Gatew-1.6/Re,SP-AG010306 T H E ¢ I 1' Y 0 F ~ C-OPPELL AGENDA REQUESt FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 6, 2001 ITEM # ] 0 ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Gateway Business Park, Block 2, Lots 3A, 3B, 3C, and Common Area 1, Replat and Site Plan, to replat approximately 37.35 acres of property and allow for the development of an office/warehouse building on an 11.62-acre tract of land located at the northwest corner of Freeport Parkway and Gateway Boulevard. SUBMITTED :~~Gary L. ~ APPROVED TITLE: %.. Director of ?Ela~ing and Community Services CiTY couNCiL r> Date of P&Z Meeting: February 15, 2001 t-DJ g~Zta'T6en4'a Decision ofP&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners McGahey, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: REPLAT CONDITIONS: al~u~lo~e4:-. Condition Met Q City Council approval of the proposed abandonment of 16,807 feet of Exchange square Circle and dedication of 5,820 square feet. (~ All right-of-way improvements shall be made within 90 days from City Council approval. All other matters related to the abandonment and dedication shall be resolved within the same time period.  No shall be utilities lots 3A, 3B, 3C, landscaping placed over underground on or common area 1. SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: O No landscaping shall be placed over underground utilities. Staff recommends approval. DIR. INITIALS: ~, FIN. REVIEWS' CiTY MANAGER REViEW:~ Agenda Request Form - Revised 5/00 Document Name: @gater CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK~,BLOCK 2 LOTS 3A~ 3B, 3C and COMMON AREA 1 REPLAT & SITE PLAN Note: The Planning Commission heard this case on January 18, 2001 and continued it to February 15, 2001. The following commentary (shown in bold type) is additional information not presented at the January hearing. P&ZHEARINGDATE: January 18, 2001 (Continued by Planning Commission until February 15, 2001) C.C. HEARING DATE: February 13, 2001 (To be rescheduled after Commission action, possibly March 6, 2001) LOCATION: At the northwest comer of Freeport Parkway and Gateway Boulevard. SIZE OF AREA: Approximately 37.35 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Replat into three separate lots and Site Plan approval for a 143,720 square foot office/warehouse on Lot 3B, containing 11.62 acres. APPLICANT: Catellus Development Corp. HalffAssociates, Inc. 5720 LBJ Freeway, Suite 190 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, TX 75240 Dallas, TX 75225 PHONE: (972) 419-1900 (214) 739-0095 FAX: (972) 419-1922 (214) 739-0096 HISTORY: The City Council approved the final plat of Gateway Business Park on June 12, 1990. On October 12, 1993, City Council approved a replat of Block 2. On April 9, 1996, City Council approved a replat with site plan for Haverty's, allowing the development of a 220,675 square foot regional distribution facility and a 50,000- retail furniture center. On December 12, 2000 City Council approved a site plan amendment to allow the 170,590 square foot expansion of the Haverty's facility. Item # 5 TRANSPORTATION: Gateway Boulevard is a C4U four-lane undivided collector street within a 70'-wide right-of-way. Freeport Parkway is a 4-lane divided road in a 95'-wide fight-of-way. Freeport Parkway is proposed to be expanded to a six-lane roadway in a 110'-wide right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Minyards Corporate headquarters; "LI" Light Industrial South- Fritz Co, Office/Warehouse; "LI" Light Industrial East - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial West - Havertys, Office/Warehouse; "LF' Light Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for light industrial/showroom uses. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting to replat Block 2 of Gateway Business Park, subdividing the 37.35 acres of property into three separate lots (3A, 3B, & 3C), with a small common area. The request for site plan approval is for Lot 3B, which contains 11.62 acres of property. The applicant is proposing to develop one 144,544 square foot building with parking and truck service areas, leaving the northern three acres of the site undeveloped. The vacant area is labeled as future development. The applicant proposes to construct a 25%/75% mix of office and warehouse uses within the building, providing a total of 257 parking spaces, well over the 229 spaces required. The entire rear of the building is occupied by 14 dock doors accessed via a large truck court/service area. The layout of the site provides two access points along Freeport Parkway, and one along Gateway Boulevard. The truck is accessed from the shared access drive at the rear of the site. Since the original submission, the applicant has revised the architecture of the proposed warehouse/office facility to show more detail, provide additional building materials, and further enhance the entrances. The proposed facility will be two-toned painted tilt wall construction (white/gray), with stone veneer accents, tinted glass windows and silver mullions. Enhanced entrances are proposed where the building wall height is slightly higher than the remainder of the building and aluminum composite panel canopies cover the doorways. Staff was originally concerned with the length of the front building wall along Freeport Parkway (___705'); however, the applicant has provided additional breaks in the building height and materials every 75-100', significantly scaling down the mass of the wail. Item # 5 An existing monument sign is placed at the comer of Freeport Parkway and Gateway Boulevard, within the 3,336 square foot common area; therefore, no monument sign is proposed on site. The building elevations indicate the proposed areas for possible future attached signage. The signage is illustrated in such a way that up to six tenants may have attached signage. The outlined areas are in compliance with the sign regulations and will allow for individual tenants to obtain signage as they occupy the buildings. As previously mentioned, the layout of the site places a large open area at the northern portion of the site (approximately 3 acres). This area will remain as an open grassed area while a 90' wide temporary drainage easement is in place. However, if the drainage is placed underground or relocated, there is a possibility for development of this area, likely additional parking. Please note that no additional development can occur on this portion of the site without amending the current site plan, requiring review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The rear entrance to the site has been designed primarily as a truck entrance/exit to and from the facility. Originally, the applicant proposed a 100'-wide accessway that has now been revised to 40'-wide, with 5'- wide mountable curbs on either side, creating a 50'-wide opening. The applicant has designed the entryway in this manner in order to comply with the Subdivision Ordinance, which allows a maximum curb cut at the property line of 40' and the Zoning Ordinance, which allows a maximum opening/break in landscaping of 50'. Staff has no objection to the revised accessway and supports the plan change. Landscaping All perimeter, interior, and non-vehicular landscape requirements have been met with regards to the portion of the site proposed to be developed now. Because the northern portion of the site is not proposed to be developed at this time, the applicant has not included this area within the landscape calculations. However, if/when development of the northern portion of the site (future development area) occurs, full compliance with all landscape regulations will be required at that time. Originally, the applicant proposed to screen the truck service area from the south with a living screen. This has been revised to a 8'-high solid screen wall, measuring 40' in length. The screen wall will be constructed of the same material as the main structure and painted to match. The screen wall will be lined with shrubs with three Austrian pines located at the end of the wall. The applicant is proposing the placement of a combination of Leyland Cypress and a 2' high berm at the north side of the truck service area, which does not face a public street. Item # 5 A 40' wide TXU Electric easement is located along Freeport Parkway. Because of existing poles and overhead wires, the applicant is limited in the type of trees that may be planted within that area. Typically, large overstory trees would be planted along the front of the property; however, due to the height limitation, the applicant has instead proposed to plant a significant number of crape myrtles in this area. The entire length of the property along Freeport Parkway will be landscaped in conjunction with this application. Additionally, because Freeport Parkway is a secondary image zone, 8'-wide brick paver bands will be provided at each entrance from Freeport Parkway. The design of the parking lot places 18' deep parking spaces throughout the site. The reduced length of 18' in lieu of 19' is permitted with the provision of at least 2' minimum clearance beyond where the curb or wheel stop restricts forward movement. As proposed, two feet of clearance exists, however, this area can not be counted as landscaped area. The applicant has adjusted the landscape calculations accordingly to reflect this change. Staff remains concerned with regards to the placement of trees over drainage and utility easements. While the applicant has shifted all easements to eliminate any landscape conflicts on the subject site, the westernmost drainage easement has been shifted further west, now impacting future development of the adjacent lot (lot 3A). This specific drainage easement is proposed to contain a box culvert with approximately 2' of ground cover over the box, making the planting of any landscaping over this area almost impossible. This specific drainage easement measures 30' wide, possibly allowing for some plantings beyond the location of the box culvert; however, final location of the easement components must allow for compliance with the landscape ordinance, particularly with regards to perimeter landscape requirements. Staff has included a condition for both the replat and site plan that no landscaping be placed over underground utilities. Replat As previously mentioned, the proposed replat will subdivide the property into three lots and one common area, while only one lot is currently proposed for development. As part of the replat, the applicant is requesting to abandon a 16,807 square foot portion of Exchange Circle and dedicate 5,820 square feet of additional right-of-way. The applicant proposes to shorten the length of Exchange Circle, eliminating the intrusion of Exchange Circle into lot 3A. The necessary access easements have been provided in order to maintain the side entrance into the Haverty's site. The applicant has provided an exhibit showing the Item# 5 proposed area for abandomnent and staff has included conditions related to the reconfiguration of Exchange Circle. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the site plan and replat, subject to the following conditions: REPLAT CONDITIONS: 1. Placement of the legal description and survey of the portion of Exchange Circle to be abandoned. 2. City Council approval of the proposed abandonment of 16,807 square feet of Exchange Circle and dedication of 5,820 square feet. 3. All right-of-way improvements shall be made within 90 days from City Council approval. All other matters related to the abandonment and dedication shall be resolved within the same time period. 4. No landscaping shall be placed over underground utilities on lots 3A, 3B, 3C, or common area 1. SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: 1. No landscaping shall be placed over underground utilities. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Exhibit 'A' Proposed Abandonment 2) Replat (Sheets 1 & 2) 3) Site Plan 4) Building Elevations 5) Landscape Plan 6) Landscape Details Item # 5 __uJ:F/DRAiNAOEI EXHIBIT A L'O T '5 B L 0 CK ~1 I EASEMENT~ PAGE 2 OF 2 ~', ' <VOL. 99,:33.-. GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK r'F '.-, (VOL. 99133, PAGE / / '/ aD ~ J A= 246'25'18" n-m u¢ __ R= 60.00' -- ~ T= -91.65' >- o~ / L= 258.05' gq _z- C.B.=S55'11'O2'E . ,oo. o <r IND.' 6,807 SO. FI.~ RIGHT-OF-WAY TO (_b W/'DAVIS' OR BE ABANDONED / SCALE: 1"=60' / / o 20 4o 6o 90 ,~ / ~ I.R. SCALE IN FEET / LLI W/"DAVlS' ~0 CAP (CM) A= 66'25'19' R= 40.00' ~ I.R. L= 46.37' ~ W/"DAVIS" / 44.35' f/--PROPOSED LOT LINE.-,~2' W/CAP N88'23'42"W i W/CAP III i [POINT OF BEGINNING LOT 2R, BLOCK 2 ~ i~- GATEWAY d (Vol. 96167, Pg. 7179) 7 ~ ~ ~ 0 I,/z" SIR I/~, SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC '~ ~O~TH LLI W/CAP CAP STAMPED "HALFF ASSOC. INC.' · X ~ FND. I.R. W/ FOUND IRON ROD WITH LOCATION MAP J I J ~) 'DAVIS' CAP CAP STAMPED 'DAVIS' NOT TO SCALE o , z RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT POINT OF OF A PART OF EXCHANGE CIRCLE COMMENCING, OUT OF THE ? S.A. & M.G. RAILROAD SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 14Z × ~ CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ./ '% FOR ~ CATELLUS DEVELOPMENT CORP GATEWAY BLVD. (70' R.O.W.) PREPARED BY ; BASIS OF BEARING BEING THE REPLAT OF LOT :3 HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC.~ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS & COMMON AREA 1 OF BLOCK 2 GATEWAY BUSINESS 8616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DR. DALLAS, TEXAS PARK AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 991:33, PAOE 00036, SCALE; 1'=60' AVO 19177 JANUARY, 2001 PLAT RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. 19177 DGN=177-ABEX.( LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT A BEING a tract of land in the S.A. & M.G. Railroad Survey, Abstract No. 1439, Dallas County, Texas, and being adjacent to Lot 1R, Block 2, Gateway Business Park and Lot 3, Block 2, Gateway Business Park, Additions to the City of Coppell, Texas, as recorded in Volume 96167, Page 7179 and Volume 99133, Page 36, respectively, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, (D.R.D.C.T.), and being a part of Exchange Circle, a publicly dedicated right-of-way (60 feet wide) as dedicated by plat recorded in Volume 96167, Page 7179 of the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas (P.R.D.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the northwest end of a comer clip located at the intersection of the north right- of-way line of Gateway Boulevard (70 feet wide at this point) with the east right-of-way line of said Exchange Circle; THENCE North 01 degree 36 minutes 18 seconds East, along said east fight-of-way line, a distance of 428.50 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF ASSOC. INC." (hereafter referred to as "with cap") set for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 88 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds West, departing said east right-of-way line and crossing said Exchange Circle right-of-way, a distance of 60.00 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap set on the west right-of-way line of said Exchange Circle; THENCE North 01 degree 36 minutes 18 seconds East, along said west right-of-way line and the east line of said Lot 1R, a distance of 136.00 feet to an iron rod with cap stamped "DAVIS" found for the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 60.00 feet; THENCE Northeasterly and Southwesterly, departing said west fight-of-way line and said east line of Lot 1R and along said circular curve and the northerly and easterly right-of-way line of said Exchange Circle, through a central angle of 246 degrees 25 minutes 18 seconds, for an arc distance of 258.05 feet to an iron rod with cap stamped "DAVIS" found for the point of reverse curvature of a circular curve to the left having a radius of 40.00 feet; THENCE Southwesterly along said circular curve and said easterly right-of-way line, through a central angle of 66 degrees 25 minutes 19 seconds, for an arc distance of 46.37 feet to an iron rod with cap stamped "DAVIS" found for the end of said curve on the aforementioned east fight-of- way line of said Exchange Circle and on the west line of the aforementioned Lot 3; THENCE South 01~llegree 36 minutes 18 seconds West along said east right-of-way line and said west line, a distatnce o~44.35 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 16,807 square feet or 0.~858i{i~res of land, more or less. 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