Gatew-1.1/PID-AG 980825 AGENDA REQUEST FORM August 25, 1998 ITEM # ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING: ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of awarding Bid/Contract Q-0798-02 for the construction of Public Improvements District (P.I.D.) Landscape Design, Irrigatrion, and Signage Improvements in Gateway Business Park to Landscape Design and Construction, Inc., in the amount of $494,410.50 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. APPROVED BY CiTY coUNCIL SUBMITTED~B¥: 'Gary L. Sieb TIT~: Director of LPta~ning and Community Services STAFF I~-~OMMEND~: APPROVAL STAFF COMMENTS: Bids were received from four (4) contractors and ranged from $494,410.50 to $823,779.56. The attached recommended bid sheet from Catellus Development Corporation, landowner, outlines the specific work to be done on this project and an estimated 180 days to finish the project. BUDGET AMT. $ AMT. EST. $ +l-BUD:$ FINANCIAL COMMENTS: Funds for this project will come from the bonds issues for the PID Development. This is a Special Assessment District of which the debt service is paid by the benefitted property owners. DIR. INITIALS: FIN. REVI CITY MANAGER REVI Agenda Request Form - Rd~ised 3?98 Dooument Name: ~PID.doe CATE L LU S August 14, 1998 Mr. Jim Ragsdill Purchasing Agent City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Contractor for Landscape, Irrigation and Signage Improvements - Gateway Business Park - Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. Ragsdill: Based on the bid opening for the above referenced project, Landscape Design and Construction, Inc. is the apparent low bidder. Based on a review of their submittal and a background check, Catellus Development Corporation recommends that Landscape Design and Construction, Inc. be awarded the project. We recommend the approval of the following bid items and the following items: Part 1. Main Entry Landscape and Irrigation-Base Bid $132,881.00 Part 2. Secondary Ent~ Landscape and Irrigation-Base Bid $ 60,610.50 Part 3. Crrapevine Creek Landscape and Irrigation-Base Bid $171,984.00 Part 4. Sign Improvements-Main Entry-Base Bid $ 35,910.00 Part 5. Sign Improvements-Secondary Entry-Base Bid $ 34,500.00 Part 6. Lighting Improvements-Main Entry-Add Alt. Bid $ 9,800.00 Part 9. Permanent Warm-Season Turfgrass-Add Alt. Bid $ 26,155.00 Part 10. Landscape Alternate-Main Entry-Add Alt. Bid $ 22,570.00 Total proposed contract mount $494,410.50 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at 972-719-6128. Robert E. McCann III Manager, Construction Sen'ices CiATELI_LiS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4545 F¥~.:.~.~: !)R~v::. 5k:,"r..': t00. bp.'xNc:, Trx.,',s 75038 {972) 719-6101 FAX (972) 719-6149 iZ 'd 6VL9 6,'Z U_,L6 SV'-']-"lV(] hZ](] sn'n'q31v3 [--~o;us ;-lda:S:a: S66t-17t-8 GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK- COPPELL TEXAS AV017002 BID SUMMARY and ASSESSMENT(BId No. Q0798-02) Prepared by Halff Associates, In c, August 14,1998 CATELLUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RGC LDC JAY LING GDG AVG AVG . ' .............. ' ~ ....... , ,.~ .....- -L" ~.: .:- " ...... ~ · .: "~ .~ --~ [ · ~'~J.~'~ ..... .! ....... ~=~= ~'~-=~=~..~-~ ~~~'; .... ~,'~aZ.~',,---' .... "..;~.~"?~"--~. '.'-'- ' '~'-~'~,-7- " ~ :~ ~'" ~-"'- -'-~ 'M1 3" L:ve Oak Tree. s (18 ea.~ "*1 $?,506.00 310~ $5,560.00:285.78 $5,144. 360 $6,480.00 $6,200.01 M2 3" C. eda: Elm Trees (22 ea.) 4221 $9,284.00 290 $6,380.00 285.78 $6,287.16: 315 $6.930.00 328.19501 $7,220.29 ~M3 3~ Bra.'lforc: Pear Trees (11 ee ) 405 $4.455.00. .. 310 $3,410.00 383.2! $4,215.20 315 $3.465.00! 353.3000 $3,886.30 M4 6'-8' Pu .rple Leaf P'um Trees (6ea.) 148 $888.00 120 $720.00 130 $780.00 180 Sl.080.00 144.5000 $867.00 .MS 6'-8' C, ape Myrtle Trees (30 ea,) 148 $4,440.00 100 $3,000.00,. 110 S3,300.00 I70 $5,100.00 132.0000 $3,960.00 ~iM6 Transplant exist. Aus~.fien Pine Trees (18 ea.) 171 $3,078.00 150 $2,700.00 210.5 $3,897.08 320 $5,760.50 214.3750 53,858.75 M7 5 Gal Dwarf Bu'ford Holly Shrubs (262 ea.) 18.8 $4,925.60 20 $5,240.00 21,19 $5,551.78 30 $7,860.08 22.4975 $5,894.35 ~'8 5 ~;al Dwarf, Yaupo'~ HoI~ 5h."~s (4070a.,~ 18.25 $7,427.75 20 $8,140.00 21.19 $8,$24.33 30 $12,210.00' 22.350~ $9,100.52 M9 5 gal Soft-Leaf Yucca Shrubs (24 ea.) 21.1 $508.40i 20 $4~).00 21.19 $508.56 30J $720.00 23.0725 $553.74 M10 4'-6' height Pampas Grass (3 ea.) 47.9 $143,70 100 $300.00 33 $99.00 1101 $330.00 72.7250 $218.18 , · ;¥11 ; ~al Carpet J~.")Jpe,'/2830 ea ) 6.2 $17,546.00 5 $14,150.001 10 78j $30,507.40 121 $33,960.001 8.4950 $24.040.88 · M12 4' Pot Seasonal Color (2190 ea.) 1.82 $3,985.80 1,5 $3,285.00' 1.5 $3,285.00~ 2.51 $5,475.00 1.8300 $4.007.70 M13 Tem, porary Cool.Season Tur~rass (128,700 s.f.) 0.1 $12,870.00 0.08 $10,296.00 0.2165 $27,863.55 0.07 $9,009.00 0.1166 $15,009.64 U14 6"xB"ConcreteMowstrip(7OOI.f.) 11.97 $8,379.00 12 $8.400.00 25 $17,500.00 19.5 $13,650.00~17.1175 $11,982.25 IM15 i~9ation ~stems (I I.s.) 26220 $26,220.00 33500 $33.500.00 31357 $31,357.08 11988 $11,988.00 25766.2500 $25,766.25 M16 Dry. Bom/(2) 6' PVC co~uit/sleeve for irfigatien main pipe (1 Ls.) 4742.4 $4,742.40 8800 $8,800.00 13000' $13,000.00 3780 $3,780.00, 7580.600~ $7,580.60 ~M17 [~y-Bo.~/(1) 2-I.,'2' PVC conduit]~eve for ir~g. elect, sen~. (1 I.s.) 957.8 $957.60 1600 $1,600.00 5100 $5,100.00 1890 $1.890.00 2386.9000 $2,388.90 iMI~ Earlhen Be~s (1 i.s ) 1824 $1,824.00 12800 $12,800.00 5000 $5,000.00 5000 $5,000.00 6156.0000 $6,156.00 !M19 Ad~Lu,s.! Exis~.?_til~pu~e~a_ _r~._s (1 I.s.) 513 $513.00 4100 $4,100.00 2500 $2,560.00 2000 $2,000.00 2278.2500 $2,278.25 ?-~"~.r~'_" ---. ---,- :-' ~i;: -~:._. ..... --_- _ ;~-~i--~':-':_ ~ -. ' .:: · ' ~-' '-"- -- ~'- ;:--: i- -;,- '-::- ~ :.i-'.i. :::.'~?--;.?, ¥-'-':'.':?:?:' ~'-':-:.i: :"' . ~;~.--~'-"-___. ~i'.~ .... ._~: '--. - ~"-- '- ~ ............. .... . --'~:-:- .... '-""::.. :{ ' _ ......--,7' -:- ~ 5! 3" Live O~k Trees (2 ea.) 4221 $844.00 310 $620.0i) ~851~8 $5711~ '" 360 $720.00 344.4450 '- $568."~ S2 5" Live Oak Trees [2 ea.) 661 [ Sl,322.00 700 $1,400.00 610.85 $1 '221.70 790 $1,580.00 690.4625 Sl,380.93 5'3 3' Cedar F'..m Trees (3 ea.) 422 $1,266.00 290 $870.00 285.78 $857.34 315 $945.00 328.1950 $984.59 ~ 3' Bradford Pear Trees {2 ea.} 405 $510.50 310 $620.00 383.2 $766.40 315 $630.00 353.3000 $706.60 ~.~55 6'-8' Puq~le Leaf Plum Trees (2 ea.) 148 $298.00 120 $240.00 130 $260.00 180 $360.00 144.5000 $289.00 '.S6 5'-8' Crape My,'tle Trees ("9 ea.) 148 $2,812.00._ 100 $1,900,00 110 $2,09~.00 1701 $3,230.00 132.0000 $2,508.00 iS7 Transplant exist. Ausbi,;an Pine Trees (6 ea.) 171 $1,026.00 150 $900.00 216.5 $1,299.00 360 $2,160.00 224.3750 $1,346.25 S8 5 9al Dwarf Budo"J Itc'h/Shrubs (34 ea.) 18.8 $639.20 20 $680,00 21.19 $720.45 30 $1,020.00 22.4975 $764.92 S9 5 9al Dwarf Ya,.'pen Holh/Shrubs (127 ea.) 18.25 $2,317.75 20 $2,540.00 ~.19 $2.691.13 3Ct $3,810.00. 22.3600 $2,839.72 ..S"C 5 gal Soft-.Leaf Yucca Shrubs (15 ea.) 21.1 $316.50 20 $300.0{~ 21.19 $317.85 3~ $450.00~ 23.0725 $346.09 {51 1 ga! Juniper (~828 ea ) 6.2 $11.315.00 5 $9,125.00 10.78, $~9,673.50 12 $21,900.00 8.4950 $15,503.38 Ca,pa'. S12 4' ~ot Seasonal Color (1245 ea.} 1.82 $2,265.90 1.5 $1,867.5~ 1.5 $1,887.50 2.51 $3,112.50 1.8300, $2,278.35 S13 Temporary Coo.LSeason Turigrass (31,350 s.f.) 0.1 $3,110.00 0.08 $2,488.00 0,2165 $6.733.15 0.088i $2,843.50 0.1204j $3,743.66 S14 Concrete M~vstrip (405 I.f.) 11.97 $4,647.85 12 $4,860.00 25 $10,125.00 19.5~ $7,897.50 17.1175' $6,932.59 '515 I,'rigat~on Systems {1 I.s.) 9690 $9,690.00 18000 $18,0~0.00 23100 $23,103.50 29112 $29,112.00 19975.,5000 $19,975.50 516 Earb~e~t Berm. s (~ I,s,) 228 $228.00 12100 $12,100,00 5000 $5,000.00 5000 $5,000.00 5582.0000 $5,582.00 ~ Adjust~ LYdi~purt~n_a.~ces(1 i.s:) ._ __ 114 $114.00.. _2100 .................... $2,1~.00 2500] $2,508.00 2000 . _.-$2'000'00_1678'5000_.-.-. $1,678.50. _ ................................................... I ,G* 3' Live uak Trees ~2~ e~.) ! 4221 $10,972.00: 310:I $8,060.00 285.78 $7,430.28' 360 $9,360.00 344.4450i S8,955.57 3' 5aid C~ra~ Trees [10 ea.} 451 ~.610.~' 290J $2,9~.~: 285.78 $2,857.~, ~ $3,4~.00' ~.1950 $3,~1,95 :S5 ~'~' Cm~ My~e Tr~s ~55 aa.~: 148 $8,140,00 1~ $5,~0 00~ 1"0' $6.C5C.0C $9,350.00 132.30~ $7,2~.00 ' :G5 5'A' Reffbud T~s (40 ~a.~ ~ ~zS~ $5,923.00 120' ~,800.00L_' ~52i $6.480.00. 260 $;0,400.~ 172.5~ s6.~.~ ~8 Tempom~ Cool-~as:n Tu~ss (363.300 s.f.) ~' - 0.14 $50,862.~ 0.08 $~,~.~1~ 0-605561 $~19.999.95 0.15 S~ 495.00~ 0.243~t $88,~05.24 ' ~G9 I~ga~on~tstems(1 Ls.) ~ ~803 $~,803~ ~200 $~,200~ 105~ ~05,8~.00~ ~2~ $828~.00~ 87421.75~ $8742f.75 Gl0 Ad..ust ~st,~ ~,:~,u~enan~s (~ ~.s.) J ~4 ~ $~4.00 3200 S3.200.00] 25,0 S2.500.00~ 2~0 ~,0~.O0~ ~9~.5~J ~Si-2 S~n Type A- Sign Le~ed~9 (1 I.s.) 2~91 S2,69~.00 33~ $3,300.~ 3~T.1 ~ $3.767.10[ No bid ~ 2439.5250 'SJ~ Si~q Ty~ B - Gra~te D~me~sion~ S~e Qadd n9 {1 s ) ~ 9~0i $9,~.~ 81~j $8,100.0~ 10262j $1~,26Z~ ~105.85 $7,105.85 87~.~25 SI-~ Sig~ Ty~ ~ - Sign Le3ed:g (1 I.s.I i 2691 $2,691.00 2970~ $2,970.00 3767 $3,767.~ j No bA 2357.~0 SI~ Sign Ty~ B - Teared A~ Co~6n9 (1 I.s.) ~] 1329 $1,329.00 ~ 1~I $1,~0.00 715 $715.00 ~ No bB 771.~0 SI-9 Sign ~ C - TeAu~ A~ic Coa~ng (2 ea.) J 2621 $2,~1.~ 980J $1,~.~I 691J Sl,382.~ No ~ 1073.0~ P~e 2 I~~;--: ~'~ ~1~~ 422 ($7,508.00) 310 ($5,580.00} 285.79j ($5,144.04) 36o ($6,480.00) 344.4450 ($6,200.01) iM13ed~m 3" Live Oak Trees (18 ea.) 790 MI-A 5" Live Oak Trees (18 ea.) 661 $11,898.00 600 $10,800.00 610.85 $10.995.30 $14,220.00 665.4625 $11,978.33 422 ($9,264.00) 290 ($6,380.00) 285.78 ($6,287.16) 315 ($6.930.OO) 328.1950 {$7,220 29! M2 Deduct 3' Cede- Elm Trees (22 ea.~ 665 624.21251 $13,732.68 M2-A §' Cedar E:m Trees (22 ea.) 661 $14,542.00 560~ $12,320.00 610.85 S13,435.70 $t4,630.00 M3Decuct 3' 5radfordPearT,rees{l~ ea.) 405, ($4,455.OO}: 310 ($3 410.00) ~ 383.2 ($4.215.20) 315 ($3,465.00)~ 353.3000 ($3.886.30) M3-A 5' Sradf3rd Pear Trees ~11 ea.) ~;J $7,271.00,i 600 $6,600.00 643_[ $7.073.00 590 $6.490.00~ 623.5000 $6.658.50, V4 Dedu~ 5'-5' Pum!e Leaf Plum Trees ;6 ea ) ($888.00? 120! ($720.0C) 130 . ,V4-A 8-~.? Pumle Leaf P'cm '.Trees (6 ea.) 295! $1,230.00 1901 $1,140.00 331 25 $1.987.50 .r,J5 C,e~uct 6'-8 Crape M.',~le T'~s (30 ea.1 148, (S4,440.OO) ,MS-A 6'-8' Crape My, tie T,rees(Changed to 8'-10', Adder'd. No. 1) (30 ea.) 205 $6,150.00 150 $4,500.00 175 $5.250.00 i 210 $6,300 00 ~ 185.OO00 $5,55C.00 'MS Deduct Transplant ~is'Jng Austrian Pine Trees (18 ea.) 171 ($3,078.00)' 150{ ($2,7OO.00) 216.5 ($3,897.00)1 500[ $9000 00 750] $13,500.00 ~M6-A New 5' Caliper Austrian Pine Tree (18 ea.) 655 $11,790.00 ... --;:'-~'-'..-.-:-':';-, - :'-/. ' --'.~ 7;---'~'.~' ';'? '- .... ' "- ' ...... ......... Sl 3educt 3" Live Oak Trees (2 ea.) ~ -~2 310 ($620.00) 285.78 ($570.56) 360 ($720.00) 344.4450 ($688.54) ,S1-A 5~ L~,,e Oak Trees (2 ea.) r 661i $1,322.00 600 $1,200.03 610.85 $1.221.70 790 $1,5§0.00 666.4625 $1,330.93 S3 Deduct 3" Cedar Elm Trees (3 ea.) ~ 422{ ($1,266.00)~ 290 ($870,00) 285.78 ($857.34) 315 {S945.00) 328.1950! ($984.59) ~S3-A 5" Cedar Elm Trees (3 ea.) ~15 $1,983.00 560 $1,680.00 ! 610.85 $1,832.55 665 $1,995.00 624.21261 $1,872.64 iS4 Deduct 3' Bradfo~l Pear Trees (2 ea.) {$810.00) 310 ($620.00) 383.2 ($766.40) 315 ($630.OO) 353.30001 ($706 601 IS4-A 5" Bradford Pear Trees (2 ea.) 6611 $1,322.00 600 $1,200.00 643 $1,286.00 590 $1,180.00 623.50(~i $1,247.00 ~44.5OO,,,i ($289.~) fS5Deduct 6'-8' Pu,*ple Leaf Plum Trees (2 ea.) 148! ($298,OO) 1201 ($240.00) 130 ($260.00) i60 ($360.00) " "'~ SS-A 8'-1C' Purple Leaf Plum Trees (2 ea.) 205 $410.00 '- 190 $380.00 331.25 $662.50 220 $440.00 236.5625i $473.13 ,[S6 Dedud.. 6'-8' Crape Myrtle Trees (19 ea.) 148 ($2.812.00) 100 ($1,900,00)~ 110 ($2,0~.00) 170 ($3,230.OO) 132.0000~ ($2,508.00) =S6-A 8'-10' Crape i',~.'tle Trees (19 ea.) I 205 $3,895.00 150 $2,850.00 175 $3,325.00 S7 Dedu~ Transp!ant F. xis~ng Austrian Pine Trees (6 ea.) i 171 (Sl,026.OO) 150 ($9OO.00) 216.5 ($1,299.00} 360 ($2,160.OO) 224.3750 ($1,346.25) S7-A New 5" Calipm' AusL"ian Pine Tree (6 ea.) 655] $3.930,OO 500 $3,0OO.00. 750; $4,500.00 775 $4~55..0..00 670.POOP $4,020.00 =_~._ . ~. r'::"-'-'?~ ~ " . :._~_ ,~.~'-~:~;~.=~:-'::~7-.~::.::.~-;~;--:::___"::~--- "": i.::: - ~ ........ -' -: .... __ . _ - :. . ... :;: ....... -. .~ . ~ ~_.:';-~_~--.?,. -.:_~:::.._- =:..: _.~_.-'_...7.::-: -: ?'--':_-_. -- .... '-:~ -?:'::: -- -~"-' iG1 Deduct 3' Live Oak Trees ( 26 ea.) 422 (S10,972.00) 310 ($8,060.OO) 285.78 (S7,~30.26) 360 ($9.080.00) 344.4450' ($8,955.57) ~S1-A 5' Uve Oak Trees (26 ea) 661 S17,186.00 600 $15,800.00 610.86 $15,882.10 790 $20.540.00 665.4625 $17,302.03 ,iG2 Deduct 3' Cedar Elm Trees (34 ea.) 422 ($14.,348.00) 310 ($10.540.001 283.78 ($9,716.52~ 315 ($10,710.00) 332.6950 ($11,328.63) IG2-A 5" Cedar E~m Trees (34 ea.) 661 $22,474.00 560 $19,040.00 610.85 $20.768.90 590 $20,060.00 605.4625 $20,585.73 ~C-3 Deduct 3" Bradford Pear Trees (16 ea.) 405 ($6,480.00) 310 ($4,960.00) 383.2 ($6,131.20) 315 ($5,040.00) 353.3000 ($5,052.80) ,!G3-A 5" Bradford Pear Trees (16 ea.) 661 $10,576.00 600 $9,600.00 643 $10,288.00 5~ $9=440.00 623,5000 S9,976.00 G4 Dedud 3' Eakl Cypress Trees (10 ea.) 481 ($4,610.OO) 290 ($2,900.00) 285.78 ($2,857.80) 340 ($3,400.OO) 344.1950 ($3,441.95) 'G4-A 5' Bald Cypress Trees (10 ea.) 730 $7,300.00 540 $5,400.00 61G86 $E,108,50 6~0 $6,400.00 6302125 $6,302.13 .My~,le Trees ~5 ea./ 148 ~$8,140.00) 100 ($5,500.00) 110 ~$6,050.C0~;' 1701 ~'S9 350.00~ 132.OO00 ($7,260.00) G5 Dedu~ 6'.8' Crape '~ ~ · ' ' ' ' ' ' G..~A 8'-10' Crape I~ptle Trees (55 ea.) 205 $11.275.00 150 $8,250.00 ~ 175- $9,625.00 210' $11.550.00 185.0000 $;0.175.00. i=C-6 Deduc 6'-8' Redbud Tmea (40 ea.) { ~48 ($5,920.00) 120 ($4,800.00) 162 ;$6,480.00) 260 ($10,400.00) 172.5000 ($6,900.0~) !iG6-A 8'-'0' Redbud Trees (40 ea ) [~ 205 $8,200.00 200 $8,OO0.00 182 S7,280.00 315 $12,600.0(} 225.5000 S9.620.OO . . ', ($8,959.00) G7 ~luct 6'-8' Purple Leaf Plum Trees (52 ea.) t 148 ($9,176.00) 120 ($7,440.00) 130 ($8,050.001 18;) ($11,160.00) 144.5000~ 205 $12,710.00 190 $11,780.00 i 331.25 $20,557.50 ] 2401 $14,880.OO 241.5625[ $14,981.88 G7-A 8'-I0' Puq~e Leaf Plum., Trees (62 ea.) .... ~..~,,,,,Jim~;-'-._, ::. :-: :... L''~ -.- ~::.--'._-_;'-::'~; ~:- :._:. ::' : '-- ;' : ::-:':-;~' ~:L;~ :~':. :-:~. ::-- ~;;-? ~"-.-- :~/; :~;;---: 4 :' :---:~:: :.!:-': ;:~':'-:i~!. '_:i.;_.~/-_:..V'-_. ::.:: :: ." . ............. ::' :::- - .... :':?';-: !ER! Erosion Conb'ol Blanket(Creek channel bottom)(1 I.s:) 58950 ER2 Erosion Co,pi Blanket,.Creak ch, ennel side slopes) (1 I.s.)144950 $144,950.00 .... __:-:---~:_ ...... ..-.. ::---:_-.. ~:: .?_;'::~:,'-.:=:.:~ -~(.' _-.... :. __-. __ .=:_ :. - .. - .=.. _.- --. :: -;=---_--;_:- ~=.__: .... _: ...... -.::_ . --= ..... .-. ........... Page 3 Page4