Fairway Drive/FP-DR 880329P&Z ~TE: I~p~il ~1~ 1988 CI: ])lITE: ~y 10~ 19B8 DE~ELDPNENT REVIE~ (]]I~ITTEE Plamin§ I)epartser~ ~x~mer~ for F~IRk~Y DRIUE~ FIllq_ PLM This itm is scheduled on the Pla~ming a~d Zoning docket for Thursday, ~il ~ 19~ ard also tLmtatiwly scheduled for the Tuc~day~ ~ 1988 ~ity Council .meting. fl ~p~se~tative must atterd both ~eetir~s. Failu~'e to do so ~ay result in dcmial of this application. If vapiames a~e beir~ requested for this develo;me~t, you Must submt a letter specifically outlining the respective r~quests. If you should have a~y questions regarding the above mmtiored come,ts please cor~act Taryon l~o, man, at