Denton TapL2/SP-CS000807A~ 07 E000 15:35 FR NICHOLS jACKSON DILLA4 gG5 0010 TO 9723047092 P.02×03 NICHOLS, SACKSON, DILLARD, HAOER & SMITH, L.L.P. Attorneys & Counselors at Law J, David Dodd, III lgO0 Lincoln Plaza E-mail: ddodd{~njdhs.com 500 No~h Akard Dallas. Texa~ 75201 (214) 965.9900 [~ax (214) 965-00t0 E-mail NJDH$ONJDHS,com August 7, 2000 Mr. Greg Jones Chief Build/ng Official City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Questions regarding North Texas Gymnastics Center Dear Mr. Jones: You asked me the following three (3) questions regarding the North Texas Gymnastics Center: (1) Whether the variance granted for parking to the previous owners is applicable to the development by the new owners? (2) Whether the current owners must have an approved site plan on file with the City before a building permit may be issued? and (3) Whether the new owners and developers must pay the half price for a building permit or full price for a building permit? The variance to allow one hundred sixteen (116) parking spaces granted to the previous owners and developers is still valid for the current owners and developers. The variance which was granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment runs with the land and not the owners. Therefore, since the Zoning Board of Adjustment has previously granted a variance to allow 116 parking spaces, these developers may build North Texas Oyrnnastics Center with only 116 spaces. However, the proposed site plan the current owners and developers have submitted indicates that they wish to put 105 to 150 parking spaces. The previous variance only 'allows development of 116 or more parking spaces. Therefore, in order to develop the site with less than 116 spaces, the new owners and developers must obtain another variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. In order for a building permit to be issued, an approved site plan must be on file with the City. The site plan filed by the previous owners and developers has expired AUG 07 8000 i5:35 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 BG5 0010 TO B723047092 P.03/03 Mr. Oreg/ones August 7, 2000 Page 2 because it is more than two (2) years old. Therefore, a new site plan must be filed and approved before a building pemait may be issued for this property. Whether the new owners and developers must pay half the permit fee or a full permit fee dep~ds on the length of time of inactivity at the site. You have informed us that the building permit was revoked due to inactivity. If no building activity has occurred at the site for more than six (6) months but less than one (1) year, then the new owners and developers may renew the permit by paying halt' the permit fee. However, if the inactivity at the site has lasted for more than one (1) year, then the full building permit fee must be paid. Whether or not any representations of the fee have been made to the owners and developers is another factor to consider. Therefore, the amount of the building permit fee depends on the length of time of inactivity as well as any possible representatious that have been made by staffto the owners and developers. If you should have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & H .P. BYe' David Dodd, III JDD/cdb 3~,27