Gatew-1.4/FP-CS 900525 GINN, lNG. CONSI, LTING EN(;INEERS PLAT/PLAN REVIEW MEMORANDUM HAY 2 5 BgO Date: May 25, 1990 "\ ~ To: City of Coppell Public Works Department ~ ....... : From: John C. Karlsruher, P.E. ~-~' ' Re: Review Comments for the Final Plat and Engineering Plans - Gateway Business Park Addition - 2nd Review FINAL PLAT: No comments PAVING PLANS: 1. Specify concrete pavement thickness and strength to avoid confusion due to the design of non-standard streets. 2. Sheet P-3: Will there be conduits installed prior to paving for irrigation services to the median? If so, please show on plans (paving and drainage). 3. Same as #2 for Sheet P-4. WATER AND SEWER PLANS: 1. Show pipe sizes adjacent to water lines and sewer lines. 2. Street crossings must be accomplished by means other than open cutting. 3. Show 16" water line crossings in sanitary sewer profiles, not 12". 4. Eliminate drop in manhole at Station 20+80.79, Line "A". 5. Use concrete encasement at sanitary line "B" at Sta. 6+80 on 12" water line. 6. Show details of 12" water line at Station 31+25 in Gateway Blvd. (ie. restraining glands, thrust blocking, etc.). Refer to City of Coppell Standard SD-8. 7. Show concrete encasement on water lines as marked on Sheets WS-3, 4. 17103 Prcston P, oad · St,itc I00 · I.B 118 · l)allas, lcxa,, 75248 ®Phonc 214/248-4900 DRAINAGE PLANS: 1. Open channels must be maintained by property owner. 2. Show all water line and sewer crossings on profiles. 3. Show 16" water line in Gateway Blvd. 4. No open cutting of streets is allowed for storm sewer crossings. LANDSCAPE PLANS: 1. Landscape and berms are not allowed in the public right-of- way. Parkways are reserved for sidewalks and utilities. Maximum slopes in parkways is 1/4" per foot. 2. Show conduits for street crossings on Sheet 1R-5 and on paving plans. 3. Comply with notes on Sheet 1R-5 regarding meters, valves and controllers. The marked up plans are transmitted via copy of this memorandum to the applicant's Engineer. All City mark-ups must be returned with corrected plans. cc: Gary Sieb Taryon Bowman Pat Acker, Albert H. Halff & Assoc., Inc.