Freeport Pkwy/FP-CS 850318 CITY OF CflPPELL P.O. BflX 478 · " COPP£LL, 1£XA$ 75019. ~UBD~V~SZON APP~CA?~ON Date March 18, 1985 1. Subdivision Name _~F_re_eport, P,a.r,kva~ . , ,,, 2. Preliminary. Plat Fine! Plat x 3. Applicant Triland Dev,elo~,ment, Inc. Address ,, 5*00 LB~, Free?aN Dallas; , Texas 75240 Street City SLate .... Zip Phone I 934-1234 4. Firm Preparing Plat Alber,t H. Halle Associates, Inc. Add£ell _ 8616 Northweet Plaza Drive Ual[as, Texas 75225 Street ' .Phone ! 739-009, 5, Property O~ner. Triland Development, lac. Address 5400 LBJ Freeva¥ Dallas, Texas 752*0. Street: ' City S~ate '" Zip "' Phone I 934,-123, , , 6. Developer Trl.!.aqd Development. Inc.. Address _ 5400 LRJ Free~a~ ,. Dallas, Texas 752*0 Street City State zip - Phoflo ! 914-1234 7. Al! Correspondence relative to this appliqetion should bo directed to whom 8 Hate,, A~b,ert H. Ha, lff ,Asaocitea, Inc. Attar Georse Prell Addresl. 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Cl~y~ State, Zip , Dallas~ Texas 75225 Phone I 739-009, 8, General Location o! Property Dire.¢cly north of IH 635: eaat.o£ Granevtna Creak 9. ~hat is the present Zoning Dis~rict? ,, LZ Are you requestSng any lO. Proposed lubdivLalon Container . Land Use . No. of Lots or Units Acres {for each useJ single Family N~ ........ tc Street ' ' ' new or ce.versos) - _4. ~0, . TRILAND INVESTMENT GROUP ,Owner BY: TRILAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. , Mgr. · J~4~n. C. Rowlett, Exec. V.P. · ' tiful Future 'Coppell. Tx. 75019 462-0022 ~- _ - _'- _ .... _' _ :- - ..- . . . ,,~ -' ~ .... . p- ,. .... ~e'~u~ of ~ OFFIC A~ RECEIPF ~ 1203 g~ ~