Gatew-2.1/SPRv-CS 980211 Coppell, Texas 75019  The City With A Beautiful Future 972-462-0022 /L_._..,// P.O, BOX 478  COPPELL. TEXAS 75019 February 11, 1998 Ms. Laurie Hodges Gromatzky Dupree and Associates Suite 100 2626 Cole Avenue Dallas TX 75204 re: Lucent Technologies, Gateway Business Park, Coppell TX Dear Ms. Hodges: In our initial review of your project, it appeared as though the site plan complied with landscaping area requirements. However, to confirm that, we asked that you provide area calculations of pavement and landscaped areas. Unfortunately, the numbers that you have provided show that we were wrong and that the site plan does not comply with landscaping area requirements. The vehicular perimeter requirements for landscaping, which may be measured at the shortest boundary around the parking pavement, is approximately 23,000 square feet (a 10-foot band around the sides and rear plus a 15-foot band across the front). The requirement for landscaping within the interior of the vehicular pavement is 10% of the pavement area, or 17,775 square feet, assuming that the 177,752 s.f. pavement area figure you provided represents vehicular pavement area only. The non-vehicular landscaping requirement is 15% of 239,030 s.f., or 35,855 square feet. These three required elements add up to at least 76,660 square feet. You are showing only 64,698 s.f. of landscaping, a shortfall of about 12,000 square feet. To expedite this project, staff will recommend approval subject to correction of the landscaping shortfall and a few other far more minor conditions. My purpose in notifying you now is so that you will not be surprised by the staff report and can take prompt action toward solving the problem. A 4% to 5% increase in the site area, by incorporating some of the common area to the north within the site, is one solution. A reduction of the pavement by slightly over 6% is another possibility. Sincerely, Pert Virtanen Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services NOTES: L C, ONTRA~TOf~ 8HALL 8T,4KE OUT I'F~E LOCA?IONS, ~ BED 1. IN MEDIANg, ALL LANDSC::,4F~ NATER/,N., EX~C~U.91VE ~IC..~UIR, ATIC~ ~ ~AL 19Y' TIdE LAND~ E~I, dd..L NOT E~CEED TI.181EE FEET (~.'-~") IN 141EIGHT. ~ITEC. T falRlOf~ TO EXCAVATION. 0. ALL I°LANT I"'IATEIOJAL 8~-I, ALL. ~ NAINTAINED IN A HI 2. CC~TOf~ 10 RE~II~I.E ~ V~I~'~IN~ LOC. ATI~ C~ ~ C, ONDITION, ,AND PIL/g,T ~ IREF~,ACL=~ UJITH I.~qDEI~.d~::UslD UTILITIES PIOJOIR TO ~~TIC~L IffATERIAL OF ~IPIILAR V, diOJEl'Y' ,AND E~IZE IF E~ALL t.IAVE A T~k~ (2=~ ~-r~.~i Pf~i.C~ LAYEr. ad. LANDe~AFaED AI~A~ ~-IALL ESE KEI~r 4. TRIEE~ ~d-IALL IBE laLANTED A~ LEA~T FIVE (~') FEET ~ AN~I' AND IEEED~. LITILIT/' LINE, CAJR~ Ore ~IDEIUALK ~ OIJI'~IDE ALL UTILIT?' I~. ALL ~/CsNAC~ AND FENC~ CC:~T~ ~ BI JILl:: E,A~'r'IENT6 (~E <3') FEET DIAPIE~R CLEAR ~ INeFECTIC~I DEPART/'IE~T A~AL. I-fY'DR, ANTS). IL ~ AIJTC~'~TIC II~J~C~TI(=~I ~Y'OTIEI~ ~ ~,. ~60VIEIRI-i, AF~It~ ~IDEU/,ALI~,',~ID loAFI~IN~ OIR IDEDE~TRI,AN NAINTA/N ALL LAND~T. AF~ AII~',a,~. O~Y'