Freeport-4.3/SPRv-CS010112Sent l~y:,Cit~, of Coppell; 972 304 7092; Jan-12-01 5:59PMj Page 2/3 T H ~' C I T Y 0 F DATE: January 12, 2001 TO: Greg Jones, Building Official FROM~ary Sieb, Director of Planning RE: // Amended Site and Landscape Plan for Freeport VII Lot 2, Block A Freeport North Addition Attached are the amended Site and Landscape Plans for Freeport VII, dated January 5, 2001 and January 12, 2001 respectively. The site plan and landscape plans were originally approved by City Council on January 1 i, 2000, subject to the conditions as outlined in the attached Agenda Request Form. The amended site and landscape plan.~ qualify for administrative approval due to their: · Reduction in building size from 386,150 square feet to 383,925 square feet; · Reduction in required parking from 473 spaces to 408 spaces due to the altering of' the office to warehouse ratio from 10%: 90% to 2.6%: 97.4%; · Compliance with the provisions of the Landscape Ordinance, including the planting of 142 caliper inches for thc required trcc retribution, as confirmed by Brian Adams of SMR Landscape Design; and · The dedication and construction of'Creek View Drive. The submission of a color board was also a condition of the City Council. We have received confirmation from Paul Brown of Duke Weeks that the colors and materials will bc thc same as was approved for Freeport $ and 6, which is acceptable. Finally, the previously approved site plan indicated a 60 square foot monument sign along Creek View Drive. This 60 square foot sign has been relocated to the northeast comer of the site at the cul-de-sac, and will have the design as previously approved. If you have any questions or would like addition information, feel free to contact me or Marcie Diamond at x3676. CC: Paul Brown, Duke Weeks file