Forest Cove/PP,FP-CS 970214FEB-14-199? 16:11 CITY OF COPPELL P.01 i F~bruary 14, 1997 TO: Gary $ieb, Director of Platmlng FROM: Travis Crump, Acting Fire Marsh~ ~ SUB.CT: Forest Cove Estates After careful review, it has been dctemined that l~fore the Coppell Fire Department can support this subdivision, Newport Drive must b~ fled into Forest Ridge. Since both Forest Cove and Devonshire addition~ share alleyways, it is imperative that the Firo Department have access through both subdivisions. In addition, there is a very good chanc~ that fires, gas leaks, etc. will be c. aLed in for Forest Cove Estates when in actuality the site is in Devonshire, resulting in a ~veral minute delay in response which as you know can be the difference between life ~ death. The fie in of Newport would necessitate the rembval of Lot 12, Block E and a poss~le shifting of Lot 13. Block E to the west. ff you have any questions, please contact me at ~xtension 3503. [ TOTAL P.01