Forest Cove/PP,FP-CS 961016David B. Littell 436 Halifax Drive Coppell, Texas 75019 October 16, 1996 City of Coppell Planning Department 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 Gentlemen, I am writing in reference to a proposal you will soon receive (or may have already received) from the Devonshire Homeowner's Association. This proposal requests that the City abandon a short segment of Newport Drive in the Devonshire subdivision (the segment that runs North from Hali- fax Drive to the alley). The proposal offers to develop a "pocket park" in place of the abandoned Newport extension. I would like to express my extreme opposition to this proposal. Being one of the homeowners that would be most affected by this plan, I feel it necessary to indi- cate to you the unacceptability of the entire concept. The current development plans for the "pocket park" in conjunction with the requirement that alley access also be provided create a situ- ation which would require me to "donate" a portion of my property to the cause. While the majority of the homeowners in Devonshire may not have a problem with this, I do. Furthermore, when I selected the lot on which my house was built, I specifically chose the lot because of its location at a comer. I am convinced that the current development plans for the "pocket park" will negatively impact the value of my home as there is simply not enough land available to properly support a park. Lastly, abandonment of the Newport segment will effectively render Devonshire a single-entry subdivision. My understanding is that this is in conflict with the normal subdivision development guidelines of the City. Therefore, I am requesting that the proposal for abandonment of the Newport segment be summarily denied. If you wish to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me at (214) 654-5241 (day) or 471- 2145 (evening). Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter. dbl DEVONSHIRE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING OCTOBER 23. 1996 MINUTES (a). The meeting was called to order by Brian Wolff. President of the Board of Directors. (b). After sign in of Homeowners and certification of proxies a quorum was established. (c). The first item of business was Election of Directors. The president gave a brief introduction of the positions that were open to the Board. A motion was proposed that the Board would reassign titles to the Directors after each annual meeting. By' unanimous vote a motion was passed stipulating that at the Devonshire Homeowners Annual Meeting Directors titles will change but the term of office will remain the one or two year term. Brian Wolff recognized Tom Sorce as a volunteer to the Board of Directors to fill the vacant position of Mr. Panjwani as Treasurer. Mr. Sorce is the ideal Director to fill the Treasurer position as he has an extensive background in the banking industry. Tom Sorce gave a brief introduction of his ideals for Devonshire and voiced his appreciation to the Directors of the past for their tremendous efforts. The - message he delivered was that Devonshire needs more participation by' the homeowners. By acclamation the Ownership elected the lblloxving Directors to the Board: Harold Lee 129 Windham Steve Owen 440 Halithx Gatlin Sisk 141 Windham Tom Sorce 153 \\.'indham Brian Wolff 149 Windham (d). Amendment to Declaration of Covenants. Conditions and Restrictions. (Attached with Ballot vote.) (d). Abandonment Status. Brian Wolff gave a brief status report on the abandonment project. Two major pitfalls of the project remain: I. Corner lot Owner wants his property to remain as is. 2. The City of Coppell will not guarantee they will abandon the alley. Options: Meet with City Engineer regarding other options. (e). A vote was taken regarding the abandonment issue to drop abandonment (7 votes) or proceed (9 votes). The Board will proceed. (f). Entrance lighting. A motion was passed unanimously to add lighting at south side entrance and median at price not to exceed $2.000.00. Speed Bumps.'speed limit signs for alleyways. The Ho,.neowner Association directed the Board to inquire with the CiD' as to speed bump policy and/or children at play signs in alleyways. Newsletter Committee Block Captains Christmas Card Committees Safe House Erosion to entrance brick wall. Brian Wolffwill meet with City' Engineer on a number of pertinent issues and will ask when the City' might grass over areas badly eroding. (1). Chuck Sturgess briefly discussed park improvements in the neighborhood. He suggested that the Association might contact the City' to meet and participate with the City of Coppell. Airline Issue - Board of Directors will write a letter regarding airline issues and include a number lbr the Homeowners to call and participate. (g). Adjournment. Devonmltix-e l omeowner On Tuesday March 11th thc city council of Coppell will be presented recommendations from thc Planning and Zoning commission regarding the property directly to our north. The meeting begins at 6:30pm and will likely last late into thc night as the development is #22 on the agenda. Your board of directors received a briefing from thc developer. The developer was very sensitive to our situation and was aware of the actions taken to date to have Newport Drive convened to an Alley / Greenbelt. Tom Sorce (Treasurer) was present at the planning and zoning commission meeting which received the original plat presented by the Developer. The original plat did not show Newport connecting to Forest Ridge. It is my understanding that P&Z would not make recommendation to City Council if these two roads were not directly connected. As a result we need your support to ensure that our elected officials understand that the proposal attached is in the best interest of all parties involved. .I,'~, Devonshire Prooosal 2. Insert Alley between Lots 15 and 14 Insert Alley between 19 and 18 (option~ 4. Devonshire would then proceed with actions to convert the Newport stub to an Alley with Trees conforming to the directives of the Devonshire Homeowners Association meeting. Benefits /. This alternate plat would still meet fire and police department concerns muti-access. The emergency' vehicles would enter Sandy Lake at Forest Bend. Then Access Devonshire via the alley connecting at Newport. The alley is capable of handling emergency vehicle~ (We ha~e had one entr~ access for FIVE ($) years and experienced ~ fire during this ~me). 2. This proposed plat would address the primary concerns of the 102 voting homeowners of this community. Reducing the amount of drive-through traffic within the community. We feel that this will aid in the reduction of crime by individuals that simply drive through our community looking for opportunities of open garage doors and items left in yards as well as burglaries. 3. The City and Devonshire would gain a tree lined Green Belt. This area could be used for our annual picnics and similar social events. (The funds for this project were set aside as direct by vote at the general meeting and survey / plat already completed) 4. This modified plat would also provide better use of the topology by the builder. If the alternate 2~d alley stub was permitted between lot 19 and 18 the distance for the residents of the new community would not experience the inconvenience that our residents of our community have had traveling 14 lots distance to gain access to the road. This should reduce the number of residents parking their cars in front of their homes in both communities. Homeowner Actions Please attend the city council meeting on Tuesday March 11th at Coppell City Council Chambers. The meeting will starter 6:30pm. Thank you for your support. President Devonshire Homeowners Association