Gatew-1.4/FP-CS 900418 (4) Water
lO" - $12 O0 - Per Lineal Foot
12" - 16 O0 Per Lineal Foot
1~" - 36 O0 Per Lineal Foot
16" - 39 O0 - Per Lineal Foot
20" - 22 O0 - Per Lineal Foot
2~" - 25 O0 - Per Lineal Foot
30" - $3~.00 - Per Lineal Foot
32" - 16.00 - Per Lineal Foot
If the City has no funds available, it is not :equired to
participate in oversizing costs.
.S_E_C.T._]_.C~I___8_._- _LINES ABUTTING ADJACENT CITIES: In the event that a
wate~ or sewer line is to be constructed along the boundary 1She
between Coppell and one of its adjoining cities, the City will
bear the ~esponsibility for eventually refunding pro rata to the
Developer as if the City was the p~ope~-ty owner on the opposite
side. The City will not be responsible, however, unless such
line is considered essential to the completion of the
plan. Any ~efunds will be made attar'ding to the te]~ms of Section
~]_0~_ ~._Z_~ORARY LINES: Where temporary lines are
constructed os on expedient to develop o particular a~eo, such os
across easements within the subdivision of which no frontage con
be connected, or where sewers ore constructed which otherwise ore
not required in the ultimate plan of development fo~ the sanitary
sewer system, the Develope~ will bear the total cost without
refund. Moreover, the Developer or owner will still be liable
foz pro rata charges on permanent lines when they are installed.
Appendix B 8
conform in a]~ details to the City's standards os to the
design, grade, location, size and quality of materials and
construc tion.
~]~..(~I._~:_;_~_N~)__~_~_~_~]~_OI~_j Where extensions of
water and sewe~ mains ore required to serve property which has
been subdivided az platted fo~ development and resale and the
f~nol plot has been approved by the City Council, the City of
Coppe]l shall construct or cause to hove constructed such moSns
upon deposit of the total cost of such extensions, ~nc]uding the
cost of approach mains fronting property now owned by the
Developez, but necessary to connect the azeo for which
application is mode with the City of Coppe]l wotez and sewer
The Develope= will beo~ the total cost of constTuct[on of offs~te
o~ approaching mains required to interconnect p~operty to be
developed with existing mo~ns, the s~zes to be determined by the
City of Coppell, and with the only refunds to be the pro rata os
collected by the City. Any =efund to the Developer shall not
exceed the total of the pro r~to charges, or the total cost of
the actual construction, whichevez is the lessez amount.
l'here shall be o maximum of ten (~0) years os the period of
e~igib~lity wherein the oziginol depositor may request a refund
of pro rata payments under this section. ]n the event the
abutting p=operty is not developed duzjng the sa~d ten year
pe=~od, the~ no refund shall be mode unde= th~s section. The
Appendix B
period of eligibility shall begin os of the dote of final
ir~spection and acceptance of the extensions by the City of
The City of Coppell will =etu=n all =efunds due f=om othe=
Developers when and os they o=e received. Ore=size payments and
the City's po=tion of one-sided lines will be =efunded by Jonua=y
I of each year for the funds due f=om the p=evious fiscal yea=.
No =efunds will be made which might =educe the capability of the
wote= and sewer fund to maintain its cove=age, to meet its annual
budget obligations and to extend lines acco=ding to Section q of
this o=dinance. All =efunds due from the City
one-sided lines will be paid in full at one time. In the event
of a lo=De :efund being due, the City Council may elect to
include the =efund in o futu=e bond
~]~0~_.?. - COST OF ONSITE MAINS: The Develope= will bea= the
total cost of onsite mains th=oughout his subdivision with sizes
to be dete=mined by the City of Coppell, except that the City of
Coppell will =efund the inc=ement of cost on wote= and sewe=
moir, s ave= ten inches in diamete=. The inc=ement of cost bo=ne by
the City shall be dete=mined on the basis of the diffe=ence
between the unit p=ices established in this o=dinance. The
cu~=ent unit p=ices
Appendix B