Freeport-2.4/SP,Re-CS010702Sent By: Cacrell Poole & Yost APchltect ; 214 953 0702; Ju1-2-01 7:52AM; Page 1/4 CARRE POOLE & YOST architectur TRANSMITTAL To: Ms. Marcie Diamond, Ms. Andrea Roy From: Ed Yost Company: City of Coppell pbmning Date: July 2, 2001 Fax: 972.304.7092 Project TNA North America Pages: 4 Proj. No.: 01040 iF YOU DO NCrF RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL (214) 953JJ042 · Comments: Marcie and Andrea, Please review the attached modification options to the Royal Lane Elevation for the TNA project. Please note the follo~ving features with respect to the proposed options: l. Glass/Metal Panel Elevation: This option replaces the entry shown previously with a similar storefront glass and metal panel fascia similar to the ends of the building. 2. Slit Window Elevation: This option inlxoduces two narrow vertical windows similar to those shown on the south elevation. Panel height is also bumped up to break the cornice line. 3. Concrete Panel Reveal Elevation: This option shows the center panel height bumped up and the panels are accented by reveals on 32" centers each way. The noted reveal module size is two times the burnished block grid size. Please comment on the proposed modifications and call to review. The attached elevations are based on the discussions that you had with Michael Green last week. Our intention is to arrive at a solution that you can present to Mr. Sieb that will not be interpreted as a major change that will require going through the Site Plan Approval process again, thereby delaying the project two or more months. We are very close to being able to submit for Building Permit. I have met with Mr. Greg Jones and have discussed exiting, building construction etc. and feel we have addressed his initial concerns. Pending the selection or modifications to the attached options, we could be ready to submit for permit as early as the end of this week. Your timely co~;1 is appreciated. Ed Yost ~ CC: Michael~erry .R.aley TNA 972.406,8828 John Stanley, Steve Tippie FACS 972.664.1491 5646 Milton Street * Suite 888 · Dallas, Texas 75206 * (214)953-0042 · FAX (214)953-0702 0 O L~ t-- t- 12. ,,-I t-' 0 ~0 (3) 4~ c-