Gatew-1.6/Re,SP-DR001228 (2) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Gatewa]: Business Park, Block 2, Lots 3A, 3B, 3C, and Common Area 1, Replat and Site Plan, to replat approximately 3Z35 acres of property and allow for the development of an office/warehouse building on an 11.62-acre tract of land located at the northwest corner of Freeport Parkway and Gateway Boulevard, at the request of ltalff Associates, Incorporated. DRC DA TE: December 28, 2000 and January 4, 2001 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ,"PRELIMINARY F4NA~ REVISED 1. The location of the proposed median opening on Freeport Parkway shown between Southwestern Blvd. and Gateway Blvd. will not be allowed since it does not meet the City's criteria for median opening spacing. 2. The existing 10' sanitary sewer easement (Vol 91078), pg. 1868) needs to be abandoned since the existing sanitary sewer line will be used to serve only one building. 3. You are proposing dedicating drainage and sanitary sewer easement outside the limits of the site plan submitted. There is no supporting documents/plans for the offsite drainage easements and for the proposed onsite 15' sanitary sewer easement. 4. As per the City's Subdivision Ordinance, Freeport Parkway needs to have 110' of right-of- way. Currently there is 95' of right-of-way dedicated. An additional 15' of right-of-way would be needed requiring a 7.5' dedication on this plat. 5. The utility plan submitted shows the proposed water vault adjacent to Freeport Parkway is located in the proposed driveway. This is not acceptable. The vault needs to be located outside the limits of pavement. Also need to provide 20'x20' water easements for all proposed water vaults. 6. The proposed fire hydrants shown on the east side of the site will be private. Therefore, they will either need to be connected to the private fire line or provide fire detector check meters for each fire hydrant.