Forest Cove/PP,FP-DR 970130 (5) 01×~0×97 08:58 010 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMENTS ITE~t~ Forest Cove Estates, Preliminary Plat ORC- T~ATIr.: January 30, 1997 and February 6, 1997 ~ONTACT: R.D. SLAYTON, SUPERINTENDENT OF LEISURE SERVICES 972/304.3554 IrAX 972/30,1-3547 'COMMP-.I~ ~TATUS: ' ' INITIAL Developer should be aware that this property will be impacted by the City of Coppell Park Dedication Fee ordinance. The ordinance requires the developer's participation with a $1285 foe per dwelling unit. Developer should also be aware that the frontage property alon§ Sandy Lake Road falls within the City of Coppell Hike/Bike Oreenwalk Trail system. The developer will be requested to participate by providing a twenty foot wide easvmvnt with subsequent construction of a twelve foot wide Hike/Bike trail along Sandy Lake Road.