Gatew-1.6/Re,SP-CS010330 (2)03/30/2001 15:48 FAX 404 815 3509 SMITII,GAMBRELL & RUSSELL ~001 SMITH, GAMBRELL ~ RUSSELL, LLP ATFORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 3100, PROMENADE II 1230 PEACHTREE STREET, N.E. Jae, k.sonvitle, FI, Office A.TLA.NTA~ GEORGIA 30309'3592 W~hinston, D,C, Office BA~K O~ A~TC~ TOWI~R Sur~ 800 50 NORT~ LaU~,~ STREET, Surrg 2200 1850 M STREKr, N.W. J^c~som, nxr~ FL32202 Established 1893 W~,U~OTO~, I~.C. 200.~6 <904) sgs-6t00 (404) 815-B500 (~2) ~$9-2Sn F~CSXmL~ (904) 358-~407 FACSll~IIL~ (404) 815-3509 l~csn~,~; (202) 263-4~29 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: Th~ hxt'ormarioa contained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information intellded only for the use of the individual or entity named below. If the reader of this message is not the ir~teuded recipietlt~ you ~.re hereby notified that ally dissemination, distn'butioll or copying of/his ~clccopy is strictly proh~ited. If you have received this tele¢opy in error, please ~mmediately notify us by telophone and return the original message to us at the address abovc via the United States Postal Service. Tha,~ie ~ou. TELEGOPY COVER SHEET DATE: March 30, 2001 Send To: At (Firm/Company): Telecopy: Phone: Andrea Roy __ City of Coppdl (972) 3.94-7092 (972) 304-3677 From: Telecopy; Phone: Client/Matter: Number of Pages: Sharon C. Duvall, 404-685-6839 404-815-3539 011409.393 ~-- Esquire/361 OPERATOR: TIME COMPLETED: PLEASE CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS MESSAGE: Abandonment Ordinance - Exchange Circle Cul-De-Sac Andrea: In reviewing the abandonment ordinance, it appears that you need a legal description for the new Exchange Circle cul-de-sac (to attach as Exhibit B), I am attaching the legal description, which has been prepared by Andy Shafer at Halff Associates. Call if you have questions. Sharon, 03/30/2001 15:48 FAX 404 815 3509 SMITH,GA~BRELL & RUSSELL ~002 LEGAL DESCR~TION DEDICATION OF ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE CIKCLE RIGHT-OF-WAY BE.lNG a tract of land in the S.A. & M.G. Raih-oad Survey, Abstract No. 1439, Dallas County, Texas, mid being a part of Lot 3, Block :2, Gateway Business Park, an Addition to tJ~e City of Coppell, Texas, as recorded in Volume 99133, Page 3(~, of the D¢~d Records of Dallas County, Texas, (D.K.D.C.T.), and being more p~-ticularly dcscrib~i as follows: COMN~NC~G at an iron rod with cap stamped "DAVIS" found for the northwest end of a comer clip located at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Gateway Boulevard (70 feet wide at this porn0 with the east right-ofwway line of Exchange Circle (60 feet wide); THENCE North 01 degree 36 minutes 18 seconds East, along said east right-of-way line a distance of 276.86 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HALFF ASSOC. INC." (hereafter referred to as "with cap") set for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 01 degree 36 minutes 18 seeo,~ds East, continuing along said east right-of-way line a distance of 151.64 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap set for comer, said point being o,~ a non- taagent curve to the fight having a radius of 60.00 feet and whose chord bears South 10 degrees 1 l minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 117.47 feet; THENCE Southeasterly a~d Southwesterly, departing said east right-of-way line and along said curve t~ough a central angle of 156 degrees 25 minutes 26 seconds, an arc distance of 163.gl feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap set for the point of reverse curvature ora circular curve to the having a radius of 40.00 feet and a chord which bears South 34 degrees ,ii minute 58 seconds West, a distance of 43.82 feet; THENCE Southwesterly, along said curve through a central angle of 66 degrees 25 minutes 19 seconds, an arc distance of 46.37 feet to th.e POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAIaNE~IG 5,820 square feet or 0.1336 acres of land, more or less.