Freeport-3.1/SPRv-CS 980402 Board of Adjustment April 2, 1998 Page 3 ITEM 5: Public Hearing to consider a request for a variance from Section 29-4-2 (B) of the City's Zoning Ordinance, which concerns the number of monument signs allowed per parcel in a business zoned district, for the properties located at I 110 Northpoint Drive and 445 S. Royal Lane. Mr. Robert Ahmuty, on behalf of MEPC Quorum Properties, Inc., is requesting a variance to allow two monument signs on one platted parcel, due to the fact that this site contains two buildings with separate addresses. Greg Jones reported that the address on Northpoint Drive is incorrectly listed as 1110, but should be 1111 Northpoint Drive. He explained that this 27-acre parcel has one completed building with one tenant, to date, and the second building has just been permitted. He noted that the developer could have chosen to plat this parcel in two separate parcels, originally, thereby obtaining two monument signs. He noted that Staff recommends approval of this request. Greg Jones also reported that just after this variance request was submitted to his office, a modification to the Sign Ordinance allowing greater latitude for these larger parcels, was initiated. He distributed a copy of that proposed amendment and referred to page two which would allow larger parcels (in excess of five acres and having at least 500 feet in street frontage) a maximum of two 60 sq. t~. monument signs (one per street frontage). However, not knowing the outcome of this proposed amendment, he chose to proceed with this variance request since correct timing is an important issue to commercial developers. He noted that he expects approval of the amendment by City Council in mid-May. Chairman Kertz asked whether Northpoint Drive will extend to Hwy. 121 or to the east in the future, and Greg Jones responded that although he was not aware of the future plan, he felt that it would remain as a minor street. The applicant was invited to step forward to present his case. Robert Ahmuty, representing MEPC Quorum Properties, explained that the two buildings on this property are multi-tenant, office-warehouse buildings, and although they are located on the same parcel, they are addressed on two different streets which creates confusion. He noted that two monument signs on the street frontage would help direct traffic. In reference to the earlier question, he explained that Northpoint Drive is being constructed to Hwy. 121 and will connect with the access road. Mr. Ahmuty reiterated that the two proposed signs would be at the corner of Northpoint and Royal and at the corner of Gateview and Royal. Commissioner Jamadar asked if the sign had yet been constructed for the existing building, and Mr. Ahmuty responded that it had not. The public heating was opened to the public. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the variance request. The hearing was closed to the public and opened to the Board for discussion. Board of Adjusmaent April 2, 1998 Page 4 Chairman Kertz commented that because this case involves two addresses, two separate buildings, and three street frontages, the request seems to be reasonable. Commissioner Armstrong commented that a hardship would be created if the variance wasn't granted. In reviewing the Sign Ordinance criteria and checklist provided by the City Attorney's office, Commissioner Stonecipher reported that this situation would qualify. Motion was made by Commissioner Armstrong that the variance allowing two monument signs be granted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stonecipher, and a vote was taken. Motion carried, 4 to 0. Variance granted. OTHER BUSINESS: Chairman Kertz provided a brief summary of the recent Mayor's Breakfast which she attended, as well ~.s Vice Chairman Stonecipher and Greg Jones. She indicated that the meeting included an overview of current and future City' projects and was very informative. She noted that while most boards and commissions are invited to make quarterly reports to City Council, Board of Adjustment works on request. By the nature of its duties, it is reactive rather than proactive like most other City boards and commissions. Copies of the Code of Conduct were distributed to all board members, and it was emphasized that Section 1-13-4, "Standards of Conduct - Officers" was particularly important. Because several board members were absent this evening, it was decided that a copy of the Code be included in the packets for the May meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Commissioner Armstrong that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stonecipher, and a vote was taken. Motion carried, 4 to 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Jerrie Kertz, Chairman Mary Beth Spletzer, Recording Secretary