Gatew-1.4/Re-AG 920526 AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM C^PT[ON: PUBLIC HEA~IN~: Oonsideration and approval of a repla: of ~a~e~ay Busine~ Park. Block 2. located at the northwest corner of Freeport Parkway and ~ateway Boulevard. at the request of Catellus ~evel- opment Corporation. '" c rY - 8.,~'L. ¢,e~. Planning Director ~' D:~t ors ~ OTHER REP.: EVALUATION OF ITEM' DATE: Date of P & Z Meetinfl: ~pril ltl. ~ecision of P ~ Z Commimion: ~pproval [5-0] with the rollowinfl conditions: the'-andscaDino' ' in t~.e ParKway sP.a! i De c~,-,,-i~-~_um~_,,..._,_, as the al~_ aDPizcabi.'e fees pertainzng to ~.r:dividual Lots r.o be paid DY lot owners ~ rh~ indlviduaL lo~ are shrubs Less ~.han 15' ir, height are tc be placed in the west r~_~P.t-of-;:av of r~[~'r~c:~u.~-'~ Parkway, wi*~ ..... staff review~.nG_ and :~_....~.~a?~ DiaD prior to any DU~.L,.~Lnc Dermits, approv!r'..~ %he ~r,~-~ ~ ' . . - '' ' the deve~_opeT' provide ,;~f-siTe diainace ws~cp. IS to cost S285:uuu.. a~ t~:e developers expense: no sidewalks at ~his the park~n§ setbacks lines on the plat w~'i' be removed, 5here De a I00' ~treet easement for a 60' streez, and the deveigpe: w:~- sDecifv ~e [znal 60' street iocat:on by the ~{ay 12 Council meetin~ the ~ntersecTion w~i[ remain as shown on ~he oresent D~ a~ N/A BUDGET /kNiT. AMT. E~'I"ED AMT +/- BUDGET FINANCIAL REVIEW BY COMMENTS: I.EGAL REVIEW BY' REVIEWED BY CM: ...... Rev. SL~PORT aOCL'MENTATIOS FOR AGESDA ITEM 'ST&MP RECEIVED BY CITY P~NAGER'S OFFICE: SL'?PORT DOCL?a~N~ATION SCBMITTED WITI~ AGENDA ITEM: NO. OF ORIGIIilLS IIEQUIR[1) MEMOS, LETTERS/REPORTS/BiLLS/MI.WUTE$: ~ I each T?':TL~eT.'AC~EL~.EST ................. : 3 originals for signature C.i.P. CONTRACT ..................... : 6 ortgtmals for sign~ture CH~WG~ ORDERS ....................... : 3 origtnal~ for ~ignature O.KDiN&WCE ........................... : I blueback for signature + 3 copies CAPT!O.w ............................. : 1 blueback for stgm~ture + 3 copies R. ESOLUTION .......................... : 2 blueback~ for signature + 1 copy PRCCI~MATION ........................ : 2 bluebacks for signature + 1 copy BIL ................................. : I each LOCATION MAPS ....................... : 12 ZONING PLA~'S ............ .......... _: 12 . R-I..MINARY/FINAL PLA.~.~ .......... w. , ~ 12 SITE PLUS .......................... : 12 ~SC~E P~S ..................... : 12 ~ ITEC~AL RE~ERINGS ............ : 12 DATE PUBLISHED IN THE ClTIZENS~ADVOCATE: NOTIFICATION TO: DATE/METHOD OF CONTACT: NOYES ~';9 ~P~ET.O588DS CiTY OF COPPELL P LANN iNG DEPART}lENT ~,~.r ~ REPORY ........................... r~,- ~ T !'1 - - --~ '_3Ai__.EW__A_'( BUSi,~ESS PARK - ~..m. LA~ ..... .~.¥_v_C_K__A P & Z HEARING DAiE: April' i6, !992 C. C H_~.~:N~ DAiE Xav 26, i992 LOCAiION: ihe northwest corner of Freeport Parkway and Gateway Boulevard. .......... 125 AREA: ~u. Acres REQUEST: Approval of a repiat of Block 2 of Gateway Business Park. APPLICANT: Cateiius u_~__~p.n~n~ Corp bert Halff ~ Assoc i. Owner'~ (Engineer ~,~r. We!don Davis }ir. Pat Acker 5429 LB3 F'reewav Suite #600 Dallas, TX 75225 Dallas, TX 7524U (214) 739-U094 HISTORY: i'his is a portion of the 222 acre Catei!us Gateway Business Park, formerly known as ti~e Santa Fe Pacific Realty Corporation land, and is Phase ! of the development of this acreage. TRANSPORTATION: Freeport Parkway is a C4D...6 roadway in the City, and currently consists of a 4-1ane divided facility within 90' of right-of-way. Gateway Boulevard is a C4U, 4-1ane, undivided street, and is contained ~ithin a variaDie ....~u-~"z foot right-of-waY. =nSD USE & ZONING: SURROUNDING ~' North - Post Office ~ulk Mai! Center, railroad tracks; L! South - Vacant, LB3 Freeway; hl East - Vacant; Li West - Vacant, LB3 Freeway; Li A~;ALYSTq' This applicant is attempting to create legal Duilding sites for warehouse use. Ihere are six deviations from the Subdivision Ordinance requested: i'~ Landscaping of parkways shall be completed as individual lots are developed staff has no objection 2) All applicable fees pertainina to individual lots shall be paid by the lot owners as the individual lots are developed staff would recommend adding the underlined section, and the City Engineer may wish to address this request 3 Although Freeport Parkway is a secondary imaae zone...no trees permitted...west right-of-way staff wouid point out that a note appears on face of this plat which states "shrubs less than !5' in height are to be placed along wes~ right-of-way of F~eeport Parkway..." We would further add that staff needs to review and approve landscape plans p~ior to building permit procurement 4) A portion of the drainage shall be carried by the existing grass lined channel along the north property iine...without concrete invert or brick facing on head walks. · although staff has no objection to this channel, there is an off-site d~ainage problem which will be impacted by this development. The Halff drainage report addressed this issue and estimated an expenditure of approximately $280,u0~ would be required to resolve the problem. This item has very iow priority in the Haiff report, and staff feels an obligation point out that fact here· We understand this applicant will construct the off-site channel at his expense, that it is a condition of plan approval. 5 No sidewaiks...at this time staff has no objection 6 Farking setbacks shall be as shown on the above plat··. · the zoning ordinance requires '30 foot front yard setbacks with no parking, 60 foot with parking. The applicant is attempting to obtain a Cront yard parking variance through platting. This issue is properly addressed through the Board of Adjustment, and staff would recommend removing this statement and the platted parking line from the plat· Staff recom~mends approval of this plat with the stipulations that the applicant will resolve, to the City's satisfaction, the drainage issue discussed as item 4 above, the parking issue described in item 6 above, that applicant adds the suggested wording to item 2 above, applicant submits landscape plans for staff review and approval as stated in item 3 abover and that the applicant meet ali other legal requirements of the City, including fire hydrant location and appropriate utility easements. One final com.~ent regardinG the City property situated in the northwest corner of this plat - negotiations are currentiv underway for the City to sell this parcel to Cateiius. !t would have been preferable to consummate that deal first, then wrap the roughly one-half acre tract into this 70 acre repiat. The applicant has indicated a desire to proceed with the plat as submitted, to include the City property at a later date after the purchase has been consummated. na~ERNa~I~aS: i Approve the repiat 2 Deny the repiat 3 Modify the repiat AITACHI, iENTS: !] Replat of Block 2 GWAYREP.STF Item ll PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of a replat of Gateway Business Park, Block 2, located at the Northwest corner of Freeport Parkway and Gateway Boulevard, at the request of Catellus Development Corporation. Planning and Community Service Director, Gary Sieb, made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb recommended approval with the following seven (7) conditions: 1) the landscaping in the Parkway shall be complete as the individual lots are developed, 2) all applicable fees pertaining to individual lots to be paid by lot owners as the individual lots are developed, 3) shrubs less than 15' in height are to be placed in the west right-of-way of Freeport Parkway, with staff reviewing and approving the landscape plan prior to any building permits, 4) the developer provide off-site drainage which is estimated to cost $285,000, at the developers expense, 5) no sidewalks at this time, 6) the parking setbacks lines on the plat will be removed, 7) there will be a 100' street easement for a 60' street, and the developer will specify the final 60' street location by the May 12 Council meeting, the intersection will remain as shown on the present plat. Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing open and asked if there were any citizens who wished to speak in favor of the proposal; there were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak against the proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Wolfe then declared the Public Hearing closed. Councilman Morton moved to approve Item 11 as submitted, including the above-stated seven (7) items. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Item 12 Consideration to award bid No. Q-0392-03 for the purchase of concrete parking curbs to be placed at Andrew Brown Park to Parkway Concrete Products in the amount of $6,300.00. Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tem moved to award bid No. Q-0392- 03 for the purchase of concrete parking curbs to be placed at Andrew Brown Park to Parkway Concrete Products in the amount of $6,300.00. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Item 13 Consideration to award bid No. Q-0492-02 for the purchase of aggregate material in the amount of $7,179.70 to be placed at Andrew Brown Park to Pioneer Aggregates or Texas Industries by the drawing of lots as directed by the Mayor. Following the drawing of lots as directed by the Mayor, Councilman Thomas moved tkat bid No. Q-0492-02 for the purchase of aggregate material in the amount of $7,179.70 be awarded to Pioneer Aggregates. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Item ~4 Consideration of approving a c~ntract with Barton- Aschman, Associates, Inc. to provide professional engineering services for design ~nd inspection of traffic CM052692 Page 3 '~f 6