Gatew-1.4/FP-CS 900613at the intersection of Beltline Road and extending west to Freeport Parkway. The City mailed 24 notices; four were returned in favor of the name change, two were returned as opposed to the name change. Santa Fe Pacific Realty also mailed notices to property owners and received fourteen responses, nine of which were represented as in favor, five were represented as an opposition. Mr. Weldon Davis of Santa Fe Pacific Realty was present to discuss this item with the Council. Although not a formal public hearing, Mayor Wolfe asked for persons in the audience who wished to speak in favor or opposition of the name change. Those persons speaking were Mr. Weldon Davis, Vice President of Development Southern Pacific Realty who was in favor of the name change. And Miss Tammy Yahiel, General Council for Texas Stock Tab, who was opposed to the name change. Following discussion by the Council on this item, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved that the request for the name change of Southwestern Boulevard be denied. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion to deny the name change carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman and Robertson voting in favor of the motion. Item 19: Consider approval of a final p~a__t for G_ateway R,,~ine~ P_~ark, located at the northwest corner of Freeport Parkway and Cotton Road, at the request of Mr. Pat Acker, of Albert Halff and Associates, Inc. Director of Planning and Community Services, Gary Sieb, made the presentation to the Council. The Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval of the final plat with the following conditions: 1) landscaping of Parkway shall be completed as individual lots are developed, 2) all applicable fees shall be paid by the owners as individual lots are developed, 3) that the owners maintain the temporary drainage easements, 4) that shrubs be provided along Freeport Parkway at a secondary image zone, 5) that the City ask for a hold harmless and indemnity agreement and 6) that the Director of Public Works will decide the requirements for and the timing of the sidewalks. Discussion by Council included the need for no parking along the main boulevard. The name of the boulevard will be determined at a later date. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Robertson moved that the final plat for Gateway Business Park be approved with the six conditions as indicated previously. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion. Following further discussion, Councilman Robertson amended. the motion to include that the applicant has voiced no objection to no parking being required along the main boulevard (which is to be named at a later date). Councilman Cowman seconded the amendment. Both the amendment and the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman and Robertson voting in favor of the motion. Item 20: Mayor's Report The following items were provided under the Mayor's report. Mayor Wolfe reported that A. The roast for former Mayor Pro Tem Dean Wilkerson is scheduled for June 28, at St. Anne's Catholic Church. Tickets are $10 apiece and are available for purchase. B. The annual Texas Municipal Conference for Mayor and Council members will be held June 29 through July 1 in Lubbock. Mayor Wolfe requested that the consensus of Council members for the City to fund the cost for new Council members to attend this seminar. It was the consensus of the Council to do so. Councilman Weaver will attend this meeting. C. Mayor Wolfe will be going to Austin on Wednesday, June 13, 1990 to speak to the Texas Education System on the Students in Government Program that is held here in Coppell. A high degree of interest has been indicated in this program at the State level for use in cities around the state. Additionally, Page 6 of 10