Georgian Place/PP-AG 980408 (2) AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY CO~CIL MEETING: April 8, 1997 ITEM /5 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Georgian Place, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a 35-1ot residential subdivision on 9.48 acres of property, located at the southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Whispering Hills Drive, approximately 2,000 west of Denton Tap Road. SUBMITTED BY3/~"~~'L. Sieb/: TITLE.,/ Director g~Planning and Community Services STAFF REC~~~~~-- Approval ~ Denial STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: March 20, 1997 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval(6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Jones, Wheeler, Cruse, DeFilippo and McCaffrey voting in favor. None opposed. Commissioner Mabry was absent. Approval subject to the Engineering comments (attached) and the following conditions: (1) (2) (3) On the Final Plat, placement of the fence setback note on each affected lot and delineation of the actual fence setback line on Lots 8 and 9, Block B, to provide more of a front yard appearance opposite Lots 8-11, Block A. Inclusion on the Final Plat of the standard disclosure statement pertaining to aircraft activity to and from DFW. Submission of preliminary Homeowners Association documents by April 1, 1997, for city Attorney review. DIR. INITIALS: ~ ~u Ageada Request Form - Revised 1/97 FIN. REVIEN~ CASE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DF, PARTMF, NT STAFF REPORT GEORGIAN PLACE. PRELIMINARY PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: March 20, 1997 C.C. HEARING DATE: April 8, 1997 LOCATION: At the southeast comer of Sandy Lake Road and Whispering Hills Drive, approx. 2000' west of Denton Tap Road. SIZE OF AREA: 9.48 acres - 35 residential lots CURRENT ZONING: SF-7 (Single Family-'/) REQUF_~T: Approval of preliminary plat to allow the development of a 35-1ot residential subdivision APPLICANT: HISTORY: Owner/Developer: WODTO, Inc. 1660 S. Stemmons Frwy., g280 Lewisville, TX 75061 (972) 221-1199 Representative: Carter & Burgess, Inc. 7950 Elmbrook Dr., g250 Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 638-0145 On November 21, 1996, the Planning and Zoning Commission disapproved the Preliminary Plat of Georgian Place. Applicant obtained an alley variance from Council on January 28, 1997, and was directed to r~ubmit his plat to the Planning Commission without alleys.. TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake Road is a two-lane asphalt road within a variable- width right-of-way, shown on the thoroughfare plan as a C4D four-lane divided collector street to be built within a 110'-wide right-of-way. Whispering Hills Drive is a two-lane undivided residential street within a 50'-wide fight-of-way. Item # 9 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING= North South - East - West - Shadydale Acres residential subdivision, "SF-12" Single Family-12 zoning Whispering Hills residential subdivision, 'SF-12" Single Family-12 zoning GTE Switching Center, "R' Retail zoning vacant, "SF-7' Single Family-7 zoning COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for medium-density residential use. DISCUSSION: With the granting of the alley variance, the proposed subdivision plan now conforms with the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinance, however, requires a front yard along both streets of a comer lot [except where platted with a 15' (or more) building line on one side, the building line provision of the plat is observed]. While the purpose of requiring a front yard on both sides of a comer lot is to mainlain an open, unfenced yard area adjacent to both streets, in some instances, it may not be essential. For example, where a street serves only as a side street and no houses face the s~eet in a given block, it would be appropriate to observe a 15' building setback and to permit fencing the side yard all the way to the street right-of-way. In other instances where some houses front a street and others adjoin on the side, maintaining a uniform street setback and, especially, an unfenced area adjacent to the street, may be appropriate. Over the past 2 years, to he consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance, staff has recommended that any 15' side yards established by plat also be shown as fence setback lines, when other houses front the street. In Georgian Place, because the Iota are small, the applicant proposes 10' fence setbacks from the street right-of-way wherever a 15' building line is shown. Staff is willing to compromise on this, but thinks that there is sufficient room on Lots 8 and 9, Block B, to provide more open, unfenced area opposite Lots 8-11, Block A. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Planning staff recommends approval of Georgian Place Preliminary Plat, subject to Engineering Comments and the following conditions: On the Final Plat, placement of the fence setback note on each affected lot and delineation of the actual fence setback line on Lots $ and 9, Block B, to provide more of a front yard appearance Item # 9 e opposite Lots 8-11, Block A. Inclusion on the Final Plat of the standard disclosure statement pertaining to ~ activity to and from DFW. Submission of preliminary Homeowners Association documents by April 1, 1997, for City Attorney review. 1) Recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat. 2) Recommend di~pproval of the Preliminary Plat. 3) Recommend modification of the Preliminary Plat. ATFACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat 2) Landscape Plan 3) Irrigation Plan 4) Tree Survey 5) Departmental Comments Item # 9 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI ,[ ' " ENGINEERING COMMENTS DRC DATE: CONTA CT: Georgian Place, Pre 'hmina~_ Plat, to allow the development of a 35- lot residential subdivision on 9. 48 acres of property, located at the southeast comer of Sandy Lake Road and Whispering Hills Drive, approximately 2,000 west of Denton Tap Road, at the request of Carter and Burgess, Inc. February 27, 1997 and March 6, 1997 Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) COMMENT S TA TUS: 1. Show the correct sight visibility triangles for streets intersecting Sandy Lake Road and Whispering Hills Dr. 2. Any fencing in the existing Lone Star Gas easement must be approved by Lone Star Gas. 3. Provide a metes and bounds description of the area to be deeded to Homeowner's Association in Whispering Hills Addition. Landscape Plans 4. Need approval from TU on types of trees to be planted in their transmission easement.