Fairway Drive/PP-AG 880412 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. Monday - 8 Days Preceding City Council M, eetin~-"I ' Rev.: Effective 1/20/88 ?--'---x AGENDA REQUEST FORM '~j' ~ FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: ~ay 10, 198~' ~ .0~ : · ~ /~ ~ / /' ~ ~, ~ '~ ~ " ~.e, ~d appro.~ to .acate the ~o~1~ filed plat with the D~ Co~t~ Plat De~ment, lo- cated ~uth of Ri.ercha~e ~.e ~d n~th of ~lt~e Road with~ the Riv~ch~e De.elo~ment, at the ~ouest of T~a C~ate Jolt Vent~. III. ACTION RECOMMENDED : Date of Plannin~ & Zonin~ Meetin?: A~ril Zl, 1988 Docision of PlanniRl~ & ZoniR~ Commission: Al~l~roved (4-Z) A: STAFF'--- - Tam/on Bowmun"-P/&- ~. Coorai-ator IV. REP. IN ATTENDANCE B: 0 ..- ' V. NOTIFICATION TO : IVlr. Mike Daniel Nathan Maier Enmineers METHOD OF CONTACT : Letter DATE : A~ril 29. 1988 vi. FINANCIAL REVIEW : i. BUDGETED ITEM : NrA YES NO 2. BUDGET AMOUNT : 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR THIS ITEM : 4. AMOUNT OVER OR UN~ER Bb~GET : 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMEndED : YES NO SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS : (Series or year authorized) : OPERATING BUDGET (Account Number) : OTHER : APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER : ITEM Nb~BER __ ~ ~ AGENDA REOUEST FORM DY. EY.O ! SUPPORT DOCUNEXTATiOY FOR AGE?TDA ITEM * DATE RECEIVED * * TIME * * To be completed bv City Manager Dept.* SUPPORT DOCL>~ENTATION SUBMITTED AMOUNT PER/SET NO. OF PAGES DATE SUBMITTED ME~.IOR~YDI%!S ........................ LETTERS ............................ REPORTS ............................ BILLS .............................. BID ................................ CONTRACT/AGREEMENT ................. MINUTES ............................ ORDINANCE ......................... RESOLUTION ......................... PROCLAMATION ....................... ~PS ............................... ZONING PLANS ....................... PRELIMINARY PLATS .................. ¥iNAL PLATS ........................ SITE PLANS ......................... LANDSCAPE PLANS .................... ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS ........... OTHER .............................. REVIEWED BY (If applicable~ SIGNATURE DATE REVIEWED CITY ATTORNEY ..................... : FINANCE DIRECTOR .................. : OTHER ............................. : SUBMITTED BY SIGNATURE DATE SUBMITTED DEPARTMENT ........................ : DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ............... : ~ ~2 /- APPROVED BY SIGNATURE DATE APPROVED CITY MANAGER ...................... : DENIED BY SIGNATURE CITY MANAGER ...................... : Additional documentation required Need for further discussion ~ Submitted after deadline At the request of ,~/. . ., ,½' .'~-~,__: ~ The City With A Beaotlfu, Future 214- 462- 0022 ,'~----~" ~--'"' CITY OF COPPELL / '~/ ~ ,-' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT k ~' ~-' STAFF REPORT Date: April Z1, 1988 TARYON BOk~AN, PLANNING & ZONI.~;G COORDINATOR RE: Case .".~: Fairway Drive - Final Plat Resubmittal LOCATION: Fairway Drive in the Riverchase Development. REQUEST: Final Plat with variance approval, and also to vacate the plat pre- viousl¥ filed with the Dallas County Records. APPLICANT: Terra Corporate Joint Venture c/o Mike Daniel Nathan Maier Consulting Engineers GE.YERAL DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting approval of a resubmittal of the final plat, a variance for a temporary cul-de-sac, and to vacate the previously filed _DJ at. STAFF RECOb~IENDATION: Staff recommends approval. All DRC comments have been addressed. STF.REPORT/FOF>! PZAGX2 Minutes of April 12, 1988 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular c~l~&d sessi~ on Tuesday, April 12, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell Town Center. The following members were present: Lou Duggan, Mayor Dan Stanton, Mayor Pro Tem Dean Wilkerson, Councilman Walter Pettijohn, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Bill Smothermon, Councilman Mark Wolfe, Councilman Councilman Jim Cowman was not present. Also present were City Manager Alan D. Ratliff, City Attorney Larry Jackson and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman Wilkerson gave the invocation. Eollowing the invocation Mayor Duggan led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item l: Consider approval of minutes - March 22, 198g Councilman >~orton moved that the minutes of March 22, 1988 be approved as submitted. Councilman Smothermon seconded; motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Councilmen W~!kerson, Pettijobn, Morton, Smothermon, and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion. >~YOR'S REPORT Item 2: Mayor's Report Mayor Duggan reported on tbe following items: A. Thanks were extended to those Council members who participated and assisted in the Mayor's dinner from the Coppe!] Buck Auction. B. The recent Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by Minvards was termed a success. The Mayor asked the City Manager to extend thanks to those staff members who helped coordinate this event. C. Councilman Wolfe requested that because of confusion of precincts and polling places that the news media assist in informing citizens of the proper places to vote for the various elections. Item 3: CITIZEN'S APPEARANCES - Consider citizens who wish to speak before the City Council. Dr. Melvin Gross, 152 Cottonwood, was recognized by the Mayor and discussed the recent approval received bv Coppell High School which adjoins the rear of his property. His concern centered on the fact that approval was given for the installation of a chain link fence with the school maintaining as many trees as possible adjacent to the chain link fence. Mavor Duggan requested the staff, through a memorandum, refresh the Council's memory on the resuirements on this particular plat approval. Councilman !,'olfe seconded; motion carried 5-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Councilmen Wilkerson, Morton, Smothermon and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion and Councilman Pettijohn voting against the motion. PLATTING Item ]2: To consider approval of a preliminary plat for the Century Park Addition, located west of Denton Yap Road and north of Denton Creek. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: March 17, 1988 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission: Approved (5-0) Planning and Zoning Coordinator %aryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. Following discussion on this item Councilman Morton moved that this item be denied subject to it being put back on the agenda when it has been refiled with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Pro Yem Stanton seconded; motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion. Item 13: To consider approval of a preliminary plat for Fairway Drive, located on Fairway Drive (south of Riverchase Drive and north of Beltline Read) at the request of Nathan Maier Engineers; and to vacate the prevfouslv filed final plat. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: Xarch 17, 1988 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission: Approved ¢5-0) Planning and Zoning Coordinator Tarvon Bowman made the presentation to the Council, on behalf of the City, with Mr. Mike Daniel, representing the applicant, made the presentation to the Council. Following discussion on this item Mavor Pro Tem Stanton moved that the request to vacate the previously filed plat and to approve the current preliminary plat as presented be approved. Councilman Wolfe seconded; motion carried 4-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Councilmen Wi!kerson, Pettijohn and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Morton and Smothermon voting against the motion. Item 14: To consider approval of a preliminary plat and variances for Channel Pointe Addition located at the southwest corner of MacArthur ~oulevard and Parkway Boulevard at the request of P.R. Engineering. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: Yarch 17, ]988 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission: Approved (5-0) Planning and Zoning Coordinator Taryon Bowman, on behalf of the City, and Mr. Don Peebles, on behalf of the applicant, made the presentation to the Council. Following discussion on this item Councilman Smothermon moved that the preliminary plat and variances for the exclusion of alleyways for the exterior lots and the front yard and rear yard setbacks being changed to fifteen feet (15'~ be approved. Councilman ~a o~ Pro %em Pettijohn seconded; motion carried unanimously with ~ v ~ Stanton, Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion. Item ]5: To consider approval of a preliminary plat for the Riverchase Clubhouse Addition located on the east side of Riverchase Drive at the request of Yathan Maier Engineering and a requested variance to the Standard Construction Details, SD-!6 and SD-18. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: April 7, 198~ Dec~sion of Planning and Zoning Commission: Approved plat and denied variance with attached conditions (4-!) · City ' Council Minutes May 10, 1988 Page 4 located at 120 Denton Tap Road, Suite A90D, at the request of Pizza Inn. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: April 21, 1988 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission: Approved (6-0) Planning and Zoning Coordinator Taryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. The applicant was not present to present this item. Mayor Duggan opened the public hearing and asked for those persons who wished to speak in favor of proposed change. There were none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed change. Again, there were none. Mayor Duggan declared the public hearing closed. Following further discussion Councilman Morton moved to deny the approval of a Special Use Permit, Case ~S-1032, to allow the modification of a restaurant located at 120 Denton Tap Road, Suite 490D, at the request of Pizza Inn without prejudice, because the applicant was not present. Councilman Wolfe seconded the motion; motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Co~an, Wolfe and Xelson voting in favor of the motion and Councilman Pettijohn voting against the motion. PLATTING Item 10: To consider approval of a resubmittal for final plat of the St. Ann's Catholic Church Addition located approximately 600 feet from the northeast corner of Sandy take Road and Samuel Boulevard. Pate of Planning and Zoning Meeting: April 21, 1.988 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission: Approved (6-0) Planning and Zoning Coordinator Tarvon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. Father Broderick, Jay Turner, and David Snerbush were also present to discuss this item on behalf of the applicant. Following discussion of this item Father Broderick, representing St. Ann's Catholic Church requested that this item be withdra~m. Council requested no additional fees be paid by the applicant. Item 1i: To consider approval of a final plat and variances for Fairway Drive and approval to vacate the previously filed plat with the Dallas County Plat Department located south of Riverchase Drive and north of Beltline Road within the Riverchase Development at the request of Terra Corporate Joint Venture. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: April 21, 1988 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission: Approved (5-2) Planning and Zoning Coordinator Taryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. Nathan >[eier was also present and addressed the Council. Following discussion on this item Mavor Pro Tem Wilkerson moved to approve the final plat and variances for Fairway Drive and to vacate the previously approved and filed plat with the Dallas County Plat Department located south of Riverchase Drive and north of Beltline Road within the Riverchase Development at the request of Terra Corporate Joint Venture. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with ~avor Pro Yem Wilkerson, Councilmen Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. ' City' Council Minutes May lO, 1988 Page 5 OTHER BUSINESS item 12: Discussion and consideration of approval of a decrease in the amount of hours library is open to the public as approved by the Library Board of Trustees. Judi Biggerstaff, Library Director made the presentation to the Council. John Hill, Library Board Chairman was also present to address the Council. Ms. Biggerstaff stated that the Library hours were extended to fiftv-one~ ~l).J hours per week in !98~ to satisfy, public demand. She further stated because of budget constraints the Library was requesting a cutback in the number of hours the Library would remain open to the public. Following discussion Mayor Duggan commended John Hill, Library Board Chairman and the Library Board for their efforts. Council requested Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager to look into providing additional staff in order to maintain the present Library hours. Councilman Smothermon moved to table the request for a decrease in the amount of hours Library is open to the public as approved by the Library Board of Trustees to the City Council meeting of May 24, 1988 pending further study by City staff. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cow~an, Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 13: Discussion and consideration of approval of a Resolution of the City of Coppell approving a policy for the operation of the Library Meeting Room and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Judi Biggerstaff, Library Director made the presentation to the Council. John Hill, Library Board Chairman was also present to address the Council. Following discussion Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson moved to approve Resolution 051088.! approving a policy for the operation of the Library Meeting Room and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Council Wolfe seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Co~an, Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. CONSENT AGENDA Item IAA: Consideration and approval of setting the amount of bond requirements for municipal officers and employees per Section 3.16 of the Home Rule Charter. Item 14B: Approval of reimbursing the City Manager for moving expenses as outlined in letter dated February 10, 1987. Item 14C: Discussion and consideration of approval of a Resolution of the City of Coppell approving an agreement between the City of CoppelI and Dallas County for m~scellaneous street maintenance and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilman Morton moved to approved items 14A, 14B, and 14C Resolution 051098.2 as stipulated above. Councilman Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the public) Item 15A: Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83 1. Discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client.