Gatew-1.4/Re-CS 920320~.'/ .//"~ The C,ty With A Beautiful Future 214-462-0022C°ppeli Texas 75019 :':arc~. 2C, 5992 Xr. Weldon Davis Cateiius Develepment Corporation =429 LBJ ~ Suite =600 Dallas, iexas 7 RE: ~n_~A! Bo~NESS taR.., BLOCK 2 REPLAi Dear Xr. Davis: ;21~ letter is to _n~urm you ~hat your request for approval of ~ reoiat of Gateway .... Business Park, Block 2, was denied by the CoDpe!i P:.,ann=n~ - and Zonzn~ Com=mission on Thursday, Xarch !9, 1992. This plat has been rescheduled for Com~ission deliberation to ~hursday, April 16, 1992. if you have any questions regarding thzs matter, please contact me at Sincerely, / ¢~ /r- .-'-'~,, '~-,-(.~ -{ , ..__~.__~, Gary..L. Sieb.. ~.' ~.~ ~.P. Director o! Planning & Co~m. un±ty Services GLS is~ xc: laryon Paster Bowman, P&Z Coordinator GWAYREPZ.ACi