Gatew-2.1/SPRv-CS 980204 GROMATZKY DUPREE and ASSOCIATES 4 February 1998 D,fllas, Texas 752(~4 Ci~ of Coppell (214) 871 ~2 ~4,, ~7 ~.,,~f~,~ Development Review Commi~ee Planning Depa~ment rt~ ~ON P.O. Box 478 ~,,,t,, 2~,~ Coppell, TX 75019 ~:~u' ~..u,-~ ~) ~ RE: Gateway Business Park, No. 2, Lot 2, Block A, Site Plan Review (Lucent Technologies) m u ~ N~x Dear Isabelle Moro; gu~b~ ,~,., .......... ~u~ ~ This le~er is in response to the comments from the DRC meeting on January 29, 1998. I have u~:u, 2., ~-~ ~?; included both the questions and the response for clarity (response in bold print). ~ ?:~,~, ..... 1 Speci~ color of standing seam metal roof. .... ~ ......... ~ ' The metal roof color will be clear anodized. ......... ~.,~,, ,,,2 Specify heights of flag poles. The flag poles will be 35 feet high from grade. ........ ~ ......... ,,. 3 Provide information on parking lot lighting. , ~x, ...... ~,~,~, The Parking lot lights will box type of fixture. Attached yo~ will ~d a c~t sheet of ........ ~ ~:,~ ..... the type specified. The light levels will meet the requirements i~ the zoning 4 Correct scale on landscape plan. " ..... ,, ~ ,., ,~ 5 Provide area of site pavement. ~," ' .... " ........ The area of site pavement is 177,752 sq. ~. This has bee~ i~dlcated o~ the Landscape ~:"~ ......... d i gs raw n . ~ ...... ~,~, ~, 6 Provide tabulation of landscaping in the following categories: ~ .......... ~ ......... ' a) Area of landscaping within paved areas. The area of la.dscapi.g withi, the paved area is 42,836 sq. ff. This has bee~ indicated o. the La.dscape drawings. b) Area of landscaping within 10 feet of interior prope~y lines and within 15 feet of street right-of way. The area of landscaping withi. 10 feet of interior prope~y Ii.es is 16,784 sq. fl. The area of la.dscapi.g within 15 feet of street right-of way is 5,078 sq. ~. These have been indicated on the La.dscape drawi.gs. c) Total area of landscaping. The total area of la.dscapi.g is 64,698 sq. the La.dscape drawi.gs. 7 Change signature block on the minor plat. City Council and Planning Commission will not review the plat. The sig.ature block has bee. cha.ged o. the minor plat. 8 Relocate monument sign to conform to city regulations - minimum 75 feet setback from property lines other than those fronting the street right-of-way. The monument sign has been relocated. This is indicated on the Architectural site plan. 9 Specify the color and size of lettering of building sign shown on eastern and northern elevations. The large letters are 1'-6" high while the smaller letters are 1'-0" high. The letter colors will be black on a white background. The logo will be red. 10 For next submittal submit only the Site Plan, Building and Sign Elevations, Landscape and Irrigation Plans. Engineering Comments 1 Provide note for the maintenance of the Grapevine Creek floodplain. A note has been added which states that the Grapevine Creek floodplain will be maintained by the property Owner. This has been added to the minor plat. 2 Show floodplain line and label as floodplain easement. The floodplain easement and the floodplain line have been added to the minor plat. 3 'Impact fees will be required. These fees are being calculated and will be paid as required. Building Inspection Comments There were not any comments. Leisure Services Comments The developer should be aware that this development is impacted by the Coppell Trail System Master Plan in that the Freeport Parkway Greenwalk runs along Freeport Parkway at this point. A 20 foot easement is required on this property for this trail. A 20 foot easement has been added to the minor plat. A landscape irrigation plan is required to be submitted. A landscape irrigation plan will be submitted on February 10, 1998 for the P&Z submittal. TU Electrical Site Plan acceptable. To the best of our knowledge we have answered and corrected the drawings in response to these comments. If you have any further questions please feel free to call me. Sincerely, GROMATZKY DUPREE and ASSOCIATES