Fairway Drive/FP-CS 880209 CITY OF COPPELL SUBD~rlSION APPLICATqON Date February 9 , 19 88 ;~ 1. Subdivision Name Fairw. ay.Drive 2. Preiiminary. Plat FINAL PLAT ~ ' I~EPLAT 3. Applicant Terra Corporate Joint Venture Address 5944 Luther Lane, Suite 502 Dallas. Texas 75225 . "~treet city sea te .-. ~ - 4, F~-P~eDa=~ng ~IE~ Nathan D. Ma~er Consulting Engineers, Inc. -- Three Nort'~Par~, Suite 300 · - :' , Address 8800 N. Central Ex~. Dallas, Texas 75231 -. ' st~et city Sca~e ~ip - .Phone' J 214/739-~741 '' . 5. P%o~e=ty ~ReF. Terra Cor~rate Joint Venture . Address 5944 Luther Lane, Suite 502 Dallas, Texas 75~25 S~zee~ City State ~ip ' P~O~e I 214/691-5566 · 6. ~veloper T~rTa' Cor~rate'Joint Venture ' A~SS 5944 Luther Lane, Suite 502 Dallas T~xas 75225 Yb0n~ J 214/739-474~ V. All Correspondence relative, to t~s applicatAo~ should be directed ~ ~hom~ .. - Three NotthPark, Suite 300 Address 8S0o. N. Central ~xp~. City~ State~ Zip ~al~as; 'T~xas '7523~ ".' · . Ph'one t 214/V39-4~4Z ........, I. Gene~al Location o~ PropeF~ Sou~h .of Rtuerchhse Drive a~a N~r~h ~ Belt L~ne Road w~th~n the "~ve~chase" Development. ~. ~ot ~s the present =on,ag D~s~rtct? ~ XFe. you re~uest~ng any. zoning change~ . 1~ yes, whet ls tho Case File ~oning ~is~ric~ requested? lO. Proposed Subdivision Contains: ' ~nd Use ~o. of'~ts or Units Ac~es (for each use) ~t~mily _ · ConOominium (specify . ' Joint Venture b andpD Terra ~id n (managing venturer) by Bobby Harrell, Vxce r