Gatew-1.1/PP,FP-CS 840403 P.O. Box 478 ~ Coppell, Texas 75019 ~ .~ The City With A Beautiful Future 214-462-0022 TO: Ron Ragland, City Manager FROM: Scott Barnett, Planning Co-ordinator DATE: April 3, 1984 SUBJECT: Gateway Industrial Park The preliminary plat and final plat of Gateway Park was approved on April 27, 1982 by the Planning and Zoning Commission and September 30, 1982 by the City Council, (copy of the minutes are attached). According to the Planning and Zoning minutes, the plat approval consisted of the construction of the bridge and Gateway Boulevard from Freeport Parkway to Beltline Road. In regard to variances given to the plat pertaining to Subdivision requirements, I made an overview of the construction details and it did not appear that they deviated from the minimum criteria of that ordinance. Since none of the 323 acres of property has been subdivided and plated other than the Right of Way of Gateway Boulevard and the mainline utilities, it does not appear, referring to the minutes, that any variances were granted in relation to the tracts Light Industrial zoning district classification. A final design of street lighting, consisting of 27-250 watt High Pressure Sodium Lights, was designed by TP & L (attached) and upon request, Mr. John Morgan will submit by Friday, April 6th, 1984, a construction schedule on when these installations will commence. A fee of $14,693.40 was accessed and received for operation and maintenance of street lights for the initial three (3) year period required in Ordinance #226, Section 6, Subsection 6.08. An acceptance of this development was made on November 15, 1983 by Ross Orenduff, Director of Public Works. A copy of his acceptance letter is attached. SB/asm Attachments Minutes of April 27, 1982 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Coppell met in special called session on Tuesday, April 27, 1982, at 7:00 p.m. in the Coppell High School Cafeteria· The following members were present: Ray Smedul, Chairman' Frank Pope, Commissioner : Jim Kershaw, Commissioner Gary Adams, Commissioner (Late Arrival) Also present was City Administrator Jim Elium and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Commissioner Pope gave the invocation. Following the invocation, Chairman Smedul questioned if all Commissioners present had read the minutes. All indicated they had. Commissioner Kershaw then moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Commissioner Pope seconded and motion carried 3-0· ITEM NO. 4: Consider approval of preliminary and final plat on Dobecka Subdivision. ~r. Cecil Dobecka and Mr. Johnny Dobecka made the presentation to the Council This plat consists of a 4.9 acre tract with 12 lots. Commissioner Adams arrived during this presentation. Following discussion on this item, Com- missioner Kershaw moved that this plat be recommended for approval; Commission- er Adams seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 5: Consider approval of preliminary and final plat on Gateway )evelopment Company. Mr Bob Kyle engineer for Southwest Town Lot, and Mr Mark Mazanta made the presentation to the Council. This plat consists of the construction of the bridge and the road from Freeport Parkway eastward to Beltline Road along with the water and sewer improvements in storm drainage. The remainder of the plat will be developed in later phases. Following discussion by the c0~nission, Commissioner Adams moved that this plat be-recommended for approval ~0mmissioner Pope seconded and motion carried 4-0· The:'Planning and Zoning Commission was then recessed until the Joint discussion with the City Council. Following the recess, the meeting was then called back to order. During the discussion, Commissioner Smedul made the presentation t0the Council for an updated master plan He stated that because of us chang- (ngrequirements of the City and the surrounding area that the plan needs to ~eupdated. It was the consensus of the Council that a work session would be ~eld in the near future for further discussion on this item. ~e Planning and Zoning Commission was then adjourned. R. W. Smedul Chairman ~rothy Timmons, City Secretary Minutes of September 30, 1982 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in special called session on September 30, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell ISD Administration Building. The following members were present: Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor Orvi 1 le Mayo, Mayor Pro Tem Walter Pettijohn, Councilman Bunny Thompson, Councilman Dale Ware, Councilman Glen White, Councilman Also present was City Secretary Dorothy Timmons. City Attorney Larry Jackson was not present. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman Pettijohn gave the invocation. Following the invocation, Councilman White moved that the reading of the mim~tes be waived; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 5-0. Councilman Pettijohn then moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 4-A: Citizens Appearance by the Northlake Woodlands Homeowners Association to request a City proclamation in support of the second annual Hal loween parade. Mr. Don Morris made the presentation to the Council. He stated that the parade will be co-ordinated with the PTA activities and presented the Council with a list of requests for assistance from the City. Following discussion, Council- man White moved that the City support the Halloween parade; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 4-B: Citizens Appearance by Ms. Loretta McManus to request a variance on the side yard requirements at 250 Edgewood Drive. Ms. McManus was not able to be present at the meeting; however, she had requested that the Council consider her request and if need be, she could be present at the following meeting. Following discussion, Councilman Pettijohn moved that this item be tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting at which time Ms. McManus is requested to bring pictures of the area and an okay from her adjoining neighbors to construct the fence; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 5: .Consider approval of an ordinance regulating apartment construction. Since the City Attorney was unable to be present, Councilman White moved that this item be tabled; Councilman Pettijohn seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 6: Consider approval of amendments to the mechanical and electrical codes regulating license fees for the City. Again, since the City attorney was unable to be present, Councilman Pettijohn moved that this item be tabled; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 7: Consider approval of paving Bethel School Road from Harris Street to Bethel Road and changing the name of that portion of the road to Harris STreet. Following discussion, Councilman White moved that the street name be changed with the stipulation that the McDowell's be contacted concerning their feelings and that the City contract with the County for the paving of this road; Council- man Thompson seconded and motion carried 3-2 with Councilman Pettijohn and Mayor Pro Tem Mayo against the motion. ITEM NO. 8: Consider approval of the preliminary final plat on Gateway Industrial Park and dedication of the right-of-way at the Beltline, Denton Tap, Southwestern Boulevard intersection from the adjoining property owne rs. Mr. Mark Mazante made the presentation to the Council. He stated that this is the final preliminary plat and that their firm will provide~the engineering drawings for the remainder of the property at a later date. Following discussion, Councilman Ware moved that this plat be approved; Councilman Pettijohn seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 9: Consider approval of an ordinance directing the giving of notices of intention to issue $500,000 City of Coppell, Texas General Obligation Certificates of Obligation, Series 1982. Mr. John Boyle of Hutchison, Price, Boyles and Brooks made the presentation to the City. Following discussion, Councilman Ware moved that the City approve the ordinance, No. 267, giving notice of intent to issue the C.O.'s; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 10: Consider approval of an ordinance restricting the placement of metal buildings, regulating the number of accessory buildings, and repealing Ordinance No. 265. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Ware moved that the ordinance, No. 264 be approved; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 11: Public hearing to consider a zoning change request of George C. Connell, Trustee for a zoning change from Light Industrial to Multi-family. This item was tabled from the previous meeting at the request of the applicant. It was noted that a second request had been received, also from the applicant, to again table discussion on this item. It was the consensus of the Council that the hearing should be held as scheduled. Mayor Brown declared the hearing open to the public and asked for those persons who wished to speak for the proposed change. There were none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed change. Again, their were none. The public hearing was then declared closed. F611owing discussion, Council- man WAre moved that the zoning change be denied without prejudice as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0-1 with Councilman Pettijohn abstaining. ITEM NO. 12: Consider approval of a contract with Dallas County for Library services. This contract is the standard'~one that the City has had for the past several years with the County and contains no new items. Following discussion, Councilman White moved that the contract be approved; Councilman Ware seconded] and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 13: Consider proposal from Urban System, Inc. for a master plan proposal. Mr. Sayad Omar made the presentation to the Council and stated that Part I of the proposal would take approximately three months to complete. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that this item would be placed on the following agenda for consideration. ITEM NO. 14: Discussion concerning deliquent garbage accounts. The Council was informed that there are about eight delinquent garbage only or sewer and garbage only accounts that are seriously delinquent; however, after the latest letters were mailed, two of the accounts have made arrange- ments to pay the bills out. It was the consensus of the Council that as long as the bills were being paid on, no action would be taken at this time; however, this item is to appear on the next a§enda for a report on the status of this item. ITEM NO. 15: Mayor's Report There was no report at this time. ITEM NO. 16: Approval of Bills Following discussion, Councilman Ware moved that all bills be approved for payments; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 17: Work Session on the Budget Because this item concerned discussion on personnel items only, it was conducted during the executive session. ITEM NO. 18: Executive Session (Closed to the Public) Following the executive Session, the meeting was declared open to the public. Mayor Pro Tem Mayor moved that the employment of Dispatcher Emmett Burnett be terminated effective October 4, 1982. He further moved that the salary of Secretary Debbie Higgins, who is out on extended sick leave, be paid through September 30, 1982 and if any additional time is required that a leave of absence without pay would be granted. Councilman Ware seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Councilman Ware then moved that the City approve the hiring of two men in the Fire Department under contract labor and that the recommendation of the fire chief be followed concerning the ten people who would be working these two positions; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 3-2 with Councilman White and Pettijohn voting against the motion. No effective date for the hiring has been set as yet. ITEM NO. 19: Discussion and approval of intent to adjust taxes based on recent re-evaluations Following discussion on this item, Councilman Ware moved that the City adjust the taxes based on the recent re-evaluations; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0. The meeting was then adjourned. Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PO Box 819061, Farmers Branch, Tx 75381-9061 Scott Burnett City of Coppell PO Box 478 Coppell, Tx 75019 Dear Mr. Burnett: We have established the street lighting requirements for Gateway Business Park ~%~%~%R~ located ~% on Gateway Blvd. in the City of Coppell. Our pro- posed ~esign calls for 27-250W HPS street light (s). Our existing rate for this fixture, as approved by the Public Utility Commission, is 11.45 per month. The yearly rate is calculated to be 27 lights x 11.45 /month x 12 months or 3709,80 These values are subject to change and cannot be guar- anteed because of variable fuel costs. Texas Power & Light Company cannot be held responsible for the dissemination of these numbers by the city, nor can the accuracy of a compar- ison to actual bills be guaranteed. Sincerely, Moe Machovsky / Assistant Distri6t Engineer MM:lg cc: Project File