Denton TapL2/Re-DR001026 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Everybody Fits Amended Site Plan and Replat North Texas Court Drive, West of N. Denton Tap Road DRC Date: October 26~h and November 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: November 16, 2000 City Council Meeting: December 12, 2000 Site Plan 1. Computations of site and building areas need to be placed on the site plan. 2. The parking calculations indicate 190 parking spaces being provided, however, only 178 are shown on the subject property. An additional 15 spaces are indicated south of the property line, which brings the parking count to 193. Rectify the differences. 3. Need to dimension the existing parking spaces. 4. Need to specify the screening of rooftop mechanical equipment. 5. Need to specify dumpster screening devise. 6. Per Section 29-4.2(B)i. Of the Zoning Ordinance, the monument must be setback 75 feet from the adjacent property line to the east. 7. Per Section 34-1-8 B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, planting islands within a single row of parking shall be separated by no more than fifteen (15) spaces: and by no less than five (5) parking spaces. However, on November 14, 20(50 the City Council will consider an amendment to this ordinance, which will eliminate the "less than 5 parking space" requirement. Landscape Plan 1. A complete Tree Survey of the Additional Lot Area is required. Retained trees may be eligible for credit towards landscaping provided. 2. Rectify the difference in the site area on the plat and the site area on the landscape plan. 3. Need to add dimensions along property lines. 4. Perimeter Landscaping: · Verify the width of the landscaping along west property line to be 10 feet, it scales 9 feet. · Landscape Tabulations table is in error. · The linear footage of the east and south boundaries do no match the Re- plat, even with deducting the widths of the driveways. · In the first section of the Table, the sum of the "Provided" column, is 17,143 not 18,304. Page 1 of 2 · The linear footage used to calculate the perimeter trees required are also in conflict with the linear footage stated above (16,888). The number of trees may need to be adjusted depending on the correct linear footage. · The in the Summary, the Perimeter landscaping (required and provided) is stated as 13,611. Please rectify the differences in the perimeter landscape calculations. · Note that per Section 34-1-8 (C) 4. of the Zoning Ordinance, states that when a masonry wall is required then no additional landscaping is required; however, sufficient landscaping shall be provided within a required perimeter landscape area to provide concealment of wall foundations and to satisfy tree requirements. 5. Parking Lot Landscaping: · Landscape Islands are required at the end of each parking row, including loading areas and each island requires a minimum of (1) tree. The islands are required to be a minimum of 150 square feet, and 9 feet in width. Additional trees are required adjacent to the west property line and additional islands and trees are required along the eastside of the building. 6. The quantities of the trees in the tree list do not match the number of trees indicated in the Landscape Tabulations table. REPLAT 1. Revise the Title Block to read Re-plat and Minor Plat, fill in the acreage of minor plat area, and change the date from August to November. 2. Need to identify which existing utility easements will be abandoned, relocated, and/or added. There appears to be conflicts with the uses proposed on the site plan and the existing drainage easements. 3. Need to specify existing R.O.W. on Denton Tap Road, "variable" is not acceptable. 4. Revise Franchise Utility signature block to reflect TXU Electric and Gas Note: A. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the November 2nd Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. B. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the November 2nd DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain, and defend any revision. A representative for this project is required to attend the meeting. C. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, November 7th to resubmit sixteen (16)folded copies of revised plans and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) of each exhibit to the Planning Department Page 2 of 2