Georgian Place/FP-CS 981125PLANNING DEPARTMENT 255 Parkway Boulevard P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 (972) 304-3678 FAX: (972) 304-3570 FAX COVER SHEET PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: ~AXNO.: (~_/~/) Gb~-Dg/c3 TRANSMITTED BY: n OM: DIRECT DIAL: DATE: /[/2 ~-- TIME: NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES. PLEASE CALL BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PLEASE DIAL DIRECT TO THE PERSON SENDING TInS FAX. TttANK YOU. ARTICLE VI CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND USE OF LOTS 6.1 RESIDENTIAL USE. The Property shall be used for single-family residential purposes only. No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any Lot other than one (1) detached single family Residence per Lot, which Residence may not exceed two (2) stories in height and a private garage as provided below: 6.2 SINGLE-FAMILY USE. Each Residence shall be limited to occupancy by only ONE family consisting of no more than two (2) unrelated persons residing together as a single housekeeping unit, in addition to any household or personal servant staff. 6.3 GARAGE REQUIRED. Each Residence shall have an enclosed garage suitable for parking a minimum of two (2) standard size automobiles, which garage shall conform in design and materials with the main structure. All garages must be front entry, rear entry or side entry only. 6.4 RESTRICTIONS ON RESUBDIVISION. No Lot shall be subdivided into smaller Lots. 6.5 DRIVEWAYS. All driveways shall be surfaced with concrete or similar substance approved by the Committee. 6.6 USES SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED. (a) No temporary dwelling shop, trailer or mobile home of any kind or any improvement of a temporary character (except children's playhouses, dog houses, greenhouses, gazebos and buildings for storage of lawn maintenance equipment which may be placed on a Lot only in places which are not visible from any street on which the Lot fronts) shall be permitted on any Lot except that the builder or -18- which may be placed on a Lot only in places which are not visible from any street on which the Lot fronts) shall be permitted on any Lot except that the builder or contractor may have temporary improvements (such as a sales office and/or construction trailer) on a specifically permitted Lot during construction of the Residence on that Lot. Unless Declarant has given its written approval, and subject to the provisions of the City of Coppell Land Development Code and Amendments thereto, no building material of any kind or character shall be placed or stored upon the Property until construction is ready to commence, and then such material shall be placed totally within the property lines of the Lot upon which the improvements are to be erected. (b) No boat, marine craft, hovercraft, aircraft, recreational vehicle, pick-up camper, travel trailer, motor home, camper body or similar vehicle or equipment may be parked for storage in the driveway or front yard of any dwelling or parked on any public street on the Property, nor shall any such vehicle or equipment be parked for storage in the side or rear yard of any Residence unless properly concealed from public view. No such vehicle or equipment shall be used as a Residence or office temporarily or permanently. This restriction shall not apply to any vehicle, machinery or equipment temporarily parked while in use for the construction, maintenance or repair of a Residence in the Development. (c) Trucks with tonnage in excess of one and one-half (1.5) tons and any commercial vehicle with painted advertisement shall not be permitted to park overnight on the Property except those used by a builder during the construction of improvements. -19- ordinance or building code requirement) brick, brick veneer, stone, stone veneer, or other masonry material approved by the Committee. Windows, doors, other openings, gables or other areas above the height of the top of standard height first-floor windows are excluded from calculation of total exterior wall area. All roofing shall be 205 lb./square 3-TAB standard strip shingle or better in "Weathered Wood" or other Committee approved color. All main Residences shall have a minimum 6/12 roof pitch on the major portions of the building. 6.9 SIDE LINE AND FRONT LINE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. No dwelling shall be located on any Lot nearer to the front lot line or nearer to the side lot line than the minimum setback lines shown on the Subdivision Plat or as required by the City. 6.10 WAIVER OR FRONT SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. With the prior written approval of the Committee, any building may be located farther back from the front property line of a lot than provided above, where, in the opinion of the Committee, the proposed location of the building will enhance the value and appearance of the Lot and will not negatively impact the appearance of adjoining Lots. 6.11 FENCES AND WALLS. All fences and walls shall be constructed of masonry, brick, wood or other material approved by the Committee and erected in accordance with the Land Development Code §5.06. No fence or wall on any Lot shall extend nearer to any street than the front of the Residence thereon. Except as otherwise SPECIFICALLY approved by the Committee, all street side yard fencing on comer Lots shall be set no closer to the abutting side street than the side yard setback line as shown on the subdivision Plat. 6.12 SIDEWALKS. All walkways along public rights-of-way shall conform to the minimum property standards of the City. 6.13 MAILBOXES. Mailboxes shall be standardized and shall be constructed of a -25- material and design approved by the Committee (unless gang boxes are required by the U.S. Postal Service). 6.14 CHIMNEY FLUES. Chimney stacks on front and side exterior walls that are visible from the street shall be enclosed one hundred percent (100%) in brick, stone or other masonry material as approved by Architectural Control Committee 'on all faces visible to adjacent streets and Lots. 6.15 WINDOWS. Windows, jambs and mullions shall be composed of anodized aluminum, wood or vinyl. All front elevation windows shall have baked-on painted aluminum divided light windows (no mill finish). 6.16 LANDSCAPING. As to any improvement by a person or entity other than Declarant, landscaping of each Lot shall be completed within sixty (60) days of conveyance, subject to extension for delays caused by inclement weather, after the Home construction is completed and shall include grassed front an~ide yards. All landscaping will meet a minimum of the Land Development Code. 6.17 GENERAL MAINTENANCE. (a) Following conveyance of the Home upon any Lot, each Owner shall maintain and care for the Home, all improvements and all trees, foliage, plants, and lawns on the Lot and otherwise keep the Lot and all improvements thereon in good condition and repair and in conformity with the general character and quality of properties in the immediate area, such maintenance and repair to include but not be limited to: (i) the replacement of worn and/or rotted components; (ii) the regular painting of all exterior surfaces, provided that if the colors change, the change shall be approved by the Architectural Review Committee; (iii) the maintenance, repair and replacement of roofs, rain gutters, down -26-