: 9o0 & 904 Sandy T,ake Road Present Zoning: . SF-9 Proposed Subdivision Contains: · o~nm~e Retail ...... Mobile Home ........... h.'I~plain ........ Office - - .... Owner's Signatul'e: