Gatew-2.1/SPRv-CS 980220 IIL /)' GROMATZKY DUPREE and ASSOCIATES ~ ~* 1 ,Xl~ ~, II [,: ~ [IJ[~,:: P! I1~11-[~[dOl~r~ 20 February 1998 DALLAS Mr. Pe~ Vi~anen 2626 Cole Ay ........ Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services Suite 100, 1.B-48 Ci~ of Coppell Dallas, Texas 75204 ~2~4~ 87~ 9078 P.O. Box 478 t'AX ~2~4) ~7~-98o9 Coppell, TX 75019 TU'CSON 4911 East Grant RE: Lucent Technologies, Gateway Business Park, Coppell, TX Suite 261 lucsnn. Auzona ~5712 ~52m ~2(, (,9~ Dear Mr. Vi~anen: FAX (520) 881-4 This le~er is in response to the comments from the Planning and Zoning Commission at the PI IOENIX ~030 N 3rd Slicer meeting 19 February 1998. We have addressed all items discussed and have incorporated them s,,,t~. 22~ into this submi~al. I have included both the comment and the response for clarity (response in t~h(),,~,~, ,~, ........ 8~o~ 2 bold print). FAX (602) 241-8533 .,~,~(,,,s 1. That the amount of total landscaping be increased to comply with Section 34 of the (~"'"" ~ ........ ~ '~' '~ Zoning Ordinance. ~ ....... ,~ ~;,,m,, ,~,.~ As ~er the letter to you dated 18 February 1998~ Catellus Development ,~, ~ ~lt ?~c,~,,~ Corporation agreed to add more land for landscaping. We have added 10,205 SF ~,,,, ~ ~,,,,.,,'. '~'~ of land which provided a bonus 1,877 SF of landscaping above requirements. This ,,,:~,,,,,~ ~ ~,, ........... ~ has been changed both on the attached Landscape and Architectural Site Plans. ""~"""' ~ "'" ...... 2. Submission of information regarding parking lot light fixtures and stan~rds. =~ndH'~ ~ I~ ........... The light fixture submission has not changed from the letter to Isabelle Moro ,~o~ m~ dated 4 February 1998. However, I have included it in the packed of 8 ~/~ x 11 ~,~,,,,~ ~ ~,.~ ...... information for the City Council review. ..... ~""~ '~ ~'"" 3. That the monument sign be mounted on a concrete monolith with the same surface ~,,~,~ ~ ......... as that of the building, that the monolith be no higher than the 6-foot height shown ~,,,~.~,~,~ on the detail submitted, that the width be no greater than ]0 feet, and that a second ~,.",'~ ~ ",~"~,'. ~' 4' x 8' panel be mounted on the opposite side of the monolith to provide ~'~ ..... ~"'"~ '~'" identification for both no~hbound and southbound Freeport Parkway. Attached you will find an 8 ~/~ x 11 detail s~owing the revised sigm The size will remain 6' ~igh by 8' wide as originally indicated. The sign ~iil be a glass faced panel (~o~ signs) o. t~e concrete monolith to ma[c~ the ~uil~ing. The actual wot~ing on ihe sig. is smaller than the 6'x8', however the glass panel will match t~e size of the concrete ~onolith. The concrete ~o.olith will rea~ as the ~ain element with the Lucent Technologies logo floating above the monolith. 4. Provisions of a note for the maintenance of the Grapevine Creek floodplain. This .ore ~as been adde~ to the minor plat. It is scheduled to be signed after the City Cou.cil meeting on 24 February 1998. 5. Show floodplain line and label as floodplain easement. This note has been added to the minor plat. It is scheduled to be signed after the City Council meeting on 24 February 1998. We are scheduled for the City Council meeting on Tuesday, 24 February 1998. If you find anything in this submittal which might cause a delay in receiving approval immediately I would really appreciate a call from you. We appreciate the time and effort you and your staff have spent trying to help Catellus Development Corporation push this project through the approval process. Sincerely, GROMATZKY DUPREE AND ASSOCIATES e Hodges, Associate cc: Steve Bryan, Catellus Steve Williamson, Catellus kindsey lames, SWA ['at Acker, Halff Todd Abbott, Halff Craig Morris, Cadence McShane Scott McCrary, GDA