Freeport-4.3/SPRv-AG000111 AGENDA REQUEST FORM ~_~_~ ~'~7:~E~7~7~ETING: January 11, 2000 ITEM # _~__ ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Freeport North, Lot 2, Block A, Freeport Building VII Site Plan, to allow the development of a 386,150 square foot office/warehouse facility on approximately 18.1 acres of property located along the west side of S. Royal Lane. APP OVFo SUBMITTED BY:~/~ary n. Sieb -% .~. TITLE: K._~?~. Rf P-~g and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: December 16, 1999 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (%0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: -~-7~.~_~ C;.~;. (CONDITION OF REPLAT) 2(~~The construction of Creek View Drive across the western property line will need to be coordinated with the Engineering Department.  t~)~e:. (CONDITION MET) . .,, , Obtain City Council approval for the living screen in lieu OT a ~ -nigh masonry screening wall fo~ loading areas facing the future Creek 'View DriYe. ~'~* ^~ ~,-~ (CONDITION ~F.T) (~A credit will be applied, bringing the total retribution due 50% landscaping equaling 142 inches of trees. ~ Approval of the color board specifying all exterior building materials. Staff recommends approval of this request. XlITIALS: (~/~' FIN. REVIEW: CITY MANAGER REV quest Form - P4tevised 2/99 Document Name: ~Free7sp CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: FREEPORT NORTH LOT BLOCK FREEPORT BUILDING Vll SITE PLAN P & Z HEARING DATE: December 16, 1999 C.C. HEARING DATE: January 11, 2000 LOCATION: Along the west side of S. Royal Lane, approximately 470' south of Creekview Drive. SIZE OF AREA: Approximately 18.1 acres of property; for construction of a 386,150 sf office/warehouse facility CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial). REQUEST: Site Plan approval for Building VII. APPLICANT: Architect: Engineer: Hardy McCullah/MLM Architects Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers 12221 Merit Drive, #280 9401 LBJ Freeway, #300 Dallas, TX 75251 Dallas, TX 75243 (972) 385-1900 (972) 235-3031 FAX: (972) 385-1937 FAX: (972) 235-9544 HISTORY: This property has been zoned industrial for more than 25 years. The property was platted in 1984. TRANSPORTATION: Royal Lane is a C4D/6 four-lane divided collector built to standard in a 100'-wide right-of-way capable of accommodating a 6-lane divided thoroughfare. Creekview Drive is a C2U two-lane undivided collector built to standard within a 60'-wide right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- vacant; "LI" Light Industrial South - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial East - office/warehouse; "LI" Light Industrial West - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial Item# 17 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for light industrial and showroom uses. DISCUSSION: Staffs main concem is that an off-site right-of-way dedication is required for the future extension of Creekview Drive. The thoroughfare plan shows the future Creekview Drive to be a C2U, 2 lane undivided thoroughfare to be contained in a 60'-wide right-of-way connecting the existing Creekview with Bethel Road to the south. The applicant is well aware of the situation and is currently negotiating with the property owner to the west. Before a plat is recorded with the County, an off-site right-of-way dedication must be recorded and provided to the City. Engineering staff is receptive to allowing the developer to build the full width of the future Creekview Drive for half the length of the western property line of Lot 2, Block 2 and would encourage the developer to straighten the alignment of Creekview Drive. Eventually, when the property to the west develops, the full width of the remaining portion of Creekview Drive will have to be built. Until the off-site right-of-way dedication is recorded, Lot 2, Block A is not a buildable lot because it does not abut a dedicated street or a private road. Assuming that Lot 2, Block A is a buildable lot, the 386,150 sf office/warehouse facility being proposed has 28 dock doors on the eastern elevation and another 28 dock doors facing the future Creekview Drive. By ordinance, loading areas facing the street need to be screened with a 6- ft high screening wall. The applicant is requesting 10'-high Leyland Cypress and 3'-high shrubs on top of berms approximately 4' in height, be accepted in lieu of a 6'-high masonry screening wall. Also, planting islands have been incorporated into staircases at the truck courts with one Aristocrat Pear to be planted per island. The landscape architect indicates in a letter dated December 7, 1999, that the future right-of-way acquisition along Creekview Drive along the western side of both sites is accurately depicted in the landscape plan in accordance with the site plan. If the developer decides to straighten the alignment of future Creekview it will impact the western landscape buffer for a distance of approximately 500'. Currently, both the site plan and landscape plan indicate the applicant is providing a 60'-wide landscape buffer for the 500' of future frontage. According to staff's conversation with the landscape architect, the landscape tabulations only reflect an average of a 30'-wide landscape buffer being provided along future Creekview Drive. The calculations do not reflect the extra landscaping being proposed. If that is the case, the realignment of Creekview Drive should not impact the landscape calculations, however, it will impact the proposed berms and it will require some modifications to the proposed living screen. Item # 17 Approximately 90% of the interior space will be devoted to warehouse space and the remaining 10% space will be used for office. Applicant is providing 473 parking spaces as required by code. A word of caution, that the site can not accommodate more than 37,200 sf of interior office space without incurring a parking shortage. The building elevations indicate a painted tilt wall structure in white and light gray tones with gray tinted glass, very comparable to the Freeport V building and the existing facilities in the Freeport North Industrial park. The site plan shows a 60 square foot monument sign along the future Creekview frontage. The sign identifies the building rather than the tenants and has a gray tile sign face with black/silver letters with the logo etched in a pre-cast stone. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Planning staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the following conditions being met: 1) Before the replat is recorded with Dallas County an off-site right-of- way dedication for Creekview Drive should be recorded and provided to the City. 2) The construction of the full width of the future Creekview Drive for half the length of the westem property line of Lot 2, Block A and the straightening of the alignment of Creekview Drive will need to be coordinated with the Engineering Department. (See Engineering Department comments) 3) Modify the living screen proposed to screen the track courts facing the future Creekview Drive to accommodate the realignment of the future Creekview Drive. 4) Obtain City Council approval for the living screen in lieu of a 6'-high masonry screening wall for loading areas facing the future Creekview Drive. 5) Limit interior office space to 37,200 sfor less. 6) Submittal and approval of a preliminary irrigation plan. 7) A 50% landscaping credit will be applied bringing the total retribution due equaling 142 inches of trees. (See Leisure Services comments) 8) Approval of the color board specifying all exterior building materials. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. Item # 17 ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Landscape Plan 3) Building Elevations 4) Linda Tycher's letter dated December 7, 1999 5) Departmental Comments Item # 17 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Freeport North, Lot 2, Block A, Freeport Building VII Site Plan Review, to allow the development of a 386,150 square foot office/warehouse facility on approximately 18.1 acres of property, located along the west side of S. Royal Lane, approximately 470' south of Creekview Drive, at the request of Hardy McCullah/MLM Architects. DRC DATE: November23, 1999 and December 2, 1999 - CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679), COMMENT STA TU,.q: rara ~r rn /rrn r a ray ~rn r /~ r ,"REVISED AFTER P&Z 1. The construction of Creek'view Drive across the western property line will need to be coordinated with the Engineering Department. JA~I- ~ 2000 12×09/99 16:49 CITY OF COPPELL ~ 992 304 9092 N0,074 ~05 IIIIII I I I I ~ II IIIIII III DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEISLIRE SERVICES COMME~S ITEM: Freeport North, Lot 2, Block A, Freeport Building VII, $i~ · , CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Landscape Ma~t IIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIll ! i II co us srA s: 1, .lu aa ~11 II III III The Tree Survey indicates 284 caliper inches of protected trees to be removed with no existing trees to remain on the site after development. Therefore, no preseroation credits will be applied for those trees being removed. A 50% landscaping credit will be applied bringing the total retribution due equaling 142 inches of trees. DR¢1~23~ .FROM :~ LINDA TYCHER & ASSOCIATES, INC FAX NO. : 214-750-1210 Dec. 07 1999 09:40AM P2 December 7, 1999 Ms. Isabel Moro CITY OF COPPELL P.O. Box 278 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Isabel: Per our telephone conversation, we have decided to retain the Leyland Cypress trees on both Freeport VI and VII- instead of changing to Austdan Pines. There is presently a disease affecting Austrian Pines in the mid-west U.S. and along the east coast. This tree is therefore, not available at some nurseries and we are not recommending its use in our design. Leyland Cypress is an excellent screening tree, and it has been specified an installation height of 10 ff. A fully automatic sprinkler system will be designed and installed by a licensed irrigator as noted on all the planting sheets. This irrigation plan will be promptly submitted for approval after the landscape plans are approved. The future right-of-way acquisition along Creekview Drive along the western side of both sites is accurately depicted in the plans in accordance to our communication with the Architect. All berms and planting shown do not conflict with this alignment. Sincerely, Linda Tycher, ASIA LINDA TYCHER & ASSOCIATES, INC. cc: Mr. Kyle McCullah, HARDY McCULLAH/MLM ARCHITECTS, INC. LT/dar I1.1.11 N. E~?ntr~fl Fxl.,cs~.w.:~y gl.,irP V D,:',l;t.,,. I cxas 7~2'I..:i l"t ~unc: {214) TS(l- 1 ? l ,ri 14 DOCK DOORS 14 DOCK DOORS 18.12 AC.+-- FRF. EPORT VII 386,150 SF.+ .... ~ FREEPORT VII 386,150 SF.+- tg. 12 AC.+- TREE MItIGATION-BLDG. VII [RR/GATEDNOTE: ALL W[THLANDSCAPEA FULLyAREASAuTOMATIcSHALL BE IRP-JGATION SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED BY A LICENSED IRRIGATOR ~, ' 25 :~'~5 ~ [] I~'~ ~LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT PLAN BUILDING VII 22991 '~' LS-1 Sent By: City of Coppell; 972 304 7092j Jan-12-01 6:00Pbl; Page 3/3 AGENDA REQUEST FORM ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING: January 11, 2000 ITEM # __~~ ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Freeport North. Lot 2. Block_A, Free_mart Building VII Site Plan. to allow the development of a 386,150 square foot office/warehouse facility on aplxoximately 18.1 acres of property located along the west side of S. Royal Lane. .., i,' L~ ".._,' STAFF COMMEI'TTS: ~ate of P~.Z Meetimz: December 16, 1999 D¢ci$ion ofP&ZCornmission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, KittreLl, McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: .... C;,~, rCONDiTION OF REPLAT) (~~The of Creek View Dnve across the western property line will construction need to be coordinated with the Engineering Department. G ~. (CONDrnONMET) _ , ,, ,_. Obtain City Council approval for thc Living ac~¢e- in lieu or a o -mgn masonry screening wall for loading areas facing the future Creek View Drive. 5) Li~',2t :- _4 . ~ce: =cc ~ ~,,.-.~.. ~ ............ (CONDITION MET) A 50% landscaping c~edit will be appTicd, bringing the total retribution due equaling I42 inches of trees.  of the color board specifying all exterior building materials. Approval Staff recommends approval of this request. ',, DiR. iNiTiALS: ~52~/'~ FIN. REVIEW: CITY MANAGER RE Ager~a Requ~t Form - Docuxnc~t Nan.: ~FreeT~ Sent By:. City of Coppell; 972 304 7092; Jan-12-01 5:59PM; Page 1/3 E G I T Y 0 Ir Pianni~ ~pa~ent , 2~ Pa~ay B~d Coppell. Te~ 7~19 Phone: 972-3~-3678 Fax: 972-3~7092 PROJECT(S): Amended Site Plan and Landscape Plan for Freeport VII PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Marcie Diamond DIRECT DIAL: 972-304-3676 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: January 12, 2001 PAGES: 3 (including cover) TO: PaulBrown FAX: 972-361-6800 Cc: Brian Adams FAX: 214-871-0545 Items Transmitted: 1. Memo from Gary Sieb to Greg Jones, dated January 12, 2001 Remarks F,Y.I, If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me at 972-304-3676 or mdiamond(~..ci.coppell.tx.us l l. Duke-weeks REALTY CORPORATION 20 December 2000 Mr. Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning Ms. Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Madam/Sir, Dukeweeks Realty Corporation is currently engaged in the design development of the Freeport VII Building on Royal Lane at Creekview Drive in Coppell. We obtained City Council Site Plan approval last year, and are now desiring to proceed with a slightly modified version. I have enclosed both the previously approved City Council version, along with the revised version for your review. We are seeking staff level approval of the minor changes to the site plan and the plat. The revised building is slightly smaller than the previously approved version, and the facades with be similar in design and color to the recently completed FPV and VI buildings. Brian Adams with SMR Landscape Design will be available to answer any landscape ratio/greenspace questions that you may have. The landscape calculations are based on our previous agreement with the City of Coppell that Dukeweeks will be able to count the right-of-way dedicated to the extension of Creekview Drive in our greenspace calculations. Also, we have maintained similar firelane locations so as to not affect our existing plat. Dukeweeks has been working with several tenants for this building, and based on the timing of their occupancy requirements, we desire to start construction on this project in January to facilitate their needs for August 2001 occupancy. We appreciate your attention to this request and stand ready to answer any questions you may have regarding this project. Best regar?, Paul Brown 5495 Belt Line Rd. Suite 360 Dallas, TX 75240 Phone: 972.687.0006 .Duke-weeks R E~.LI'Y I~ 0 RI~OIi~,TIO N 9 January 2001 Ms. Marcie Diamond Assistant Director of Planning & Community Services The City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Freeport VII Site / Landscape Plan Submission Package Dear Marcie, Please find the attached three(3) sets of drawings regarding the site plan and landscape plan for the Freeport VII Building on Creekview Drive in Coppell. Upon completion of your review, we will submit for permit and begin grading as soon as possible to facilitate the building tenant's occupancy requirement for August 2001. Knowing the amount of development underway in Coppell, we appreciate your attention to this project. If you need additional information, please call me at 972.361.6706. Best regard% Paul S. Brown Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation Cc: Jeff Turner/DW Jeff Langston/DW 5495 Belt Line Rd. Suite 360 Dallas. TX 75240 Phone: 972.687.0006 From: Paul Brown <PauI.Brown@dukereit.com> To: '"mdiamond@ci.coppell.tx. us'" <mdiamond@ci.coppell... Date: Thu, Jan 11, 2001 3:50 PM Subject: Freeport VII preliminary rendering The view is from the cul-de-sac with the monument sign in front of the building(do not worry, the monument sign will be grey, not green as shown in the picture) <<test cam1 02.jpg>> Paul Brown Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation 972.361.6706 paul.brown@dukereit.com Marcie Diamond - test cam1 02.jpg Page I I