Cambridge P2/FP-CS 971022~ent]emel~: Let this serve as our formal notice ofottr continuing problem in Phase II of the Estates of Cnmbrid8e Manor. The slmllow lot depth of 108 feet with a 30-hot front building line leaves the smallest r~ y~rd area we have ev~' tried to design, build, ~nd sell custom homes for. The tree preservation wells that the city is requiring with a l~-foot diameter further impact the architectural solution of these home sites in a negative fashion. Please remember we requested a front building line variance last year to make these home sites more functional md increase the propensity tbr rear yard tree preservation. We currently have a home designed originally for Lot 3 Block A of Phase II prior to your implementation of the tree wells. With the tree wells now in place driveway access to this home is virtually impossible. We sub~quently moved the home to Lot 3 Block B only to find a larse 1 8 inch dis. meter tree within the foundation area at the south east comer of the home site. Secondly the contiguous neighbor to the e~at would probably have expressed concern for the 1 8 inch tree nnd its survival We then decided to reloc.41te this functional family design again to Lot 4 Block B of Phase I1 with as little impact on the home ~ite as possible. This would make the third home site this design has Mare moved to in the effort to s~v¢ trees, However, ~th this third home site there will be some tree removal to make room for the foundation. Please let us reiterate our desire to preserve trees whenever possible as exhibited on th~ r~ar retaining walls of Lots 2 and 3 of Block F. and Lot 1 0 of Block B in Pha~e I, The unusual dimensions of these lots, the 2O-foo! rear building line and the tree well designs make th~ hom¢ ait~ und~ir~ble to say the least, and ultimately the home buyer reception is unknown at this time. We will continue our goal of designing the highest quality homes at fair prices but such constrninta nmk© custom home buildin~ in our market extremely difficult_ Respeatfully Yours, Joseph Haydoey Conm~unity Manal~or Br~ntwood Build,rs, Inc.