Freeport-2.5/Re-CS 960316PROPERTY LOT 3C DESCRIPTION BEING o tract or parcel of land sltuofed Tn the William K. Poyne Survey. Abstract No. 1140, the C. S. Dunnogon Survey, AOsfroof No. 1555, and the Jesse Moore Survey, Abstroot No. 968, poFtlon of ?ha? cec~aln ]~.2117 acre ?~ac?, 'T~ac? 3' conveyed ?o T/E F~eepo~? North Land by lns?rumen~ of ~ecord In Volume 94222, Page 1168 Deed Records of Dallas County. some ~lso being o portion o~ Lo? 5R out of the Repla~ of o ~flon on sold Freeport North, ~ecorded tn Volume 95245, Page 2050, PJo~ Records, Dollcs Co~y. Texo~ sold tract being mo~e pO~lCMJOcly described by metes and bounds as BEG[NN[~ o~ a ~ence pos? found ~or on Eas~erty corner o~ sold 33.2ilt acre tract. ~me being on ln~er[or ell corner of that cer~n 214.090 acre ~roc~ conveyed to Ange~s Es,eve b~ ~ns~rument of record ~n Volume 8824~. Page 4209. Deed Re~ords of Dallas County. Texas, from which o I/2' ~ron rod found bears Nor,h 85 de~ees 57 mlnu?es 23 seconds ~es~, 18.69 fee~ THENCE along the common Irne of so~d 214.090 o~e tract and sold ~.2117 acre ,roc~ ?he follow~ng ,wa (2)courses: I> Sou~ O0 de~rees ~ m~nu~es ~0 seconds ~es,. 2~2.5~ fee~ to o I/2' ~ron rod se? cocn~ 2) Sou,h O0 degrees 13 mrnu~es ~0 seconds Wes~. 89.20 ~ee, ,o o I/2' iron rod se, for THENCE deporting sold common Ilne, N~?h 89 degrees ~9 mlnu~es 54 seconds ~es~. 799.18 fee, ,o o I/2' Iron rod ~, for corner on ?he Westerly line of sold ~.21l? acre ?roc~ and TH~CE along ?~e common line of so1~ RoyolLone and sold ~.2117 acre ?icc? ,he following ,wo (2) I) NOrth O0 degrees 23 minutes 26 seconds East, 223.97 feet to ~ I/2' ~on ~oa set for ~he begrnnrng of o curve; 2) 311.63 fee~ along the arc of o tangent ~rve ~o ~he ~lgh, having o ~odlus of 950.00 feet, ~ cent~olongle of lB degrees 47 mlnu~es 41 ~conds and o cho~d bearing aha o~ Nor,h 09 ~egree~ 47 mlnute~ 16 second= Eoat, 310.23 fee~ ~o o I/2' 1~on rod set co~ner In the sou*herly I;ne of tho* cerfo;n 7.1784 ac~e ~oc* of land conveyea ~o Southwest Land i~vesfmen, Po~tne~shlp, Ltd. by Instrument of ~eco~ In relume 92220, Po~e 702, Deed Records of O~llos Court*y, Texas; THENCE deDo~tlnO so;~ ~o~on I~ne and along sold Southerly llne of sold 7.1784 oc~e t~oct, South 89 ~egrees 39 minutes 54 secon~s East, 729.82 feet to ~ I/2' Iron rod set for co~ner In the common ;~ne of so;d ~4.090 ac~e tract and so;d 33.2117 acre tract; THENCE along sold common line, South O0 degrees 20 mlnu,es 06 seconds West, 227,03 fee~ to o I/2' ~ron rod ~ound ~or corner~ TH~CE con,f~lng along so~d common line, Sou~h 85 degrees 57 m~nutes 23 seconds Erst. 18.69 fee, ?o ,he POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 9.508? Acres. 414.197 square fee~. marne om less. of land oreo wlthlr] these metes and bounds.