Freeport-4.3/SPRv-CS 991214 .Duke-weeks REALTY CI)RPQRATION 14 December 1999 Mr. Gary Sieb D/rector of Planning & Community Services City of Coppell 225 Parkway Blvd. CoppeLt, Texas 75019 Re: Creekview Drive Extension - Cop~ll, Texas Dear Gary, Please allow this letter to serve the position of Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation regarding the extension of Creek-view Drive along ova west property Line in Freeport North. Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation underslands that we will pay for the construction of roughly half of the proposed length of Creekview Drive along our west property line and we have already dedicated the necessary right-of-way for the Creekview extension. In addition, we have formally submitted a request to Fellowship Church to dedicate their portion of the right-of-way. During conversations with Owen G-off of Fellowship Church, he was aware that right-of-way would need to be dedicated by the ehtach for the extension of Creekview D~ive. We are waiting on a letter fi.om Mr. Goff stating that the church will dedicate their portion of the necessary right- of-way. In addition, the City of Coppell Engineering Department has made a request to me to dedicate additional right-of-way to allow the Creekview Drive extension to be a straight road with no curvature. This additional right-of-way dedication would encroach on the site plan of our proposed Freeport VII building and potentially reduce the interior landscape area.' Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation is willing to consider the dedication of additional fight-of-way to facilitate the Engineering Departments' request contingent upon a letter, from your office stating that the landscapeJsite plan calculations on Fre,~port VII still meet all Copp~ll requirements to facilitate site plan and plat approval from the City of Copp~ll Plann. ing& Zoning Commission and City Courteil. My consultant team (Pacheco Koch, Hardy McCullah Architects axtd Tycher Landscape) stand ready to assist you in conftrming the necessary calculations to "facilitate an approval letter from your office. Thank you for your attention to this issue. If you have any questions or need to discuss this further, please call me at 972-687-0006. Paul S. Brown Vice President Cc: Michael Martin/City of Coppell Engineexing Kent Collins/City of Coppell Engineering Jeff Tumer/DW Steve MarkusserdPacheco Koch Kyle M¢Cullah/FIardy McCullah Architects 5495 Belt Line Rd, Suite 360 Dallas, TX 752.40 Phone: 972.687.0006 I ! ~ FUTURE CREEKVIEW DR. - 8OI.3) 81TE &SAC.+- r u J TOTAL 707;180 ~ FUTURE BUILDING : 6.4AC.+- MASTER PLAN '~ I 'VIII' TECH CENTER , :~ 67,?005F.+- "~ FI~OR? ~OFm-I I~U$?RI~L PARK ~ . OOF~.L 'rE~8 n 2221 MER DR. m4te 280 DALLAS TX. 7525 g72-385-1900