Gatew-1.4/FP-CS 880208~ROH: SCeven M. Morton, ~evelopment ~nspector &icha~d ~iano, P~ird',.ll, Carl ~ass, ~andy Flemin~ and myself met and walkod Freeport Parkway and th~se are the def~cient . B~fc]c ~avers N. ~. corner of entry- focal ~ofnt . Brick pavers fn north median- nose (Gateway/ F~eeport) Brick pavers in street crossings have settled at concrete edges. ~roken curb aC south bound l~ne (west) at contruct~on joint U~e-in. (pro,eat start) Place additional topsoil ~n medians (to the Cop Of . Pull boxe~ hOC installed (i~em 12) Blow ~at thru PVC and install pull , Broken variable curb ~ Cowboy Drive . Patch chipped curb (soutl~ bound lane west outside) [~-., ': '. ~oken conduit at south crossover- north side of m~dfan . Add eondui~ for ~ignal~za~ion · SanttarT. sewer shows s~Bns of ~nf1~ra:t~n~ w~'~ need ]..5% Inspection Fee. - .... S~/sm