Freeport-2.5/Re-CS 960221T/E Freeport North Land II, Ltd. 10005 West Technology Blvd. #151 Dallas, Tx. 75220 904-0907 ...... ~ Subdivision Application City of Coppe/1 755 Pm. kway Blvd. Coppell. TX 75019 Phone,: (214) 304-2675 89:88 CI,TY OF COPPELL ENGINEERING -* 214 631 B428 l'reliminm7 Finil Pl~ Minor PI~ (4 Iota or less o~ ~ ~) _ M~or Pht ~ Phc (4 b~ ~ less) NO. 337 [~02 Telephone Number: Firm preparing Plat: Address: Telephon~ Number: T/E Freeport North !,~nd II, Ltd. 10005 West Technoloqy Blvd. ~151 Dallas, Texas 75220 904-0907 904-9930 75247 Rust Lichlit~r/Jameson ~i~20 Wes~t'M~ck~n~bird ?~ne %300r Dallasr Texas , Fax Numbs: (214) 630-8867 (2~4,),,631-84~ ...... All Corre~o~en~ relat~ Address: _ _ Telephon~ Num~: Jim~Rlroy. 10005 West Technoloqy_~lvd- ~151 D~l]a$r Tewon 75220 904-0907 Fax Number: 904-9930 Name of Subdivision: Lot 3C, Replat of Lot, 5R Freeport North East of Intersection of Gateview Blvd. General Location of Property: , - ........ Royal T~ne, Coppe]], Texas. Projec~_~ EmPtoym-~,* (Non-resid~tl~l uses only) 59 and Ownee's Signature: cAsH RECEIPT _~ ~,.-AMT~ OF, i ' ' ..- ACCOUNT Dollars $/D~'"' ~ ~d,al~lCE MO~IEY DUE ORDER