Forest Cove/PP,FP-CS 970122I. Sub~lvtsion ~ame Fon_~.t Cove Estates ~.,',,' JAN 3. Kppllcant WODTO, Inc. kd~zeem 1660 S._ St~ns~' Ste:'~.~ Lewisv'il~e' .. T~ '"' 75061 Street ~i t~ ~tate Phone t (972) 921-1199 Carter & Burgess, Inc. 4. rJre Preparing Plat 7qR~ Flmhrno~ nr , ~t~. ~O.._Da. Uas TX ~4~ Btreet C~ty State Phone ~) 6~-0145 5. Pro~zty ~er S~ .~..ADDl~cant Address $tree~" City 8tats Zip Ph~e I .......... 6. ~e~oper.. S~ as Applicant .... S~re~ ' Cit~ Ota~e Ph~ ~ All Correspondence telettra to tb~s a~licatton sh~]d ~ dt~ted to whom: Carter & Burgess, Inc. a~e Attn:. Terry Mitchell ~d~e~m... 7950 Elm~pok Dr., S~ite 250 Ctty. grate, Zi~ ~alla% .Texa~ 7~47 P~ne I (?)~.~38-0145 ~. O~etaI ~cetl~ of P~o~arty ~proximately 2~0' West of Denton Tap Road alonq ~andv Lake Road. At. IntersectiQn of ~Jn~ l akp Rq)d .(~outh Side) and Whi~pering Hills. nriw. (_&stW Side} 9. ~at ~ the present Zontng Dtst~lCt7 SF ~ A~e )o~ re,eating any zoning c~ngel _ No It ~a, whet ia tho Came File ~ _. Zoning district ~e~ted~ 10. Proposed 8u~lvialou Contain8~ banO Use No. of bots o~ Units Acres (EoF ea. use) $1nqle Family ~ 76.65 Industrial e~liC gtroet R~ Parks. Ppblic .... 214 393 0948 01-16-95 10:54AM PO03 Ore, Texas. N.A. 028848 ~-~ Car~er ;, Burgess Coqsu~tan.,.s :n ..E~g'.reer:ng. Ar.3q'tec%-e P!eqmng and :re E:%,iro.qme:~t 5A_INiUi~RY 21, 19 97 7950 Elmbroo,<. Sd,re 250 Dallas. Texas 75247 N O. PAY ***452*** DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS S ***452.00*** C&rte' & B;.'gess. CASH " 0032718--"' RECEIPT Date ._~.~ . 7 -z_ ~997 Received From 0L~,.~L,~ ~. ~D ~,,.. ~, ~~ ~o,,a..,~'~. ~ ~couN~ ~CE