Freeport Pkwy/FP-CS 850409GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS April 9, 1985 Albert Halff & Associates 8616 Northwest Plaza Dallas, Texas 75225 Attn: Mr. Andy Smith Re: Freeport Parkway, Final Plat -- Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. Smith: The above plat has been received and reviewed for conformance with City of Coppell requirements. We have the following comments: 1. It is assumed that Freeport Parkway is not a subdivision per se and that Triland Investment Group will sell indivi- dual parcels along Freeport. Therefore, the extent of the current review and approval procedure is strictly limited to the question of the street and utility improvements along Freeport. We do recommend, however, that a complete master plan of the area be made and submitted. 2. The length and width of dedication for a future right turn lane at Cowboy Drive is not adequate. Please address. 3. You have previously asked about adequacy of the existing sewer system -- this item is currently under study. You should plan your system with an adequate capacity for your planned needs as well as applicable adjoiners. 4. Horizontal curves in sanitary sewers are not allowed. Please address. 5. Vertical curves on sanitary sewers are not allowed. Please address. 6. Drawings show a cap on culverts for future extensions to storm sewer. Please verify that proposed inlets will handle run-off from undeveloped property. Revise as necessary. 7. Please provide street lighting plan and landscape plan. 8. Since landscaping will be done under this contract, sidewalks should also be installed if they are to be adjacent to landscaping. 16135 Preston Road · Suite 106 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/386-6611 9. Maintenance of adjoining landscaping must be provided by an Owner's association. 10. Since you have chosen to develop the inner rather than the outer lanes at this time, please show future outside curb lines on profiles. Please confirm that future extensions of laterals will fit your design. We are recommending that this item be placed on the April 18, 1985, Planning and Zoning Commission agenda for approval. Prior to this item being submitted to the City Council, points 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 must be adequately addressed. Please feel free to contact me concerning the above. Sincerely, V. Wankum, P.E. /sr cc: Ron Ragland