Freeport-4.1/Re-CS 991117· ~ubdivi~ion Application City of Coppell P~!iminat7 PI=* 2.~ Parkway Blvd. Mi~or Plat (~ lots or less aa existing atr~ct) ~, TX 750t9 lteplat X Phone.: (214) 304.-3675 Amending Plat Fax: (214) 304-3570 Minor Plat An~ndlng PI~ (4 lots or less) N~te: A~plications are accepted for ~ubmf2~ prlar ta the fding date. l'he filing date tlurll ~e zxactl$ 29 ~a~s prior to tl~ daft of tht Planning and Zoning C~mmission meeting at wld¢tt the appli~tion ~ be con,~tlered. Filing Date: November 17 · 1999 Nam¢ of Applicant: ~__._Pachec Koch Consulting Engineers Addresa: 9401 LBJ Freeway, Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75243 Telephone Numbex: 972-235-3031 Fax lW~ffaber: 972-235-9544 Firm Preparing Plat: ___~Pachec° Koch C?nsulting Engineers Addre3s: 9401 LBJ Freeway, Suite 300, Dallas, T~xas 75243 972-235-3031 Telephone Numbex: Fax Number: 972-235-9544 Ail Correspondence relative ro this application should be dZrected to: l'~aa'le: Pacheco Koch Consulting En~ineer~ Inc. ~ttn. J~ck Evans Addrans: (same as above) Tel~hon~ Number: Fax Numbs: Name of Subdivision: Freeport North O¢llera] Location of Property: Royal Lane @ Creekview Drive Projected Employment (Non-residential uses only) Proposed Subdivision Containa: $iagla Family Townhousc ~ Duplex Multi-Family Light/,udustria~ Mobile Home l~Icavy ladustlal Camm~ial Plo~l Plaia Owner's ~gnature: