Gatew-1.4/FP-CS 900606Date: 3une 6, 1990 - To: Ta~-yon Bowman - city of Coppell From: John C. Karls~-ul]er, P.E~ - Ginn, Inc. Re: Gateway Business Park As per our telephone discussion this morning, I will reiterate the following points: 1. The 12" water line proposed by the developer in Cotton Road iS not vi%al to the City's water system so there will be no parttc.pa~_on required by the Ci=y ~n its cost. 2. The !6" water line proposed in Gateway Boulevard ~S planned for in our latest update of the water system plan and therefore the city will have to contribute by paying the cost of the oversize beyond a 10" diameter water line in accordance w~th the Subdivision Ordinance as follows: A. Approximate length Z,660 L.F. B. City's contribution per Subdivision Ordinance - $7.00/L.¥. C. City's approximate total contr~bution for 16" water line in Gateway Boulevard: 2,660 L.F. ~ $7.00/L.F. = $18,620.00 The terms of the Subdivisio~ ordinance dictate that the City must make the contrlbut~on or partial reimbursement as funds become available. Call me if you have any questions. 10x) ® I.g lis m Oali~% Texas 75248 ,* P?:',e 214.'24~.-4900