Gatew-1.6/Re,SP-CS010207Andrea Roy_ Haverty/Catellus page 1t From: <fdegolian@havertys. com> To: City_of_CoppelI.Town_Center(aroy) Date: Wed, Feb 7, 2001 8:02 AM Subject: Haverty/Catellus Thanks. I might be difficult to find today so I leave a primary question. Paragraph 1 in this message calls for a determination of value. We use CB , _ Richard Ellis as our exclusive broker in the metroplex. Will a letter opinion of value from them give you what Mr Hager references? If so I'll get them started asap. Catellus told me the plat approval request had been taken off the 13 Feb agenda. Has it been rescheduled? I think Sharon D~lvall might h.ave her _ · ,,,at. dates confused in paragraph 4. ~ --- LL~,I, ~-{33 (.~L.. I look forward to discussing these issues with you. //~~ .... Forwarded by Felix DeGolian/Havertys on 02/07/01 08:54 AM ..... "Sharon Duvall" To: <fdegolian@havertys.com>, <SDUVALL@sgrl <PStokes@havertys.com> aw. com> cc: "Jane Haverty" <JHAVERTY@sgrlaw. com> Subject: Haverty/Catellus 02/06/01 09:14 AM Gentlemen: Finally had success in reaching Robert Hager (attorney for City of Coppell) last night. Here is procedure for abandonment of road/dedication of new road: Note: The person that you should be dealing with in the Planning Department is Andrea. She can help you get everything in order. Also, based on Andrea's research, there are no utilities located within the portion of Exchange Circle that is being abandoned, and the abandonment is proceeding along those lines. To the extent Havertys knows something different (that there are, in fact, utilities located within that portion of Exchange Circle that is being abandoned), then Havertys should let Andrea know as soon as possible. So, assuming no utilitites, here is what Andrea and Robert need from Havertys: 1. An appraisal of the portion of Exchange Circle that is being abandoned. Not an MAI appraisal, but something that Andrea and Robert can put in their files to evidence that the value of the abandoned portion of Exchange Circle is diminimus (less than $100.00). This appraisal will not be used to establish any sort of purchase price. Havertys will not have to pay the City for this property. It is just to support the fact that the property is worthless for public use. , Andiea ~oy: HaVerty/cate,,,us , page 2 2. A legal description and survey of the pod, ion of Exchange ,~, is. being abandoned: Halff should already have this informati~.~Roi:)~F ~ ,~'/" would like'this information to be included on theRe~Plat [ ~ ~.~ r ( or ~"/~ ]-. ~/ ~ The abandonment will take place by ordinance, and once ~~v~ves · ,~ Y'/~ appraisal, legal description and survey, he will prepare ~ ordinance. ~7~1~ ~) Robert contemplates that the abandonment will proceed apace with the v~l.~c, oJ~J ~' -Re-Plat The next meeting of the Council (?? my notes are unclear on this) is the 3rd Thursday of February (February~l~5~?. Then, on March 13th the Council meets again. If the ordinance and' AC~':Plat are approved on the 13th, the Mayor will sign off on them on Friday, March 16th. There is no appeal period from the March 13th meeting. Once the Mayor signs the ordinance and the Re-Plat, everything is final. So, if everything goes smoothly, everything will be final on March 16th; however, the various utility companies will need to sign the Re-Plat before it can be recorded. The City Secretary wilt record the abandonment ordinance. 5. The City will accept the dedication of the new Exchange Circle cul-de-sac. It will be a public right-of-way once the Re-Plat is signed by the Mayor. Then, when the road is built, the City will issue a letter approving the road, and from then on, it will belong to the City, and the City will have the responsibility to maintain the road. We need to make sure the Re-Plat contains the appropriate language to accomplish this dedication and acceptance. 6. Robert confirmed that utility easements work the same way. The City will accept the dedication of the easements on the Re-Plat. Then, when the utility lines are installed, the City will issue a letter approving the V'-~ lines, and from then on, the lines will belong to the City and the City will have the responsibility to maintain them. We need to make sure the Re-Plat contains the appropriate language to accomplish this dedication and acceptance. I also got a call from Anne LaPlace last night. She is still redrafting the contract and said we should get it today. Call if you have questions. Sharon. This message originates from the law firm of Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP. This e-mail message and all attachments may contain legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you should immediately stop reading this message and delete it from your system. Any unauthorized reading, distribution, copying, or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. All personal messages express solely the sender's views and not those of Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP. This message may not be copied or distributed without this disclaimer. If you received this message in error, please notify us immediately at postmaster@sgrlaw, com. And~',ea R0Y ire; Haverty!Catellu? .................... .............. p~ge !] From: <fdegolian@havertys.com> To: Allegro5.hub 05("SDuvall@sgrlaw. com") Date: Wed, Feb 7, 2001 1:14 PM Subject: Re: Haverty/Catellus Sharon, I forward this for your information. Let's talk soon to coordinate our next steps. Andrea, I may be in Coppell on the 15th. I'll cell to see what we should do prior to then and who we should have in attendence at the P&Z meeting. Thanks for you advice. ..... Forwarded by Felix DeGolian/Havertys on 02/07/01 01:45 PM ..... "Andrea Roy" <aroy@ci.copp To: fdegolian@havertys.com ell.tx.us> cc: Subject: Re: Haverty/Catetlus 02/07/01 01:31 PM Mr. DeGolian: Yes, a letter of opinion of value from CB Richard Ellis for the area to be abandoned would be acceptable. With regards to the remainder of the e-mail from your attorney Sharon Duvall, the process she has described is correct. As you mentioned the dates are off, beceuse of thb delay. The item will be heard by Planning & Zoning Commission on February 15 and then by City Council on March 13. This should be completed by the end of the week- March 16. I will ensure, on my end of things, that the re-plat contains the necessary language and that the ordinance is prepared to be heard by City Council on March 13. Please cell or write if you have any questions. Andrea L. Roy CC: City_of_CoppelI.Town_Center(aroy)