Freeport-4.2/PP-CS 990825 MEMORANDUM HARDY McCULLAHTMLM ARCHITECTS, 1NC. · To: Paul Brown. Duke Weeks Corporation ;....-.. I. · Project: Freeport Building V · Re: Plarming and Zoning Commission -- ..: = .~ .. · From: Ky[e McCullah · Date: August 25, 1999 Isabelle Moro Steve Markusson I.inda Tychcr · Dis~ibution: .,:m Koch Hardy McCullah file , At a meeting on August 19,1999 the City staff indicated that approval would be recommended if the following conditions were met: 1. A replat docume, nt is submitted for the next development review cycle. Answer: Pacheco Koch will resubmit next development cycl~ 2. Modify the parking layout and the landscape plan to address staff concerns with regards to the 2 future parking spaces shown at the southeast comer of the site, as well as the protruding landscape island. Answer: The 2 future parking spaces will be added when Tech Center C is built or similar product. · Isabelle Moro asked for a turn-out for the lastparking space~ 3. Provide a minimum of 150 sr. of landscape area on the planting islands adjacent to the western elevation of the b.uilding and provide a tree in each island. Answer: The 150 sf. of landscape islands need to be redesigned to meet truck and car spaces for every 15 spaces: · I called Isabelle 31oro August 23, 1999 at 4:00P3~, she told me that truck and trailer parking is now included in this requirement. This was not required in the past. · I said we will do what is required, but I have concerns with tree and sprinkler heads getting damaged when the trucks back up to the docks. This is required even if it is 100% all dock area and no parking. 4. Rectify the discrepancy of the total square footage of non-vehicular open space · 12221 _Merit Drive shown on the landscape tabulations. .. Suite 280 Dallas, 'IX 75251 Phone: 972-385-1900 Answer: Linda Tycher has the correct chart for the City requirement~ Please Fax: 972-385-1937 hardyll~airmail.net see the attached letter. · Fort Worth Office Metro: 817-577-1270 F V&'P DOC S.99\WE E K~2299Og~M E M Om RO'¢. -hq 8.25 M Freeport Building V Planning and Zoning August 25, ! 999 Page 2 5. Compliance with Leisure Services Department comments. Answer: Tree presemation that we can only get half credit bacl~; which is 106 inches = $I0,600fine~ · We have shown to replace all of 212 inches shown on area plan. · During my phone call to lsabelle on August 23, 1999 she said to call Brad Reed to talk about full credit bad,: · Linda l),cher will follow up on this. 6_ Compliance with Engineering Department comments. Answer: The utiliO, easements for the water vaults must be 20' x 20'. Other Issues: · The sign tile will match the gray and the rest of the sign_ will be in white with black metal lettering. · A sample board will be shown to the City Council. · Isabelle Moro said to show trees dotted in for future parking spaces in the middle of truck court. F:\WP EIOC$.99~V,"E E K~2299~EMO~B RO~N&25M LIND T ."CHEP, & ASSOC;ATES August 18, 1999 Mr. Kyle McCullah HARDY McCULLAH/MLM ARCHITECTS, INC. 12221 Merit Drive, Suite 280 Dallas, TX 75251 RE: FREEPORT V/BUILDING C FREEPORT NORTH INDUSTRIAL PARK COPPELL, TEXAS Dear Kyle: Sheet LS.3 has been modified to combine charts requested by Building Inspections and by Planning. The non-vehicular open space is correct at 45,455 s.f. The 23,619 s.f. number was utilized to determine the number of trees immediately around the building, between the parking lot and building. For some reason, the Landscape Architect felt this data was needed - it was not. Please feel free to call if there are any questions. ~. Lin~ Tycher, A~ "---EINDA TYCLT/dar 7 & ASSOCIATES, INC.