Freeport-3.1/Re-CS 960807JUN-C3-199? 10:06 CITY OF COPPELL P.02 P.O Box 478 ~' ;~z~---"~'~~-~-~1'/~--~'~ I Copl::)el,. Texas 75019 August 7, 1996 Mr Robert Ahmu~ MEPC American Properties Suite 100 15303 Dallas Parkway Dallas, TX 75248 Dear Mr. Ahmuty: The City of Coppcll Board of Adjustment heard y.our request for a special exception and variance on August 1, 1996, for the property locatbd at the northwest corner o£ Royal Lane at Gatcview Blvd. The Board voted to grant your requests from Sectiions 33-1-4 and 34-1-8(A) of the City's Zoning Ordinance, to allow for a living screen in lieu of a masonry screen in front of the truck court along the Gateview frontage, and to allow for the elimination of one planter ~sland in the locking dock area, as indicated on the drawing which signed and dated August 1, 1996. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (214) 304-3508, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p m Chzef Building Official GJ..'mbs JUN-03-199? 10:06 CITY OF COPPELL P.05 Board of Adjustment August I, 1996 Page 5 ITEM 7: Pubhc Hearing to consider a request :for a variance from Section 29-4-4(C) of the City's Sign Ordinance to allow four the erection of a banner through the summer months until September 30t~. Mr. Joe Bob Fikes is requesting the variance to allow his nursery business to advertise the availability of fresh produce at 79a Denton Tap Road. ~he City's Sign Ordinance allows businesscs m operatton for one year br more to bc permitted to erect one temporary' banner sign two times per calendar year, for a maximum of 14 days for each permit. Chairman Frnka reported that the applicant has requested that the variance request be continued until the next meeting. Commissioner Bizzell made a motion that this request be tabled until the September meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Wensel, arid a vote was taken. Motion carried, 5 to 0 Continuance granted. ITEM 8: Public Hearing to consider a varianc~ from Section 33-1-a of the City's Zoning Ordinance to allow for a l,ving screen of a loading dock area in lieu of a six foot (6') masonry screen, and for cogsideration of this living screen as the basis for an additional variance from Section 34-1-8(A)I to allow for the ehminat~on of one planter island and its related iandscape and irrigation in the same loading dock area. This variance is being requested by Mr. Robert Ahmuty on behalf of MEPC Properties, for the property locmed at the northwest comer of Royal Lane and Gateview Blvd. Grey Jones explained that this is a two-part request. He indicated that the Ordinance requires a 6 ft. masonry screen in a loading dock area adjae, ent to a public right-of-way, in this case, Gateview corridor. Referring to the landscape drawing, he explained that the applicant is requesting approval of a living screen in the loading dock area in lieu of the required 6-ft masonry, screen, and the elimination of one planter~ island, as well as its accompanying landscaping and irrigation, in that same loading doi;k area. which is marked with an "X" on the landscape drawing. Grey Jones commented that the Landscape Ordinance generally allows for the exempt~or~ of any required landscaping behind a masonry screen ionce that screen is erected. Likewise, he noted that Staff is of the opinion that a living screbn that adequately screens a loading dock area will equally suffice to screen a parking area. Chairman Frnka inquired about the length of the screen, and Greg Jones indicated that ~t extends for approximately 200 feet along GatevieW Drive. Chairman Frnka also asked about the types of materials to be used, and it was determined to be a 4-ft. berm with trees on top. In regard to the proposed berm, Commissioner W~nsel asked if additional landscaping would be ~ncluded, or would the remaining amount be rearranged within the area. Greg Jones indicated that the appitcant would need to address;that specific question, but explained that he felt this was a modification of what the applicant might normally have in that area JUN-03-199? 10:07 CITY OF CDPPELL P.04 Board of Adjustment August l, I996 Page 6 Chairman Frnka invited the applicant to come forward to present his case. Robert Ahmuty, on behalf of MEPC American Properties, noted that the request does not ~nvolve a reduction of the ordfnance requirements. ;but rather is an alternative method to achieving the same goal. He explained that this r.~quest involves building #2 in the same business park, and is similar to the request consldeked a few months ago for building ~1. He explained that the objective is to create earthen beams to shield the truck court areas in order to comply with the park covenants jointly developed by MEPC and Emerson Parmers. He noted that a masonry screen does not meet the aeslhet~c goal set forth m the park covenants. In addition to the earthen berms, he explained that-6- to 8-ft. Austrian Pine, which grow full to the ground, will be used on top or along the sid.~s of the 4-ft. berm to straddle both ends of zt and provide a ntce rhythm down the drive. He further explmned that the number of trees used will actually exceed the requirement along th.e perimeter zone Meeting was opened to the public. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the request Meeting was closed to the pubhc and opened to thle Board for discussion. Commissioner Wensel asked that if the request for the living screen is granted, would the ~ssue regarding the landscape island still remain. Greg Jones indicated that both issues need to be acted upon by the Board. Board members agreed that approval should be granted based on the landscape drawing submitted. Motion was made by Commissioner Bizzell that the special exception be granted allowing the hying screen, and that the variance request to elirrfi.~'nate one planter ~sland in the loading dock area be granted, as indicated on the signed and da~ed drawing submitted by the applicant. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kertz and a vote was taken. Motion earned, 5 to 0. Special exception and variance granted_ ITEM 9: Public Hearing to consider a request for a variance from Section 34-l-ti(C) of the City's Zoning Ordinance to allow for a variance to the requirements for perimeter screening and landscape and irrigation along a shared truck court area. This variance is being requested by Mr Gerald Mays on behalf of Prentiss Properties for the property :located at the southwest corner of Belthne Road and Airline Drive Greg lones noted that this is a two-part variance r~quest The first part deals w~th a request for deferral of the landscaping and screening requirements along the shared property hne between the two proposed industrial users, and the second, a request for the eiim~nation of the landscape and screening reqmrements at that sam~ property line He noted that currently Prentiss Properties owns the north parcel, and they have a three-year opt, on to buy the south one. At request of staff, he reported that Prentiss'agreed to go back and reconfigure the project and request the variance in such a way th~it if they did not purchase the adjoining TOTAL P.04