Gatew-2.2/FP-DR 981229 (5)t': ', JAN 14 ~J99 I IIIII IIII- II DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COM&Hi ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Gate}va}, Business Park, Lots 1 and 2, Block A, and Lot 1 and Common Area 1, Block B, Final Plat, to allow the creation ors new lots and the development ora 2-story 105,611 square foot office building on Lot 2 located along the north side LH. 655 and east of Freeport Parkway, at the request of Halff Associates, DRC DA TE: December 29, 1998 and 3anuary 7, 1999 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-$04-$679) COMMENT STA TUS: r~r~ r~r ra ~r~ r a r, v ,/FINAL No comments.