Freeport-4.2/PP-AG 990914 AGENDA REQUEST FORM ~~~'~iTEETING: September14,1999 ITEM# Z.6' ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Freeport North, Lot 1, Block A. Site Plan, to allow the development of a 115,950 square foot office/warehouse facility on approximately 9.5 acres of property located approximately 560' south of Creekview Drive; along the west side of Royal Lane. APPROVED SUBMITTE B~: GaryL. Sieb ~x~ CITYCOUNCIL TITLES~ Director of Planni-ffand Community Services D~/~j' E ~-[4g ' ~ STAFF COMMENTS: gO/~r~',~ ~ .' · Date of P&Z Meeting: August 19, 1999 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, Lowry, McCaffrey, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1) A replat document is submitted for the next development rcvicw cycle. (CONDITION MET) ~__~ Provide a cut out in the landscaped parking area to allow cars to maneuver within the two future parking spaces. (CONDITION PARTIALLY MET. IT IS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN BUT NOT ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN) 3) Providc a minimum of 150 sf of landscape area on thc planting islands adjacent to thc western elevation of thc building and provide a tree in each island. Also, indicatc on the Site Plan trecs in the dashed parking islands. (CONDITION MET) 4) Rectify thc discrepancy of thc total square footagc of non vdaicular open spacc shown on the landscape tabulations. (CONDITION MET) Q Compliance with Department comments, as Leisure Services follows: a) The total caliper inch of trees removed requiting mitigation is 212 inches. The landscape provided will create a credit of 106" for the new trees added to the site. This will reduce the number of caliper inches requiring mitigation to 106 inches. The total reparation for the loss of trees is $100 x 106 inches, or $10,600. b) Provide an executed Tree Removal Permit prior to removing trees from the site. 6) Compliancc with Engineering Department comments, as follo~vs: Thc utility easements for the water vaults must bc 20' x 20'. (CONDITION ME Staff recommends/al!~ro,~val of this request. ~_~( MANAGER REVIEW: DIR. INITIALS: (~_~, FIN. REVIEWc)~ CITY Agenda Request Form1~ '-~Revised 2/99 Document Name: ~FREEPTN CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Freeport North, Lot 1, Block A, Site Plan Review P & Z HEARING DATE: August 19, 1999 C.C. HEARING DATE: September 14, 1999 LOCATION: Approximately 560' south of Creekview Drive; along the west side of Royal Lane. SIZE OF AREA: 9.5 acres of property; 115,950 sf office/warehouse facili~' CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial). REQUEST: Preliminary Plat and Site Plan approval. APPLICANT: Owner: Engineer: Weeks Realty,, L.P. Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers 5495 Beltline Road 9401 LBJ Freeway, Suite 300 Suite 360 Dallas, TX 75243 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 235-3031 (972) 687-0006 FAX: (972) 235-9544 FAX: (972) 687-007 HISTORY: The property has been zoned industrial for more than 25 years. The property was platted in 1984. TRANSPORTATION: Royal Lane is a C4D/6 four-lane divided collector built to standard in a 100'-wqde fight-of-way capable of accommodating a 6-lane divided thoroughfare. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- vacant; "LI" Light Industrial South - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial East - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial West - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial Item # 17 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the proper~, as suitable for light industrial and showroom uses. DISCUSSION: This 9.5 acre tract of land is the first parcel of property of the 51 acres of land that Duke-Weeks Corporation will be developing along the west side of Royal Lane. A 115,950 sf office/warehouse facility is being proposed on this site with a track court adjacent to the western elevation of the building, as well as 420 parking spaces initially and an additional 200 parking spaces in the future. Approximately 65% of the interior space will be devoted to office space and the remaining 35% of the space will be used for warehousing. The facility is designed in such a way that the building could be converted into a purely office structure. In researching this property, staff realized that the properS' had been platted back in 1984. Therefore, the plat document can not be processed as a preliminary plat, it must be resubmitted as a replat. Unfortunately, a replat requires a public hearing, as well as publication of a notice of public hearing in the local newspaper. The site plan review' process may proceed forward but the replat document will have to be submitted for consideration at the next development review cycle. Generally, the submitted site plan conforms to city code. The only item that staff would need some clarification on the notation indicating 2 future parking spaces at the southeast comer of the proposed parking lot. Staff requests that the 2 spaces be dashed in on the plan, as well as the corresponding planting islands. The two future parking spaces must also be shown on the landscaping plan. Staff questions the necessity of having the two future parking spaces especially when the applicant is providing 126 parking spaces over what is required by city code. Another concern of staff is the awkward layout of the southeast comer of the parking layout. The protruding planting island may limit the visibility and maneuverability of the parking spaces along the southern property line. Perhaps the planting island should be provided once the future drive is developed. Initially, furnish an oversized landscape buffer to act as your planting island. Staff has some concern with regards to the planting islands adjacent to the western elevation of the facility. The planting islands contain staircases. The zoning ordinance requires planting islands be a minimum of 150 sf of landscaped area and eve~ planting island must contain a tree. Staff is concerned that the applicant is not providing 150 sf of landscaped area and there are no trees in those planting islands. Also, there is a discrepancy shown on the landscape tabulations with regards to the total non-vehicular open space provided. One of the tabulations indicates the total provided mount of non-vehicular open space is 45,455 sf while on another table the amount is showm to be 23,619 sf. What is troublesome to staff is that the 23,619 sf amount which is almost half of what is required. Item # 17 The building elevations indicate a painted tilt wall structure in white and light gray tones with gray tinted glass, very comparable to the existing facilities in the Freeport North Industrial Park. Staff requests that the applicant specify the dimensions and the colors of the tile, reveal and logo shox~xt on the monument sign elevations. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the following conditions being met: 1) A replat document is submitted for the next development review cycle. 2) Modify the parking layout and the landscape plan to address staff concerns with regards to the 2 future parking spaces shown at the southeast comer of the site, as well as the protruding landscape island. 3) Provide a minimum of 150 sf of landscape area on the planting islands adjacent to the western elevation of the building and provide a tree in each island. 4) Rectify the discrepancy of the total square footage of non-vehicular open space shown on the landscape tabulations. 5) Compliance with Leisure Services Department comments. 6) Compliance with Engineering Department comments. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Site Plan 2) Building Elevations (A-3.0 - A-3.1) 3) Preliminary Plat 4) Tree Survey 5) Conceptual Storm Sewer Plan 6) Conceptual Utility Plan 7) Conceptual Grading Plan 8) Landscape Plan (LS. 2- LS. 3) 9) Departmental Comments Item # 17 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEISURE SERVICES COMMENTS ITEM: Freeport North, Lot 1, Block A, Preliminand Plat aud Siteplan DRC DATE: July 29, 1999 and August 5, 1999 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Laudscape Manager COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY FINAL ,/ REVISED AFTER P&Z The tree survey shows that develotnuent is r~noving 2~2" of trees from tile site. Develolnnent is preserving 0" of trees, allowiug no preservation credit. The total caliper inch of trees removed requiring mitigation is 212 inches. TIE landscape provided will create a credit of 106"for the new trees added to the site. This will reduce tile number of caliper inches requiring mitigation to 106 inches. The Tree Preservation Ordinance allows for the payment of 5.100 per caliper inch to the Coppell Reforestation and Natural Areas Fund in reparation for the loss of these trees. Please provide an executed Tree Removal Permit prior to removing trees from the site. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Freeport North, Lot 1, Block A, Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review, to allow the development of a 115,950 square foot office/warehouse facility on approximately 9.5 acres of property located approximately 560' south of Creekview Drive and along the west side of Royal Lane, at the request of Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers. DRC DA TE: July 29, 1999 and August 5, 1999 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679) COMMENT STA TUS.. PRELIMINARY FINAL ,,'"REVISED AFTER ?&Z No comments.